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For Your Listening Pain, I Mean, Pleasure

Bloggin' 'bout Books - on the Radio?
I've seen a lot of references to Blog Talk Radio, but it's not something I've ever actually tuned
into before. I don't even listen to the "real" radio much. Still, I have a bit of an issue with saying, "no." As in, I can't. So, when poet Rachel Berry asked if she could interview me "on air," I agreed. She asked me a few months ago, and I was kinda hoping she would forget about it, but no such luck. I'm going to be on the Internet radio tonight. The show is called "Heart & Soul" and it goes from 7:00 - 7:55 p.m. EST. You can call in and ask questions - you just have to register at the website about 15 minutes before the show. We'll be talking about books. What else? Feel free to join us. It will show you why I avoid vlogs and the like at all costs - I always sound like such a dork!
I actually have been interviewed on air before. Surprised? It's true. When I was 15-16, I spent a year as a Rotex (an exchange student sponsored by Rotary International) in The Philippines. When I came home, the host of a local radio show interviewed me about my experience. All I remember about it was saying, "um" quite a bit.
Then, there was the time I called in to request a song on a radio station that played only very, very soft music. Like piano and other instrumental versions of popular songs. I was probably 14 or so at the time - apparently the DJ wasn't used to "young callers" phoning in requests, so he kept talking to me even though I was dying to end the conversation. I mean, what if one of my friends heard me and knew I listened to such a geeky station? *Shudders* Why was a 14-year-old on that kind of station in the first place? Well, it was a Sunday, and my parents believed strongly that the Sabbath was a day to turn off the tv, eschew our Discmen (remember those?), and engage in more spiritual pursuits. Thus, the corny station. What song was I requesting? The theme song from Terms of Endearment. One I still love, incidentally.Anyway, if you're interested in hearing what I have to say, or if you just want to laugh at my extreme nerdiness, feel free to join me and Lady Serenity tonight on Blog Talk Radio.
(Image of Lady Serenity from her website)
The Burning Wire Sizzles More Than Fizzles

(Note: While this review will not contain spoilers for The Burning Wire, it may inadvertently ruin plot surprises from earlier books. As always, I recommend reading books in a series in order.)
If the name Lincoln Rhyme doesn't ring any bells, it's about time you got acquainted with the star of Jeffery Deaver's most popular series. Rhyme's newest adventure, The Burning Wire, may not be the best place to start, but you definitely should get to know this guy. One of the most unique characters I've ever encountered, our hero is a brilliant scientist, formerly head of NYPD's forensics division. When a crime scene accident leaves him a quadripeligic, unable to move anything but his head and one finger, an embittered Rhyme believes he can no longer contribute to society. Until a puzzling case attracts his attention. With the help of his ever-patient assistant, Thom; beautiful CSI, Amelia Sachs; and an assortment of law enforcement personnel, Rhyme proves - time and again - that mental acuity has nothing to do with physical ability.
In The Burning Wire, Deaver's 9th Lincoln Rhyme book, the scientist is up against a wily killer wielding a strange weapon - electricity. One sizzling corpse is enough to shake even the seasoned Sachs; threats of more carnage has everyone on edge. Rhyme's already got one case on his mind (The Watchmaker's been spotted in Mexico), but he knows if anyone can track down this new killer, he can. Even if his CSIs are bringing in evidence that's decidedly less than helpful. The UNSUB (unknown subject) is clearly smart - all Rhyme's team needs is one mistake, just one, to catch him. When Sachs begins investigating a local power giant, it becomes apparent that the company's hiding at least some of the answers. Racing against the clock, Rhyme, Sachs and the rest of the team scramble to catch the killer before he uses the most ordinary of items to create a crime scene of extraordinary proportions.
Meanwhile, Rhyme's got to contend with The Watchmaker (who's still managing to elude Mexican authorities), killer headaches that could signal an alarming change in his condition (not that he would ever admit to feeling poorly), a disturbing conversation with an assisted suicide advocate (which brings back some not-so-easily-dismissable ideas), and Sachs, the gorgeous risktaker, who is surely missing out on important life opportunities because of her loyalty to him. It would be easier for her - wouldn't it - if he were out of the picture?
There are two things I love about Deaver books: the characters and the science (a subject I usually avoid like the plague, incidentally). Because of Rhyme's disability, he's completely sympathetic - a good thing, since heartwarming doesn't exactly play a part in his sarcastic, curmudgeonly personality. Still, there's something about the cantankerous Rhyme you just can't help but like. Sachs, on the other hand, is easily understood and admired. The rest of the team are individuals, unique despite their more minor roles. Science-wise, Deaver keeps us in the loop, making the shop talk clear for those of us who are CSI fans, but not actual CSIs. He lost me a few times when explaining the ins and outs of electricity in this book - when it comes to forensics, though, I'm all ears (eyes?). Deaver makes the science both interesting and exciting (I know some high school teachers and college profs who could use a lesson or two ...).
His ability to combine these two elements with humor, a fast-paced plot, and enough twists and turns to keep me constantly guessing makes Jeffery Deaver one of my favorite thriller writers. That being said, The Burning Wire let me down a tad. The science of electricity doesn't exactly thrill me, so all the explanation about arcs, AC/DC, amps, an the like got a little tedious for me. I also wanted a little more in the Rhyme/Sachs department. Last I heard, they were trying to have a baby ... I know, I know, I'm such a girl, but I kept waiting for a little more romance to come along. Still, this remains one of my favorite series. If Rhyme can fight off his inner demons, he'll be back on the scene in 2012. I, for one, can't wait to see the old grouch again.
(Readalikes: previous books in the Lincoln Rhyme series; the Temperance Brennan series by Kathy Reichs)
Grade: B-
If this were a movie, it would be rated: R for language and violence
To the FTC, with love: Another library fine find
The Compound: It's Not the End of the World. Or Is It?

Civil War Coming-of-Age Novel Proves That Beauty Abounds Even in the Ugliest of Circumstances

Stepping into Virgin River Feels Like Coming Home; You'll Want to Visit Again and Again and Again ...

Although Aidan Riordan looks like a mountain man with his scruffy red beard and sweat-stained hiking clothes, he's not the vagrant he appears to be. He is, in fact, a respected OB/GYN, fresh out of the navy. Not quite sure of his next move, Aidan's summering in quiet Virgin River - the ideal spot for hiking, biking, and doing some deep thinking about his future. Living in one of his brother's riverside cabins also means the doctor will be close at hand, just in case his very pregnant sister-in-law has any complications with the birth of her first child.
Aidan's been so burned by past romances that the last thing he's looking for is a woman. Especially not a snooty, citified, lawyerly type. But that's exactly what he finds when he's out exploring the landscape. His sudden appearance frightens Erin Foley - a hardworking tax attorney who's trying hard to enjoy the only vacation she's ever taken - so much that she ends up in the hospital. It's only fair that Aidan pay her back with a little yardwork, a little handyman help, a little adventure. She's not exactly his type and he's only showing up at her cabin (daily) to apologize for the concussion he gave her. At least that's what he's telling himself. The fact that she's beautiful, sexy, and passionate has nothing to do with it. Nothing at all.
Except that maybe it does. The more time Aidan spends with Erin, the more he craves her presence. It's not just her body that attracts him, but her compassion, her surprising vulnerability, and her fierce devotion to her family. Winning her love won't be easy, especially when Aidan's whack job of an ex-wife shows up in town. Can he convince the cautious lawyer to take a chance on him? Or will she march back to the city and bury herself in the one thing she knows will always be there for her - her work. In a place where even the most unlikely romances blossom daily, can this mismatched pair find their way to happily ever after?
Meanwhile, Luke Riordan's got some 'splainin' to do to Art, a young man with Down's Syndrome who's convinced he's found his bride. And Mel's got a secret goal that's going to bring a little turbulence into the Sheridan's rock solid marriage. Of course, we can't forget Maureen Riordan, a sainted mother who's living in sin in a fancy RV and making no apologies about it. For a tiny town in the boondocks, there's an awful lot going down in Virgin River.
Moonlight Road, the latest installment in Robyn Carr's Virgin River series, follows the same path to romance that has been carved out in earlier books. Still, Aidan's a fresh character, who's charming despite some stalkerish tendencies. Erin didn't have nearly the backbone I wanted her to have (c'mon, she could have held out a little bit longer), but she was definitely a sympathetic character who deserved good things to happen to her. Mel's problem gave the novel a lot of depth - I don't want to spoil it, so I'm just going to say that her plight touched me on a very personal level.
Like I always say, there's never really a question about how a Virgin River novel is going to end. The fun is in what happens along the way. And when it comes to a couple like Aidan Riordan and Erin Foley, well, there's never going to be a dull moment. Stepping into Virgin River always feels like coming home - with stories like these, I promise you'll be visiting again and again and again.
(Readalikes: previous titles in the Virgin River series and the Grace Valley series by Robyn Carr)
Grade: B+
If this were a movie, it would be rated: R for language and sexual content
To the FTC, with love: I received a copy of Moonlight Road from the always generous Robyn Carr. Thank you!
Good Things I Wish You Brings Back Memories - and Not In A Good Way

Stolen Captures Me and Refuses to Let Go

You can hardly open a YA book these days without encountering some kind of monster. You've got your blood-sucking vampires, your slavering werewolves, your flesh-eating zombies, your mindless, murderous demons - even Tinkerbell's kin have been depicted as evil, child-stealing ogres. Still, no matter how nasty these fantastical beasts may be, they can never compare to monsters of the real, live, human variety. The kind we meet every day. The kind who are so open, honest and trustworthy that we don't notice the flash of their "fangs" until it's much, much too late.
In Stolen, a stunning debut from newcomer Lucy Christopher, 16-year-old Gemma Toombs meets this exact kind of devil in the Bangkok airport. The man seems so familiar that she allows him to prepare her a coffee - which he promptly drugs. When she finally wakes up, Gemma's a long way from Bangkok. A long way from anything, in fact. Isolated on a compound somewhere in the Australian Outback, Gemma's surrounded by nothing but desert. Her captor, the disturbingly gentle Ty, doesn't even bother tying her up. He knows she can't escape. There's nothing around for miles and miles, nowhere at all for Gemma to go.
As the weeks stretch on, Gemma comes to understand the wilderness and her sole companion in ways she never thought possible. Still, there's so much she doesn't know: Why has Ty chosen her, of all people, to kidnap? What does he really want from her? How does he know her family's secrets, the truths Gemma can't even admit to herself? And why is she suddenly feeling so much empathy for the man who has stolen her away from everything she knows? Can she escape? Does she even want to?
Written in the form of a letter from Gemma to Ty, Stolen grabs the reader right off the bat and just doesn't let go. It's not the frenzied, action-packed, race-against-time story I thought it would be, but more of a quietly sinister psychological thriller. The unique setting only adds to the tension, its terrible beauty coming alive in Christopher's skilled hands (the author was born in Wales, but raised in Australia). Not every detail of the plot rang true for me, but all in all, the story held me captive. I tore through it in one day, hardly daring to breathe until I knew exactly what happened to Gemma and Ty. Even then, Stolen wouldn't quite let me go - I'm still turning it all over in my head. I know one thing for sure, though: I want to read more Lucy Christopher. And soon.
(Readalikes: I can't think of any. Can you?)
Grade: B+
If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG-13 for language and tense, mature situations
To the FTC, with love: I received an ARC of Stolen from the generous folks at Scholastic. Thank you!
Unique Blend of Bitter and Sweet Makes For Another "Charming" Thriller

Everything But the Kitchen Sink
- Like you, I've been seeing tons of posts about CSN Stores. The company, which sells a huge variety of products - lighting, bookshelves, home decor, furniture, etc. has been tremendously generous to bloggers. I was slightly bummed that I hadn't been contacted by them ... and then, voila! I got an email offering me the chance to review one of their products. How ecstatic am I? Very ecstatic! CSN has such a variety - how am I ever going to choose a product? When I do, you'll be the first ones to know. Stay tuned for my review. In the meantime, click on over and check out all the goodies at CSN.

- About bloggy awards ... I know people are getting fed up with them. My friend asked me if they were the new version of chain letters. Ha ha. I think they're a little more sincere than that! I have seen a couple of bloggers declaring their blogs "Award-Free Zones." I wouldn't ever do that, but I do reserve the right to pass awards on only when I have the time and energy. That being said, I really do appreciate your attention and kind words. It means a lot to me that you all enjoy your time here at BBB.

2. Although I have been bungee jumping, thank you very much. My older brother owned a bungee jumping company when I was in high school, so my younger brother and I both jumped out of his hot air balloon. It was a rush.
3. I'm not very daring in the food department either, although a year spent in The Philippines as an exchange student did broaden my culinary horizons quite considerably. I've eaten delicacies like dog, pig's brain, monkey, goat and nimbalut (you don't want to know, trust me). Okay, the curious can read all about it here. It should be noted that these dishes are not eaten often by the average Filipino. They were prepared for me because I am a gullible American.
4. I cannot sneak up on people. I have weak ankles that pop constantly. This put me at a distinct disadvantage when dealing with three brothers.
5. The same brother who convinced me to jump out of a hot air balloon used to roll me up in blankets, cinch a belt around my waist and tickle my toes 'til I cried. I'm still traumatized.
6. Back to food - my husband thinks I'm weird because I like soft ice cream. Not machine-soft ice cream, but hard ice cream softened. I've been known to pop a carton in the microwave if it's too hard.
7. Phew! That was hard. I think I am officially the most boring person in the blogosphere!
- Hm, was that it? I swear there was something else I was going to tell you. Oh well. Happy Reading!Tomorrow River: You Can Try to Put It Down, But You Won't Be Able to. I Guarantee It.

Nothing tickles my literary fancy quite like a good, old-fashioned family secrets novel. Especially one set in the South. Everything just seems more sinister when hidden behind soft drawls, magnolia-scented breezes and Tara-esque plantations, you know? I mean, you expect malevolence from broody northern climes and everyone knows how lawless things are out here in the west, but in the land of blushing belles and Southern gentleman - well, the appearance of evil is always surprising. Add in a spunky kid narrator, some quirky sidekicks and a nice, curvy plot, and voila! You've just created my absolute favorite kind of book. It's really no surprise, then, that I fell so hard for Lesley Kagen's spellbinding new novel, Tomorrow River.
Our heroine is Shenandoah "Shenny" Carmody, one of the the 11-year-old daughters of the most prominent man in town. Her family might as well be royalty in Rockbridge County, Virginia, for all their wealth and power. At least that's how things look from the outside. On closer inspection, one might notice what Shenny does - things are not exactly what they seem. The family's rambling mansion is looking decidedly grubby, the lady of the house is nowhere to be seen, His Honor's reeling in a manner unbefitting a man of his station, and his twins, well, something about the one is just a little off. An even closer look - assuming, of course, that prying eyes could get actually get anywhere near the property - would reveal that whatever is wrong over to the Carmody place is no small thing.
Ever since the disappearance of her mother, Shenny's been noticing things, things she'd never considered before. Things about her family. Troubling things. All she wants is for everything to go back to normal, the way it was when she spent her afternoons giggling with her sister in the treehouse, listening to her mother sing in the kitchen, and waiting breathlessly for nightfall, prime stargazing time for her and her daddy. But those carefree days are gone, vanished as surely as Evie Carmody. Shenny's twin, Woody, no longer giggles - she doesn't talk anymore, either. And His Honor? Well, when he's drunk (and when isn't he, these days?), he's disorderly. In the calmest, most terrifying way possible. The only way for Shenny to remedy the situation is to figure out what happened to her mother. Her own memories of that fateful night are sketchy, but someone has to know something. As she makes the rounds through her mother's motley collection of friends, Shenny comes to realize that the person most likely to know the truth is also the one least likely to say anything at all - her mute twin.
As desperate as Shenny is to find her mother, others are just as happy to shove the unpleasantness behind them. Evie Carmody was a Northerner, after all, a foreigner who didn't even know enough to stay away from "the help." Whatever happened to her - well, maybe it was for the best. There's the Carmody image to think of, after all. There's just one niggling question, the thing that bugs Shenny most of all, especially considering what she now knows about the Carmody clan: If her mother was going to leave, why oh why, did she leave her beloved girls behind?
I don't know about Kagen's other novels (although you better believe I'll be getting my hands on both Whistling in the Dark and Land of a Hundred Wonders just as soon as I'm able), but her latest blends all my favorite elements into one taut, riveting thriller. Intensity isn't all the book has going for it, though. Woven through all the mystery is a coming-of-age story that's both funny and surprisingly tender. Pitting the innocence of youth against an aged evil works to near perfection here, creating the kind of book that you will simply not be able to put down. You can try, but in the end, you'll cave and devour it in one sitting. I guarantee it.
(Readalikes: Whistling in the Dark by Lesley Kagen; Karen White's books, The Lost Hours and The Memory of Water come to mind.)
Grade: A
If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG-13 for violence, mature themes and sexual innuendo
To the FTC, with love: I received Tomorrow River from the generous folks at Dutton. Thank you!
Bloggiesta: Limping to the Finish Line

- Update blog roll - This is the main thing I wanted to accomplish and ... I did it. Woot! It took me a good 2 hours to delete dead links, add new ones from my Google feeder, change URLs, etc. I also realized that I'll never be completely done with this project, as I'm always finding new book blogs to add to my list. If I missed your link, and you want your blog on my list (and who wouldn't?), please let me know!
- Link up reviews for "Baby Steps Authors," "LDS Authors," "Arizona Authors," and "Back to School Authors" - Another thing I've been meaning to do for quite some time. It was a bit tedious, but I got this done, too. It took me around 40 minutes.
- Update review schedule - This would have taken me all of 30 seconds, but I still haven't done it. Yo soy un(a?) slacker.
- Create BBB Facebook page and add link - I actually made a page weeks ago, it's just blank. I'll finish this one another day.
- Add new review books to Google spreadsheet - My spreadsheet was actually pretty up-to-date, so doing this only took me about 5 minutes.
- Update "My Kids Recommend" section - I had planned to add pictures of each kid, along with their favorite books. It didn't happen. Another time.
- Create a BBAW post with links to best posts - I'm still stewing over which posts are my best. I also feel extremely awkward about "nominating" myself for an award. I'll get around to it one of these days.
I also did the review policy mini-challenge and wrote a review that will go up tomorrow.
Total time spent on Bloggiesta: a piddly 5 hours
All in all, I feel like I accomplished something, even though I didn't do everything I planned. Really thinking about my blog also made me realize that I'm pretty happy with it. Obviously, there's always room for improvement, but I'm proud of what I've created here at BBB. What changes would you suggest? What would you like to see more/less of?
Thanks to Natasha over at Maw Books for hosting Bloggiesta 2010. 'Til next time - adios!
A highly subjective rating system
My Exciting Summer (Online, Anyway)
Personally, I think excitement is overrated. I'm all about boring - as my kids will readily attest. I prefer to lay around, relax, read, swim and forget about any and all responsibility. Except for the vomit cleaning (a responsibility which always seems to fall in my lap - sometimes literally), I've been pretty successful.
Even though things have been a bit dull around my house, lots of fun stuff is going on in the blogging world. Three things that I'm pretty stoked about are:

I've never participated in Bloggiesta, but BBB could sure use some sprucing up. These are the tasks I plan to complete this weekend:
- Update review schedule
- Create BBB Facebook page and add link
- Update "My Kids Recommend" section
- Create a BBAW post with links to best posts
I think that's it for now. I've actually got a lot I need to accomplish this weekend, so I don't want to get too carried away.
If you're interested in joining the Bloggiesta, find all the info on Natasha's blog.
You probably know all about BBAW, the weeklong celebration of book blogging. There are daily blogging topics, an interview swap, awards and lots, lots more. Last year, I was absolutely thrilled to have BBB nominated in the category of Best Written Blog. This year, the awards/voting component has changed. I'm not thrilled about the self-nominating thing, but I'm going to bite the bullet and do it anyway. A post will be forthcoming. Check out all the details about this fun annual event here.
Told ya there was lots going on. Sounds fun, huh? I think I'll get started on my blog improvement for Bloggiesta. Or maybe I'll go back to my siesta, since it is summer and all ...
What Happens in Post 9/11 America to a "Coconut" Who Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree?

Wish asks, "If you could have anything, what would you wish for?"

(Readalikes: Reminded me of My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison and a little of Princess for Hire by Lindsey Leavitt)
Grade: B
If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG-13 for language, sexual innuendo, and scenes of underrage drinking/smoking
To the FTC, with love: I received Wish from the generous folks at Scholastic. Thank you!
Mormon Mentions: Michael Perry
"I admit there are times while traveling in certain circles that I take some perverse joy in letting slip that I was raised in an 'obscure fundamentalist Christian sect' because for some disinclined folks the phrase conjures a wild-eyed tribe of charismatic Bible-wingers hoarding automatic weapons and diesel fuel within a walled compound. When I reveal that I am no longer a member, there is the underlying inference that I escaped under cover of darkness and must forevermore avoid Utah. Sadly for the sake of cocktail talk, ours was a pretty low-key operation. No speaking in tongues, no Holy Rolling, and grape juice for communion. We kids went to public schools, our parents worked regular jobs, and at first glance the only thing you might notice was that our mothers wore dresses and stacked all their hair up in a bun. Mom did wear high-top construction boots with her maxi skirts, so that was a little off beat" (78). [Quote taken from an uncorrected proof - it may have been altered in the final book.]
Just for the record, the group with which Perry worshipped was not made up of polygamists, disaffected Mormons, or anything of the sort. It consisted of hardworking Wisconsin farm families devoted to strict principles of living. What I love about Perry's depiction of his unconventional religion is his ability to snicker at its zaniness without dissing its precepts or mocking the believers. He insists that those faithful to "The Truth" were humble, God-fearing, Christian people dedicated to living lives of righteous simplicity.
It's a funny quote, nonetheless.
No Matter What Your Poultry Ambitions, You'll Get A Kick (Cluck?) Out of Coop

The Thief Doesn't Quite Steal My Heart

Ever since the generous folks at Harper Collins sent me a copy of Megan Whalen Turner's A Conspiracy of Kings to review, I've been dying to get my hands on the first three books in the series. It took some time, but my library finally complied, and voila! I now have all the novels sitting on my shelf. Naturally, I started with The Thief, it being the start of the story and all. Perhaps this was a case of setting my expectations a little too high, because I didn't love, love the book like I wanted to. I enjoyed it - especially the surprise ending, which I did not see coming - I just expected to be blown away and, well, I wasn't.
Our hero is Gen, a cocky young thief who's doing time in prison for stealing the king's seal and daring to brag about it in a crowded winehouse. Everyone in the land has heard him boast about his ability to steal anything from anyone. It should come as no surprise, then, when the king's magus comes seeking Gen's help. Although the magus refuses to let Gen in on the nature of the job, accepting the offer equals freedom. Gen's not about to ignore the "Get Out of Jail Free" card, even if it means riding into the wilderness with a passel of royal guards. He plans to filch whatever it is the king covets, then go on his merry way.
It's only when the thief discovers what it is he's supposed to steal that he experiences a hiccup of doubt. He's confident in his assertion - he really can steal anything - but only if the object actually exists. Hephestia's Gift is the stuff of stories, myths. Maybe the king and his magus believe it can be found, but Gen knows a fool's errand when he sees one. Still, it's not like he has a choice. His reputation is at stake. As is his life.
As Gen follows the magus into enemy territory, he realizes just how dangerous their crazy quest really is. Attempting to steal an ancient artifact from a neighboring kingdom isn't the best way to win friends and influence people. If Attolian soldiers catch him in the act, Gen will be executed swiftly and without mercy. Returning to his own land empty-handed will earn him a similar fate. Even still, it's not soldiers or kings or guards that Gen fears - it's the gods who've protected Hephestia's Gift since the beginning of time. Angering them could cost Gen everything.
I'm not sure exactly how to categorize The Thief. Its Medieval setting suggests historical fiction, except that Turner insists nothing about the book is historically accurate. Talk of gods and myth smack of fantasy, but it's really not that either. Whatever its genre, The Thief's a quick, entertaining adventure story that will keep you flipping pages just to see if Gen really can steal anything. The tale does drag in places, especially when dealing with the history and mythology of Gen's world. All in all, though, it's a swift, exciting book that should appeal to treasure seekers of all ages.
(Readalikes: The Queen of Attolia, The King of Attolia and A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner)
Grade: B-
If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG for mild language and scenes of peril
To the FTC, with love: Another library fine find
Texas Thriller As Sluggish as a Houston Summer

When Jay Porter's attempts to speak out against injustice land him in jail, he vows to let someone else save the world. All he wants to do is get out and get on with his life. A decade later, he has. He's not exactly living the American Dream, but he's got a wife, a law degree, and a baby on the way. So what if he runs his business out of a shabby strip mall? So what if his most promising client is a brainless hooker? So what if he can barely afford to pay rent, let alone bottles and diapers? He's free, ain't he?

Only, he can't forget. The details of that night continue to haunt him. Before he's even made a conscious decision to investigate, Jay's asking questions. The more he probes, the less anything makes sense. Why is the incident being kept out of the papers? Who is the girl Jay pulled out of the bayou? What was she doing in one of the toughest parts of the city? Guilt wracks Jay's every waking moment - should he go to the police with the little he knows? He can't risk ending up in jail a second time. It's better to keep his mouth shut. Except that the more he learns, the more outrageous the story becomes. Jay learned long ago to let someone else take on all the injustice in the world, but apparently, he's the only one who can fight this battle. Can a struggling black lawyer take on the biggest names in Houston oil? Will he risk everything - once again - to make things right? Or will he go with his first instinct and leave the whole thing alone?
Attica Locke's debut novel, Black Water Rising, is a gritty thriller that examines inequality on every level. It looks at the Civil Rights movement; the disillusionment of freedom fighters who continued to battle racial inequality even into the '80s; the difficulty of rising above one's criminal record (no matter how undeserved); and the struggle of the average man against the supremacy oil money. It was Locke's scrutiny of these big issues, more than anything else, that kept me reading Black Water Rising. The book's characters really didn't speak to me, the plot moves as slowly as a dingy rowboat floating down Buffalo Bayou, and the overall tone is decidedly depressing. Locke's writing impresses, for sure, but I still had a hard time sticking with the story. The action eventually picks up, moving toward a powerful conclusion - it just takes a very patient reader to stay with it for that long. I did like the premise of the novel, it just needed a more exciting execution, a little speed to make it move. Locke's debut proves she has the talent - time will see what she does with it. Regardless, Attica Locke is definitely an author to watch.
(Readalikes: The back cover blurbs compare Locke to Dennis Lehane and Scott Turow.)
Grade: C
If this were a movie, it would be rated: R for language, violence and sexual content
To the FTC, with love: This review is part of a virtual book tour coordinated by the folks over at TLC Book Tours. To see the rest of the tour stops, click here.
Olive Street Ain't Got Nothin' On Virgin River

When the world beats you up and you just need to breathe, where do you go? Do you make a mad dash for the beach? To a cabin in the woods? To the home where you grew up? When you need comfort, solace or just some space, to where do you flee? For four friends - Elly, Sable, Barbara Ann, and Beth - a refuge can always be found at Gabby's home on Olive Street. It's not the most luxurious house, or the most modern, or the most beautifully furnished, but it's the kind of place where one will always feel welcomed, comfortable and relaxed. Gabby's kind, gracious hospitality makes her home the perfect place for the women to gather, especially when life's throwing them curveball after curveball.
All the women are shocked when they arrive at the house on Olive Street one day to find Gabby dead. Although it was writing that brought them together in the first place, Gabby's always been the glue that kept the group close. Without her, what will become of them? How will they face all the pressures in their lives without the loving support of their friend? Her death couldn't have come at a worse time for the four women, each of whom is grappling with her own set of problems. Elly's a cranky old spinster who's too cynical to admit she needs anyone ... until an unassuming farmer makes his way into her life. Sable, a famous novelist, has it all - a sparkling mansion, a designer wardrobe, A-list acquaintances - everything but genuine relationships. She's spent so much energy trying to bury an unsavory past that she's pushed away everyone who has ever tried to get close to her. Now, when the press is hounding her with uncomfortable questions, she doesn't know who to trust. Barbara Ann's exhausted. Between churning out three novels a year and cleaning up after her slovenly husband and boys, she's feeling bitter and resentful. She loves her family, but can't take it anymore. Can she risk losing it all to save her own sanity? Shy Beth hides the darkest secret of all. Her pilot husband controls her every move, even while he flits around with any flight attendant in sight. If she dares to question his actions, he answers her with his fists. Will she ever gather enough strength to fight back?
One by one, the friends drift back to Olive Street, where they've always found refuge. As the four work together to organize Gabby's papers, they reminisce about the woman who meant so much in all of their lives. Slowly, they help each other find the healing, support and friendship they all need to go on.
Originally published in 1998, Robyn Carr's The House on Olive Street was recently reissued with beautifully-updated cover art. Although the novel has a little of the Grace Valley/Virgin River warmth that the author's so well-known for, it's an altogether different kind of book. More women's fiction than romance, the story deals with familiar Carr themes - friendship, family, grief, healing - just with a much more feminist bent. The plot's pretty skimpy, which made the read a bit laborious for me. Also, while all the characters are sympathetic, I didn't feel particulary drawn to any of them. All in all, the book was okay, but definitely not my favorite Carr novel. What I did find interesting was the insider's look at what it means to be a professional writer. Robyn Carr definitely knows her stuff, which makes all the details as convincing as they are fascinating. More than anything else, this sympathetic glimpse into the writing life is what kept me reading The House On Olive Street.
If you like this type of slower-paced women's novel, you'll definitely want to check this one out. For me, I'm going to stick with Jack and the gang over in Virgin River. Moonlight Road, here I come.
(Readalikes: Hmm ... I can't think of any. Can you?)
Grade: B-
If this were a movie, it would be rated: R for language, mature themes and sexual content

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