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2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

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The Space Between Trees Compelling, Disturbing Look at Dealing With Grief (With a Giveaway!)

"Rest in peace, that's what we say when we speak to the dead, and then we hold our breath and wait for them to whisper the same words back to us" (274).
It's not as if Evie and Zabet McCabe were really friends. Sure, they played together as children, but now, at 16, they would have been hard-pressed to identify each other's favorite color, food, or t.v. show. Still, when Evie sees the body of her old playmate rolled out of the woods on a stretcher, she feels something. It's not grief, exactly, more like fascination. Or maybe excitement. Being on the scene when a murder was discovered gives Evie something she can use - to reel in her classmates' attention, to start a real conversation with the guy she's been crushing on, to divert some of the drama to herself. She doesn't mean to steal Zabet's BFF, doesn't mean to befriend her grieving father, and definitely does not intend to track down a killer. But that's exactly what happens.
I'm not really sure how to describe Katie Williams' debut novel, The Space Between Trees. Although it deals with a brutal death, it's not exactly a murder mystery. More like a psychological thriller, except not totally. However difficult it is to pinpoint the book's genre, it's even harder to explain my reaction to the book. It kept me reading, but I can't say I really enjoyed it. This mostly has to do with Evie - she's emotionless, manipulative, and just, disturbed. The back cover describes her as a "quirky loner." Personally, I'd go with sociopath. Just like she can't connect with others, I never really got her. This disconnect, combined with a bleak plot, mostly unsympathetic characters, and an overall strangeness, made The Space Between Trees a weird read for me.
Williams writes well, there's no doubt about that, and her freshman effort gave me plenty of food for thought. She gets kudos for creating original, if not exactly likable, characters, who are interesting and complex. Watching the ways in which these very different people grieve - or, in Evie's case, use another's tragedy to further their own purposes - is what makes this book so compelling. And disturbing.
So, yeah. I'm still not sure quite what to think of The Space Between Trees. While the writing is solid, the rest of it really didn't do it for me. Maybe I need a more relatable narrator, maybe I need a happier story, I don't know, but I'll definitely be watching for Williams' next effort and hoping it's more my style.
(Readalikes: Reminds me a little of I Am Not A Serial Killer by Dan Wells and a teensy bit of House Rules by Jodi Picoult)
Grade: B-
If this were a movie, it would be rated: R for language, violence, sexual content and depictions of underrage drinking/drug use
To the FTC, with love: I received a finished copy of The Space Between Trees from the generous folks at Chronicle Books. Thank you!
Now for the fun part:
Chronicle Books is giving away one signed copy of The Space Between Trees to a lucky BBB reader. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post indicating that you'd like to win the book. The contest will close on August 12 and is only open to readers in the U.S. and Canada. Good luck!A Tuesday Teaser

So, today I'm supposed to be reviewing Mary Karr's memoir, Lit. However, I - being the bonehead that I am - somehow failed to realize that it is the third installment in a series of memoirs. Now, y'all know about my literary OCD. What? You don't? Well, I cannot stand to read books in a series out of order. Therefore, I know have both Liar's Club and Cherry on reserve at the library. As soon as the books come in, I will be reading and reviewing them as well as Lit. Definitely stay tuned for that. In the meantime, here's the blurb from the front flap of Lit:
The Liar's Club brought to vivid, indelible life Mary Karr's hardscrabble Texas childhood. Cherry, her account of her adolescence, "continued to set the literary standard for making the personal universal" (Entertainment Weekly). Now Lit follows the self-professed blackbelt sinner's descent into the inferno of alcholism and madness - and to her astonishing resurrection.
Karr's longing for a solid family seems secure when her marriage to a handsome, Shakespeare-quoting bluebood poet produces a son they adore. But she can't outrun her apocalyptic past. She drinks herself into the same numbness that nearly devoured her charismatic but troubled mother, reaching the brink of suicide. A hair-raising stint in "The Mental Marriott," with an oddball tribe of gurus and saviors, awakens her to the possibility of joy and leads her to an unlikely faith. Not since Saint Augustine cried, "Give me chastity, Lord - but not yet!" has a conversion story rung with such dark hilarity.
Lit is about getting drunk and getting sober; becoming a mother by letting go of a mother; learning to write by learning to live. Written with Karr's relentless honesty, unflinching self-scrutiny, and irreverent, lacerating humor, it is a truly electrifying story of how to grow up - as only Mary Karr can tell it.
Interesting, huh?
If you want to see what other, more on-the-ball reviewers have to say about Lit, check out the other stops on Karr's tour:
Monday, July 12th: Rundpinne
Wednesday, July 14th: Nonsuch Books
Thursday, July 15th: Fizzy Thoughts
Thursday, July 22ed: The Girl from the Ghetto
Wednesday, July 28th: Chefdruck Musings
Thursday, July 29th: Raging Bibliomania
Friday, July 30th: Chick Lit
Monday, August 2nd: The 3 R’s: Reading, ‘Riting, and Randomness
Tuesday, August 3rd: Absorbed in Words
Wednesday, August 4th: Sasha and the Silverfish
Thursday, August 5th: Tales of a Capricious Reader

Charming Beauty Everything a Fairy Tale Should Be

Disney's Beauty and the Beast will always be my favorite, but Robin McKinley's version comes in a close second. With lush description, a down-to-earth heroine and a plot that's lovely in its simplicity, Beauty breathes freshness into the familiar tale. First published in 1978, McKinley's debut novel has definitely stood the test of time. And for good reason. It's a sweet, magical tale about the power of true love.
The story revolves around a wealthy family made up of a sea merchant father and his three daughters: Grace, Hope and Honour (nicknamed "Beauty"). When the Hustons experience an abrupt reversal of fortune, they're forced to move into a humble country cottage far from the city which they've called home. Surrounded by thick woods, their new house is small and isolated; nonetheless, the family is glad to be there. Even when they hear frightening tales about the forest. It's true that no animals seem to dwell amid the denseness of the trees, but there can't possibly be an ogre living in the woods. Surely, that's another one of the country people's silly superstitions.
When Mr. Huston loses his way in the forest, he returns with an unbelievable story. It's a tale of magic, enchantment and a beast straight out of a young girl's nightmare. If it weren't for the perfect red rose he shows the girls, they wouldn't believe it. The flower convinces them - their father's telling the truth, meaning he must fulfill his promise to return to the beast's lair, where he will remain prisoner forever. Beauty begs to take his place, but Mr. Huston will not allow it. Plain and bookish, Beauty knows she, of all the sisters, has the least chance of flourishing in society - she rides into the forest, resolute.
Trapped in a magic castle with a horrifying beast, Beauty struggles to hide her fear. The more she explores her new world, the more she comes to realize that nothing in the enchanted forest is quite what it seems. Not even the monster that haunts the halls of the palace. Whispers of a terrible secret waft through the air, but Beauty can't quite understand. What happened to the cursed manor? Who is the beast? Is he truly as horrible as he seems? Can Beauty find a way out of her entrapment or is she doomed to spend all the years of her life imprisoned by an ogre?
Although McKinley makes her story feel new, she doesn't stray far from the classic tale. It remains a predictably, comfortingly tender story about looking beyond outward appearances. Beauty, herself, reinforces this idea - she doesn't know she's pretty, has no idea how brave she really is, and can't quite understand why the beast admires her so. I love that she's a diamond-in-the-rough, not nearly as polished as Belle, but just as charming. Even though I knew exactly how it would end, I found her story compelling. And sweet. And delightful. Precisely how a fairy tale should be.
(Readalikes: other classic fairy tales)
Grade: B+
If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG for scary situations
To the FTC, with love: Another library fine find
A Hoppin' Weekend

School starts here in two weeks - think I'll be ready for high school by then? Hee hee ...
(9th Grade)
Adams, Douglas. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
Anaya, Rudolfo A. Bless Me, Ultima.
Blackwood, Gary. The Year of the Hangman.
Covey, Sean. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens.
Cox, Lynne. Swimming to Antarctica.
Dessen, Sara. The Truth about Forever.
Dickens, Charles. Oliver Twist.
Grimes, Nikki. Dark Sons.
Halberstam, David. Firehouse.
Krakauer, Jon. Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster.
Lord, Walter. A Night to Remember.
Murdock, Catherine Gilbert. Dairy Queen.
Murray, Jaye. Bottled Up.
Nolan, Han. Dancing on the Edge.
Nye, Naomi Shihab. 19 Varieties of Gazelle: Poems of the Middle East.
Peck, Richard. The Teacher’s Funeral.
Philbrick, Nathaniel. In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex.
Schaap, Jeremy. Triumph: The Untold Story of Jesse Owens and Hitler's Olympics.
Uchida, Yoshiko. Desert Exile: The Uprooting of a Japanese-American Family.
Woodson, Jacqueline. Behind You.
(10th Grade)
Alexie, Sherman. Flight.
Alvarez, Julia. In the Time of the Butterflies.
Anderson, M.T. Feed.
Bissinger, H.G. Friday Night Lights: A Town, a Team and a Dream.
Card, Orson Scott. Ender’s Game.
Cary, Kate. Bloodline: A Novel.
Collins, Billy (Editor). Poetry 180: A Turning Back to Poetry.
Dillard, Annie. Pilgrim at Tinker Creek.
Du Maurier, Daphne. Rebecca.
Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in Boom-Time America.
Haddon, Mark. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.
Halberstam, David. October 1964.
Jeter, Derek. The Life You Imagine: Life Lessons for Achieving Your Dreams.
Kooser, Ted. Delights and Shadows.
Larsen, Judy Merrill. All the Numbers.
Naidoo, Beverley. Out of Bounds: Seven Stories of Conflict and Hope.
Poe, Edgar Allen. Selected Tales.
Satrapi, Marjane. Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood.
Spiegelman, Art. Maus: A Survivor's Tale I and II.
Thomas, Marlo. The Right Words at the Right Time.
Tsukiyama, Gail. Dreaming Water.
Volponi, Paul. Black and White.
(11th Grade)
Austen, Jane. Sense and Sensibility.
Berthon, Simon. Warlords: An Extraordinary Re-creation of World War II Through the Eyes and Minds of Hitler, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin.
Blumenthal, Karen. Let Me Play: The Story of Title IX, The Law that Changed the Future of Girls in America.
Brooks, Martha. True Confessions of a Heartless Girl.
Callahan, David. The Cheating Culture.
Collins, Billy. Sailing Alone Around the Room: New and Selected Poems.
Danticat, Edwidge. The Farming of Bones: A Novel.
De Botton, Alain. The Art of Travel.
Erdrich, Louise. Tracks: A Novel.
Gladwell, Malcolm. Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference.
Hersey, John. Hiroshima.
Hilton, James. Lost Horizon.
Hopkins, Ellen. Crank.
Lahiri, Jhumpa. The Namesake.
Matheson, Richard. I am Legend.
Plath, Sylvia. The Bell Jar.
Preston, Richard. Hot Zone.
Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation.
Walls, Jeanette. The Glass Castle: A Memoir.
Welty, Eudora. One Writer’s Beginnings.
(12th Grade)
Ambrose, Stephen. Citizen Soldiers: The U.S. Army from the Normandy Beaches to the Bulge to the Surrender of Germany.
Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid’s Tale.
Bissinger, Buzz. Three Nights in August: Strategy, Heartbreak and Joy Inside the Mind of a Manager.
Bryson, Bill. A Short History of Nearly Everything.
Cisneros, Sandra. Caramelo.
Chandrasekaran, Rajiv. Imperial Life in the Emerald City.
Fleming, Ian. Casino Royale: A James Bond Novel.
Foer, Jonathan Safran. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.
Friedman, Thomas. The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century.
Goodwin, Doris Kearns. No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II.
Haruf, Kent. Plainsong.
Hughes, Langston. The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes.
King, Stephen. The Shining.
Kingsolver, Barbara. The Poisonwood Bible: A Novel.
Larkin, Emma. Finding George Orwell in Burma.
Mortenson, Greg. Three Cups of Tea.
Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Sittenfeld, Curtis. Prep: A Novel.
X, Malcolm. The Autobiography of Malcolm X.
Xiaolong, Qiu. Death of a Red Heroine.
It's the weekend again, which means it's time for another Book Blogger Hop. Yay! These are so much fun. It's a fabulous opportunity to find new book blogs and "meet" other bloggers. Join the fun by clicking over to Crazy For Books.
This week's question is: What are you reading now? You're never going to believe my answer - nothing. I finished Beauty by Robin McKinley this morning. I really enjoyed it. Next up is The Space Between Trees by Katie Williams. I've sneaked a peek or two, but haven't actually started reading it yet. I'm excited to see what it's all about.
Happy Hopping!
Everlasting: Historical Treasure Hunt Needs A Little Spit and Polish

A life at sea is hardly a suitable one for a young lady coming of age in 1855 San Francisco, but it's the only one 17-year-old Camille Rowen really wants. As much as she's tried to reconcile herself to the inevitability of her upcoming marriage, she can't seem to get excited about it. Her fiancee's well-bred, wealthy and kind. What more could she possibly need in a future husband? Just because her skin doesn't blaze at his touch doesn't mean she and Randall aren't perfectly suited to one another. Still, Camille jumps at the chance to accompany her father on

Motherless Camille's been traveling with her father long enough to realize there's something different about this trip. Captain Rowen's nervous. It's almost as if he's keeping secrets from her, something he's never done before. Camille's shocked when her father confesses the truth - without Randall's fortune to keep it secure, her father's company faces financial ruin. With that knowledge locked away in her lukewarm heart, Camille stumbles upon another secret: a recent letter from the mother she presumed dead. None of Caroline Rowen's words really make sense. She rambles about dying, desiring to see her long-lost daughter, and regret over running away with a stolen treasure map. Before Camille even has a chance to consider the import of this information, a violent storm batters her father's ship, killing almost everyone aboard.
Days later, Camille finds herself at an Australian port with only her friend Oscar by her side. Penniless, the two are drawn to Port Adelaide, where a dying woman holds the key to finding a priceless stone. With a greedy band of seamen on their tails, the pair embark on a dangerous journey filled with wily conmen, slavering beasts, venomous serpents, and a dark magic that pulls them ever closer to a gem with unimagined power. With her father lost at sea and a fiancee waiting at home while she tromps through the Australian wilderness with a lowly shipmate, it's time for Camille to make the ultimate decision: What matters most? Saving her father's company? Planning a future with the man she loves? Or risking all their necks to find a fabled stone? With her every dream on the line, Camille must choose - and wisely - which path to follow.
Newcomer Angie Frazier sprinkles historical fiction with a little Pirates of the Carribbean swashbuckling and a lot of Indiana Jones treasure-seeking in the grand adventure that is her first novel. There's enough conflict to keep Everlasting zipping right along, making the debut a fast, fun read. While few are fully fleshed out, the characters are engaging enough to keep the reader rooting for the good ones and booing the not-so-savory. That being said, the supernatural elements in the story just didn't add up for me. The magical subplot comes out of nowhere, but the ever practical Camille accepts it without question, proceeding on a life-threatening journey with very little hesitation. Other plot issues bugged me as did the flatness of some of the principle characters (namely Camille, Oscar and Capt. Rowen), all of which dampened my enjoyment of the whole book. While I was a little disappointed with her first venture, it's obvious that Frazier has the making of a fine storyteller. With a little spit and polish, this newbie's sure to shine.
(Readalikes: a little like The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi)
Grade: B-
If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG-13 for some language (no F-bombs), violence and sexual innuendo
To the FTC, with love: I received a finished copy of Everlasting from the generous folks at Scholastic. Thank you!
Unique Format, Fun Plot, Likable Characters? Tweet!

Considering how many hours most of us waste spend using sites like Twitter and Facebook, it's really not surprising that a YA author decided to craft her first novel using only tweets, blog posts and e-mails. What is surprising is how much I enjoyed Tweet Heart by Elizabeth Rudnick. Despite the fact that I'm not exactly hip to the Twitterverse, I found this story utterly charming. Its snappy format, lighthearted tone and likable characters make it a perfect summer read.
Sixteen-year-old Claire Collins (@ClaireRBear) is a lot better with boys online than face-to-face, a fact which becomes painfully obvious when her long-time crush starts following her on Twitter. Jack Dyson (@TopofGame17) barely looks at her in the school hallways, but his tweets reveal him to be friendly, funny, and surprisingly sensitive. As the Spring Fling approaches, Claire's trying desperately to figure out how to get Watkins Prep's most popular jock to acknowledge her IRL. They're obviously perfect for each other, so why is Jack so reluctant to talk to her with his mouth instead of his fingers? As she seeks advice from her besties, Charlotte (@LotsOlove) and Bennett (@KingofSlack), Claire starts chatting with Will (@WiseOneWP), another boy who's turning out to have a lot more substance than she ever realized.
When Claire finally manages to snag a real conversation with Jack, she's shocked by how different he is in person than on Twitter. Is it just nerves or is Claire's dream guy playing some kind of cruel trick on her? Something's definitely fishy with the whole situation. When the truth eventually comes out, Claire's devastated, but not for the reasons she would have imagined. Is it possible that Mr. Right is actually Mr. Very, Very Wrong? Or that Mr. Never-Thought-It-Would-Happen-In-A-Million-Years could turn into Mr. Perfect? Or is it just the Twitterverse messing with her head again? With her heart all atwitter, it's time for Claire to figure out what -or who - she really wants.
While the only thing truly unique about Tweet Heart is its format, this is one of those I-couldn't-care-less situations. I loved this book. It's not nearly as intense as the cover makes it seem, but it's not complete fluff either. It's just a sweet, down-to-earth story about a hopeless romantic looking for love in all the wrong places. And maybe, just maybe finding her happily-ever-after.
(Readalikes: Tweet Heart reminds me of just about every romantic comedy I've ever seen on the Big Screen, but no books are coming to mind. Any ideas?)
Grade: B
If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG for mild sexual innuendo and brief mention of underrage drinking
To the FTC, with love: I received a finished copy of Tweet Heart from the generous folks at Disney/Hyperion. Thank you!
Rough, but Important Sell-Out Could Use A Little Fine-Tuning

Standing out is nothing new for high school freshman NaTasha Jennings. One of the few African-Americans in her suburban New Jersey town, she's used to looking different, being different from the kids around her. She's not exactly happy with her curvy hips, coarse hair, and dark chocolate-colored skin or the fact that the guys at her school never seem to see her, let alone ask her out, but she can deal. Just because she's surrounded by people who look nothing like her doesn't mean her cushy prepster lifestyle isn't worth it.

NaTasha's sassy Harlem-reared grandmother does not agree. Tilly, who turns up her nose at any town with "too many white folks and not enough jerk chicken" (4), takes it upon herself to drag her granddaughter back to her roots. NaTasha's spent plenty of vacay time in Harlem, always enjoying having Tilly to herself, but never a whole summer. And she's never set foot inside the crisis center where Tilly has volunteered for years. All that's about to change. While NaTasha's friends roam the mall and hit all the good parties, she'll be stuck in her grandma's colorful neighborhood hanging out with juvenile delinquents If this is what it takes to "find herself," NaTasha wants no part of it. Except, of course, that nobody argues with Tilly. And, okay, if NaTasha's honest with herself, she can admit that her grandmother might be right - maybe she could use a lesson in Racial Identity 101.
It doesn't take NaTasha long to realize the lesson's not going to be an easy one. Tilly's gritty community makes her jumpy, the girls at Amber's Place dub her a "sell-out" for acting too white, and already, her friends back home are changing. Even though she's finally getting some male attention from not one, but two fine-looking boys, NaTasha still wants to high-tail it back to her nice, safe, suburban routine. As much as she longs to go home, she refuses to quit, knowing giving up will only confirm her sell-out status. But staying in Harlem - battling her fears and facing truths about herself she's never dared to acknowledge before - will be the hardest thing she's ever done.
While Sell-Out, a debut novel by Ebony Joy Wilkins, specifically addresses racial identity, it's the kind of book that will speak to anyone who's ever felt out of place. The story makes powerful statements about race, identity, culture, accepting differences, and staying true to oneself. It delves into issues I, as a white surburbanite, have never heard of (skin bleaching cream?), let alone experienced. It's precisely because these things have no place in my day-to-day existence that I found this book both compelling and important. These kinds of empathy-through-understanding lessons are always valuable.
That being said, I felt that Wilkins' writing needed some serious polishing. Much of Sell-Out's plot seemed contrived, some of it felt forced, and, not all of it made sense to me (I'm still trying to figure out why Rex showed up in the end.). Although there's plenty of conflict in the book, I still thought NaTasha resolved her problems a little too easily and way too neatly. I wanted her to struggle more, fight harder, and battle longer before winning her victory. Perhaps because of these things, I never really felt as if I knew NaTasha. Or any of her cohorts. All of them - except Tilly, who's so colorful she's like five-dimensional - needed fleshing out.
All in all, I still think Sell-Out tells an important story. I just wish it was smoother, tighter, and stronger. Ebony Joy Wilkins shows so much potential that you better believe I'll be keeping my eye on her. Here's hoping she keeps writing, keeps polishing, and keeps publishing this type of book. Oh, and if feisty Tilly makes another appearance, you won't hear me complaining.
(Readalikes: Reminded me of other books about racial identity, like Shine, Coconut Moon by Neesha Meminger; When the Black Girl Sings by Bil Wright; several Jacqueline Woodson titles and others)
Grade: C
If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG-13 for language (no F-bombs), some sexual content, and mature themes
To the FTC, with love: I received an ARC* of Sell-Out from the generous folks at Scholastic. Thank you!
*Quotes taken from an ARC, and are therefore subject to change in the final version of the book
Under-the-Sea Dystopian Novel Nothing If Not Entertaining

(Readalikes: It reminds me of the movie Waterworld, but I can't think of any similar books. Can you?)
It's That Time Again - Hop To It!

Jen's question this week has to do with books we're dying to get our hands on (past, present or future). I'm sure I'm not the only one who can't wait for Mockingjay, the third in the Hunger Games series. I'm also eager to read Matched by Ally Condie. I've read several of her LDS books, and can't wait to see what her new one's all about. Which books are you itching to get your hands on?
Oh, and if you're here because of the Hop - Welcome! I'm so glad you stopped by.
Dark Psychological Thriller's Gonna Take Some Mulling Over ...

Simply From Scratch Is, In a Word, Delicious

After reading the very heavy Glimpse, I desperately needed a happy read. Everything about the cover of Alicia Bessette's debut novel, Simply From Scratch (available August 5), screams, "Light!" "Fun!" "Heartwarming!" I gladly picked it up ... only to find out the book's about a grieving widow. She's a quirky widow, though, and her story's more lighthearted than it seems at first glance. In fact, Simply From Scratch is a perfect blend of pensive and playful. I loved every page.
Our heroine is 34-year-old Rose-Ellen "Zell" Carmichael Roy, a medical illustrator who's lived in small town Wippamunk, Massachusetts her whole life. With her freelance business just getting off the ground, she's pretty much got it all - a satisfying career, a loving marriage to her childhood sweetheart (happy-go-lucky photographer, Nick), the perfect pet (a retired Greyhound named Captain Ahab), a new house (okay, half a house), and plans to bear enough children to start her own soccer team (well, that one's mostly Nick's idea - she'll start with one and see how it goes). Then, Nick joins a relief mission to Katrina-ravaged New Orleans and everything changes. When he's killed in a freak accident, Zell's life plunges into a soul-shaking tailspin.
More than a year later, Zell's still wandering around the house like a zombie, wearing Nick's camoflauge apron and talking like a pirate to her dog. Alone with the Memory Smacks that bring her husband back to her in painful glimpses, Zell struggles to stay anchored in the here and now. She knows she needs to move on, find closure, but she just can't.
When Zell mistakenly receives her neighbor's cooking magazine in the mail, she spies an announcement that fills her with purpose for the first time since her husband's death. Cheery celebrity chef Polly Pinch (think Racheal Ray) is hosting her first annual Desserts That Warm the Soul baking contest. The winner receives $20,000, the exact amount Nick was trying to raise for Katrina victims. It's too big a coincidence to be anything other than fate. Zell decides to enter the contest, even though she hasn't touched her oven since, well, ever.
Her first effort brings the fire department. And a pint-sized helper. Zell's neighbor, 9-year-old Ingrid Knox, is a Polly Pinch devotee who will do anything for a chance to meet her idol. Even help a baking-challenged widow. Convinced that she can help Zell win the contest, Ingrid throws herself into the project with customary zeal. Zell hardly knows what to do with the child, let alone her very good-looking (and available) father, Garrett, but she accepts the help anyway. It's a sacrifice she's willing to make in order to fulfill Nick's dream. As it turns out, Ingrid's not much of a baker, either. What she has in spades, though, is effusive happiness - the exact thing Zell needs to thaw her frozen heart.
The more the pair bake together, the more successful their experiments become. With the help of several quirky townfolks, they come up with what just might be a winning recipe. As the project comes to an end, Zell realizes how much Ingrid's company has warmed her own soul. Zell's become so attached to the girl that she can't stand the thought of disappointing her, but that, Zell soon discovers, is exactly what's going to happen if she takes Ingrid to meet Polly Pinch. Breaking her promise will mean shattering the heart of the little girl who's been so instrumental in healing her own. Can she risk it? And what about her own heart - has it healed enough to give her the courage to face a future without Nick? Or will it shrivel back into itself without Polly Pinch to hold it together?
Everything about this charming story - from the warm-hearted characters to the captivating setting to the hopeful tone - enchanted me. It's a little predictable, but, frankly, I couldn't care less. Curling up with Simply From Scratch is like spooning bites of rich, oven-warm brownie into your mouth while snow falls outside and a fire crackles in the hearth. The ultimate in cozy comfort. And you know I love me some cozy comfort. Easily one of my favorite books of the year, Simply From Scratch is, in a word, delicious.
(Readalikes: Hm, I can't think of anything. Can you?)
Grade: A-
If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG for mild language and sexual innuendo
To the FTC, with love: I received a finished copy of Simply From Scratch from the generous folks at Dutton. Thank you!
Disturbing Glimpse Gets Under the Skin. Way Under.

Elsewhere Puts Fresh, Funny Spin On the Whole What-Happens-After-We-Die Question

If I Stay: Contemplative YA Novel Asks the Big Questions

Through flashbacks, we learn about Mia's quirky, bohemian parents; her funny little brother, Teddy; her loyal best friend, Kim; and her rocker boyfriend, Adam. In the one day that she floats between her world and the next, we see exactly why her choice is so difficult. Even though the accident has changed things, Mia has plenty of reasons to return. She also has good reasons to go. As Mia spends the day contemplating her decision, the reader also has the chance to ponder the big questions: What happens after we die? Do families endure beyond the grave? Can comatose patients really choose to fight or let go? How do those left behind cope with the death of a loved one?
While I don't have a problem with contemplative novels like If I Stay, this one dragged quite a bit for me. I'm not sure why, since it had plenty of conflict, but it never really grabbed me. Maybe it's because the story's not terribly fresh, or because the only characters who really stand out are Mia's parents (who are charmingly original), or because Mia's voice isn't strong enough to make her truly come alive (pardon the pun). The ending did surprise me, though, and the sentimentality might have even coaxed a tear or two out of me. Still and all, I found If I Stay disappointing - one of those books that comes nowhere near to living up to its hype. Always a bummer.
(Readalikes: A little like The Everafter by Amy Huntley)
Grade: B-
If this were a movie, it would be rated: R for strong language (several F-bombs, plus frequent milder invectives) and some sexual content
To the FTC, with love: I bought If I Stay from Amazon.
It's 1 A.M. - Time to Hop!

If you haven't discovered the Book Blogger Hop yet, get yourself over to Crazy For Books and join in the fun. It's an excellent way to find new blogs. I'm amazed by how many I find every week.
This time around, Jen's asking all the participants to chat about their favorite authors. I'm too indecisive to pick a favorite anything, but here's a handful of writers I like:
Jodi Picoult - I love how she looks at ripped-from-the-headlines issues and makes me see them from all different angles.
Maeve Binchy - I love her soft, soothing Irish touch. Her books almost always pull me in with interesting characters and storylines.
Kathy Reichs - I've never been a big science fan, but I love how Reichs makes forensics so fascinating in her Tempe Brennan series. I also love the characters she creates.
Jacqueline Woodson - Her books always make me see things in a different light.
Cassandra Clare - The Mortal Instruments series. What more do I need to say?
... and tons more. Who are your favorites?
Zippy Heist Society Steals My Heart

Katarina Bishop has pulled off some pretty impressive jobs in her 15 years. Not surprising, really, since she's been trained by the most notorious thieving family in the world - her own. These days, though, the only thing she wants to steal is a spot at the most exclusive prep school in the U.S. She's determined to leave "the life" behind, blend in with the other Ivy Leaguers-to-be, and finally live like a normal teenager. There's only one problem: Someone doesn't agree with Kat's new life goal. Someone's trying to get her kicked out of the Colgan School. Someone is succeeding.
Before Kat knows it, she's sucked right back into the life she thought she'd left behind forever. She wouldn't return for anyone else, but her father's in a whole lot of trouble. A very unsavory Italian is accusing Bobby Bishop of stealing a set of priceless paintings from his home. Kat's convinced of her dad's innocence, even if no one else is, but the mobster's not about to take her word for it. There's only one way to retrieve the paintings and save her father's life - and only one person who could pull off such an impossible heist. Kat's got little choice in the matter. She gets to work.
Nothing about the job is easy - Kat's up against more than one formiddable foe; she's got a crew made up entirely of teenagers, few of whom are ready to trust her after her abrupt disappearance from the underworld they all call home; and she's working on a very tight schedule. She's only got two weeks to pull off the biggest art theft ever. Oh, and just to complicate matters, there's Hale. Gorgeous, loyal, funny, and filthy, filthy rich, Hale's her perfect partner in crime. Except that she's over him, just like she's over the whole thieving thing. Isn't she?
Heist Society, the newest YA novel by Ally Carter, is the literary cousin of fast-paced con movies like The Italian Job and Ocean's Eleven. It zips along at a furious speed wasting no time on details lacking immediate relevancy, criss-crosses the globe gathering plot-thickening clues, and expects you to keep up with the neck-breaking pace. The cast is warm and likeable, not as developed as it could be, but enjoyable nonetheless. Like all con stories, this one's a little far-fetched. Still, it's engaging, fun and so difficult to put down that I pretty much read it in one sitting.
As much as I admire the book's sleek plot, it's a little bit too streamlined for me. Since Carter doesn't bother with a lot of background, there are certain parts of the story that just didn't quite add up for me. Kat's motivation, for one thing. I didn't get why she would drop everything to help her dad when they seemed to have only a very strained relationship. There's no evidence of any closeness between them. Also, Kat makes a big deal about wanting to leave her life of crime behind, but steps back into it without a second thought. I expected a little more internal conflict there. Then, there's her relationship with Hale: How did they meet? Why is Hale so devoted to Kat? Why doesn't the big wimp just tell her how he feels? (Apparently, I'm not the only fan wondering these things. When asked if she was going to divulge these secrets in subsequent books, Carter stated, "I will if the book calls for it, but only then.") Oh yeah, and the identity of the original thief? Well, I was positive I had it all figured out. Turns out, I wasn't right or wrong. Dang it, I hate me an obscure ending.
Despite Carter's chronic detail skimping, she's got me hooked. Heist Society kept me so thoroughly entertained that I can't wait for Kat's next adventure. Carter constantly keeps me guessing, but this is (hopefully) a sure thing: Our favorite thief will be back, we just don't know when exactly. See what I mean about obscure endings? Dang it.
(Readalikes: I can think of plenty of movies to compare it to, but no books. Any ideas?)
Grade: B+
If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG for some references to female body parts
To the FTC, with love: I received a finished copy of Heist Society from the generous folks at Disney/Hyperion. Thanks!
Purge Revealing, But Not Riveting

"I love eating, but hate having eaten. I hate barfing, but love having purged" (55).
Creepy-Fun The Enemy Has Me Double-Checking the Locks

After trembling through more than one book-induced nightmare, I made a vow: I will never read a scary book at night, especially if (A) My husband is out of town or (B) I am the only adult in the house who is awake. I've lived by this rule for years. Yet, somehow, in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, I found myself whipping through the last third of Charlie Higson's dystopian horror novel, The Enemy. The combination of 32 oz. of Baja Blast and a 3-hour aftern

The Enemy starts with an unnerving sentence: "Small Sam was playing in the parking lot behind the Waitrose supermaket when the grown-ups took him" (3). With a beginning as auspicious as that, it's probably no surprise that, with each succeeding page, the story gets more and more chilling. Although I found myself laughing at certain passages ("A parent might have grounded you, a teacher might have kept you after school, and the police might have arrested you, but none of them would have tried to eat you, like the grown-ups who wandered the streets these days" [19]"), the book's definitely spooky. It's also a fast-paced thrill ride with plenty of horror-typical blood and gore. Character development is not The Enemy's strong point, but the kids are, for the most part, young and helpless enough to garner immediate sympathy. The older ones are tough, brave, and fiercely protective of the younger children, making them admirable as well. Although Higson doesn't divulge all the secrets of his freaky dystopian world - leaving me with plenty of unanswered questions - it had me convinced enough to keep flipping through pages at 3:00 in the morning. And double check all my locks. And make sure all the windows were secure. And peek outside to confirm the neighborhood was as zombie-free as it seemed.
The Enemy isn't as complex as some of the other YA dystopian books out there, but it's definitely a fun, creepy read. It moves quickly, but even so, I recommend starting it early in the morning because, trust me, you're going to want to finish it long before dark.
(Readalikes: Reminds me a lot of the Gone series by Michael Grant and a bit of The Forest of Hands and Teeth books by Carrie Ryan)
I Can't Be Quiet About This One - The Silence of God Is a Touching Must-Read

Pretty much everything I know about tsarist Russia comes from the movies Fiddler on the Roof (1971) and Anastasia (1997). I'm sure I studied world history at some point during my schooling, but when I think of early 20th Century Russia, I see animated figures dancing around Palace Square and hear Tevye singing, "If I Were A Rich Man." Yes, I do realize that my tenuous, Hollywood-tainted grasp on Russian history is slightly pathetic. However, it explains, at least in part, why I was so thrilled when Deseret Book offered me the opportunity to review Gale Sears' new novel, The Silence of God. The story unfurls in a time and place that I've only experienced through film - reading about the rich, complex history of St. Petersburg brought the setting to life like no movie ever could. If the words to "Sunrise, Sunset" floated through my head as I read, well, that's not such a bad thing, right?

Set against the tumultuous backdrop of a country in crisis, The Silence of God is the unforgettable story of a family whose faith sustains them even in the most desperate of circumstances. As preachy or cheesy as it may sound, the book is much more than a tale of enduring to the end. Since we spend most of the story inside Natasha Ivanovna's head, we delve into the eternal and inevitable clashes between politics and religion; youthful zeal and tradition; the common people and their governments; and, of course, man's weakness v. God's power. It's these ideas, plus the way Sears makes the history come alive that makes this book so riveting. Usually, I dislike historical fiction in which the history vastly outweighs the fiction - in this book, however, I hardly cared. The drama, tragedy, and triumph intrinsic in Russia's history swept me clean away. Viewing it through the struggles of the Lindlof Family only made it more vivid, more real. Even though I had trouble keeping track of the many Lindlofs, none of whom were rounded enough to really stand out, I realized just how "close" I'd grown to them when I discovered that Sears altered their fates in the book. It still surprises me, somehow, that real life can be so much crueller than fiction.
As much as I enjoyed both Fiddler on the Roof and Anastasia, The Silence of God made me realize how much I missed by allowing them to be my only portals into Russian history. Tevye still makes me laugh and the possibility of Anastasia's survival will always capture my imagination, but Gale Sears is the one who really made it all come alive for me. I can't be quiet about this one - The Silence of God is a touching must-read. It does more justice to the richness of tsarist Russia than anything else I've encountered. Don't miss it.
(Readalikes: Reminded me a little of Dean R. Hughes' World War II series, Children of the Promise)
Grade: B+
If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG for war-related violence and threats of violence (both physical and sexual)
To the FTC, with love: I received a finished copy of The Silence of God from the generous folks at Deseret Book. Thank you!

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