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Monday, October 24, 2011

I Can't Say It Enough: Read This Series!

(Image from Indiebound)

(Note: Although this review will not contain spoilers for Under the Jolly Roger, it may inadvertently reveal plot surprises from earlier Bloody Jack novels. As always, I recommend reading books in a series in order.)

Tough crowds don't scare "Bloody" Jack Faber. Much. She's always managed to handle even the most unsavory of assemblages, be they found drinking in a grimy Boston pub, working aboard a creaky naval ship or sipping tea at a snooty finishing school. Somehow, she's won them all over to her side. But now, with her feet back on English soil, Jacky will face the audience she fears most: Mrs. Fletcher, mother of one James Emerson Fletcher. Jaimy. From whom Jacky's heard not a word.

Her meeting with the dragon lady confirms Jacky's worst fears - Jaimy's no longer hers. Jacky's barely had time to digest the devastating news when she's nabbed by a press gang, who mistake her for a boy. Before she has time to explain, she's being hauled aboard a dingy Brig-of-War named Wolverine. The hell ship is captained by Abraham Scroggs, a sadist who's delighted to have a female on board, especially one as famous as Jacky. As soon as his gout clears up, he means to have her in his bed, whether she be willing or not.

Just as Jacky's about to meet her doom, a surprising turn of events changes everything for her. Suddenly, she's an outlaw, the most feared pirate on the high seas. With a price on her head, she can't very well go sashaying into port, which makes it rather difficult to claim the only treasure she really wants: Jaimy.

I don't say this about many series', but this one just keeps getting better. I've loved Jacky since I "met" her and I love her more with every passing page. She's one of the most finely-drawn characters I've ever encountered. With each new adventure, she gets funnier, braver, more admirable and more sympathetic. Have I told you lately that I love her? I do. And the funniest thing about these books, Under the Jolly Roger included, is that none of them really has much of a plot - they're simply about Jacky leaping from one adventure to another to another - and it doesn't bother me in the least. Jacky's character outshines everything else. L.A. Meyer's storytelling ain't bad either. I can't say it enough: Read this series!

(Readalikes: Bloody Jack; Curse of the Blue Tattoo; and other books in the Bloody Jack series by L.A. Meyer)

Grade: A

If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG-13 for violence and sexual innuendo/content

To the FTC, with love: Another library fine find


  1. Ok ok I will read it! I have had Bloody Jack on my TBR list for a while now. I have just placed a hold for it at the library....

  2. I've only read the first one (and liked it!) But, I have a few girls who frequent the library who are reading this for their 4th (or more) time.... that says a lot...

  3. T.B. - Ha ha! Glad I convinced you to give the books a try. They're really, really fun. Let me know what you think, okay?

    Annette - They're girls after my own heart :)

  4. The saddest thing about my never-ending pile of TBR is that backlisted books take a backseat. I've had this on my radar forever and still never picked it up.

  5. I totally know the feeling, Melissa, but this series is SO worth it. It makes me laugh every time. If it weren't for all the new books I've got sitting on my TBR pile, I'd be reading Bloody Jack books non-stop. They're fabulous!

  6. I am listening to the First one right this minute. I am on the last disc. and ready for the next one. I have enjoyed this one so I am sure the next few will be great.

  7. Ok, I'm putting this on my TBLT (to be listened to) list. I'm pretty sure I saw this in the audiobooks section of the library. If it's funny, I'm there. I love a good audiobook, and the narrator makes or breaks it for me. My favs are Jim Dale from the HP series, Stephen Briggs who does nearly all of Terry Pratchett's audiobooks, and I just started listening to Enchanted Glass by Dianna Wynne Jones. I can't remember the reader's name but he is delightful!!

  8. April - Glad you're enjoying it! I've heard the reader on the audiobooks is excellent.

    Sarah - I never listen to audiobooks, but I've heard really good things about the reader on the Bloody Jack books and the one for HP. If I ever need an audiobook to listen to, those are the ones I'm going for!


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