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Normal: It's All Relative

Addison Schmeeter knows what normal is. Or maybe she doesn't, but at least she knows what it's not. It's not a mom leaving her kids for nights on end without letting them know where she is or when she'll be home. It's not a mom refusing to get out of bed for a week. It's not a 12-year-old doing all the cooking, cleaning, and shopping. It's not a parent acting like a child. The way Addie and Mommers live - nothing about it is normal. Addie knows their situation's unconventional (to say the least); she also knows she can't tell anyone about it, not if she wants to avoid ending up in foster care. Besides, Mommers needs her. Addie can't abandon her mother, no matter how crazy Mommers acts sometimes.
So, Addie hides the truth about her mother's violent mood swings - from her teachers at school, from her grandfather, and from her new friends across the street. Only Addie's ex-stepfather knows how bad Mommers gets sometimes, but no matter how hard he tries, he can't really help Addie. She knows he'd take her to live with him and her little half-sisters if Mommers would let him, but she won't. No way. She hates Dwight. And since he's not Addie's biological father, he can't legally force the issue. So Addie waits. And waits. For normal to make an appearance in her increasingly wonky life.
At least, Addie's in a new neighborhood, attending a new school. No one in this part of Schenectady knows her or Mommers. It's easier to hide. Until things get complicated. Suddenly, along with daily survival in an always-unpredictable home, Addie's got to deal with a friend's devastating secret, Dwight's new romance, and the intense stage fright that grabs hold of her every time she thinks about her upcoming violin solo. She'll have to face it all, while, at the same time, trying to predict what her mother will do next, where she will (or will not) show up, and how she's going to keep Mommer's erratic behavior a secret from prying eyes.
Although not as hard-hitting as other novels about children dealing with a parent's mental illness, Waiting for Normal is nonetheless affecting. The 2009 Schneider Family Book Award Winner by Leslie Connor takes a poignant look at one girl's brave fight for normality despite living with a mother whose manic-depression makes her life anything but. While I didn't love the book, I do think it's a well-written story about an important issue.
(Readalikes: Reminded me of Miles From Ordinary by Carol Lynch Williams, You Are My Only by Beth Kephart, and Small As An Elephant by Jennifer Richard Jacobson, and A Blue So Dark by Holly Schindler)
Grade: C
If this were a movie, it would be rated: I waffled between PG and PG-13, but finally settled on the latter because of mild langauge, intense situations, candid discussions of female issues associated with puberty and references to homosexuality.
To the FTC, with love: I received a finished copy of Waiting for Normal from the generous folks at Katherine Tegen Books (an imprint of Harper Collins). Thank you!
Gone Satisfying End to Wake Trilogy

Fade: An Original Series Gets A Little Too Generic

Feed Offers Not-Very-Subtle Wake-Up Call For Our Plugged-In World

I'm not sure why I thought Feed, a 2002 National Book Award finalist by M.T. Anderson, had to do with zombies. Maybe because of the title? Or maybe because the closer we creep to 2012, the more nervous I get about an undead apocalypse? Anyway, whatever the reason, I was totally wrong. No zombies shuffle their way through this book. Except, sort of, in a way, they do. Only they're not the slobbering, walking dead variety. Not exactly.
In this futuristic YA novel, almost anything has become possible. Spring Breakers can party on the moon. Jet-setting off to Mars is completely doable. And no one has to go offline. Ever. Feeds are transplanted straight into people's brains, allowing them to not just stand, but live their entire lives, at the very center of the information superhighway. A constant stream of content pours into their heads, meaning they never have to sound ignorant, never have to wonder about anything, never need to bother with learning or thinking at all. Ads flash through their minds continually, keeping them up-to-date on the latest fashion trends, celebrity breakups and cool, new gadgets. With a functioning feed, they can fit in anywhere, with anyone.
But what happens when a feed malfunctions? Titus is about to find out.
When the teenager and his friends go looking for a little lunar fun, they discover something: the Moon kinda sucks. In no time, their little excursion has gotten totally null. They're bored out of their feed-blasted minds. Then, Titus meets Violet Durn. Not only is Violet stunningly beautiful, but she's different. Like, somehow she seems more real than anyone else Titus has ever known. She's a little out of the loop, sure, but she's unique, something exciting to brighten his dull vacation. Titus convinces a reluctant Violet to come party with him and his friends at a night club his feed assures him is hot. He's having a good time (even if she's not) when the unthinkable happens - a raging doomsayer hacks into both their feeds, spamming them with angry extremist mumbo jumbo. In order to get their systems back online, both their feeds will have to be shut down. Immediately.
Without the noise in his head, Titus experiences an unsettling quiet, a kind of clarity he's never known before. Between the weird emptiness in his brain and Violet's odd observations about life (""Everything we've grown up with - the stories on the feed, the games, all of that - it's streaming our personalities so we're easier to sell to ...'" [97]), Titus literally does not know what to think. Even when the feed doctors reboot him and everything's back to normal, he's out of sorts, a feeling which only increases when Violet gives him some very disturbing news. Suddenly, Titus is asking questions he's never even considered before: What, in his life, is real? Who is he - his own person or some kind of product manufactured by the wily feed gods? If he didn't have his feed to stuff him full of info, would he be worth anything at all?
The allegorical Feed offers a chilling commentary on our Internet/Facebook/Twitter-obsessed times. In alternately frenetic (when he is on feed) and calmer (when he's off) chapters, Titus explores concerns that plague all of us with our increasingly virtual lives - realitiy vs. the online world; genuine human conversation vs. instant messaging, Facebook status updating, and Tweeting; true scholarship vs. copycat research; and developing authentic personality vs. allowing marketers to tell us who to be. The book's lesson isn't very subtle, but the plot's entertaining and Anderson's point comes across in a way that's both vivid and affecting. I can't say I loved Feed; I can say I appreciated it. And I haven't stopped thinking about it. Must be the zombie thing ...
(Readalikes: Reminded me a little of Girl Parts by John M. Cusick and, oddly, of the movie Wall-E)
Grade: B
If this were a movie, it would be rated: R for strong language
To the FTC, with love: I received a finished copy of Feed from the generous folks at Candlewick Press. Thank you!
Frigid Dystopian Novel An Intriguing Debut

I tried to resist reading After the Snow by S.D. Crockett. I really did. Not for forever, just until it got closer to the book's publication date (March 2012). But everything about the book intrigued me - the setting (an arctic dystopian England - haven't seen that one before), the cover (chilling, no?), and the plot (teenager's family gets taken, leaving him to fend for himself in a frigid, empty world). So, you see why I had to read it, right? Right? And, of course, I could just post-date this review, but where would the fun in that be? This way, you can get just as interested, just as excited about the novel as I did!
The story begins on a cold, icy day - because that's how every day dawns in Willo Blake's eternally white world. The 15-year-old is a straggler, one of the few people who live outside the enclosed cities, staying well below the government's radar. He, along with his father, stepmother, younger sister, and an assortment of friends, eke out a life in the hills, eating the animals they kill and trading their furs to a trusted outsider in order to purchase other supplies. The stragglers may not play by the government's rules, but they're not doing anything wrong. Just trying to survive.
On this particular afternoon, Willo's out hunting in the hills. When he returns, he senses right away that something's wrong. His home looks and feels deserted. Creeping closer, he discovers that everyone's gone. Judging from the tire tracks in the snow and the half-eaten breakfast abandoned on the kitchen table, his people have been discovered and apprehended by police. Willo knows they could be back for him at any time, could even be hiding somewhere on the property waiting to nab him. Not sure what to do or where to go, Willo takes off into the mountains. He's been hiding himself, masking his scent and noise for as long as he can remember - he'll do that now while he figures out a plan.
It doesn't take long for Willo to hit a snag. As he tromps through the frozen land, he comes across a young girl. Stick-thin and starving, she's waiting for her father to return. Willo's already found the man - he's dead in a shed out behind the hovel where the girl is waiting. Thirteen-year-old Mary, now an orphan, is so distraught, so far out of her mind, that Willo can't reason with her. He also can't leave her by herself, especially not with a pack of wolves circling outside, just waiting for another carcass to tear apart. He also can't drag her along with him, seeing as she's a city girl, unused to living in the wild. Now, he has a plan: Get Mary back to the city, then figure out how to get to his own family.
The city, though, isn't what Willo thought it would be. It's much bleaker, much more dangerous. As Willo tries to navigate his way through its filthy makeshift streets, he'll learn some shocking truths - about life in the dingy city, about his own family, and, mostly, about himself. With these revelations comes the realization that he's now in more danger than he could ever have imagined. Maybe he's no match for the animals that stalk the hillsides, but in the city, it's a whole different kind of hunt. Here, in "civilization," Willo's the prey.
The narration in After the Snow is a little hard to follow at first (Willo's speech resembles that of Todd in the Chaos Walking series by Patrick Ness), but once you get used to it, Willo tells a gripping post-apocalyptic tale. Which is grim, to be sure. Also fast-paced and exciting. It's a chilling dystopian/survival story, set in a unique climate, which makes it even more fascinating. After the Snow might not be my favorite YA dystopian novel - still, it's an engrossing, well-written adventure that kept me flipping pages well into the night. Bottom line: I liked it.
(Readalikes: The Road by Cormac McCarthy; The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch; The Chaos Walking trilogy [The Ask and the Answer; The Knife of Never Letting Go; Monsters of Men] by Patrick Ness; also reminded me a little of Trapped by Michael Northrop)
Grade: B
If this were a movie, it would be rated: R for language (a few F-bombs, plus milder invectives), violence and intense situations
To the FTC, with love: I received an ARC of After the Snow from the generous folks at Feiwel and Friends (an imprint of Macmillan). Thank you!
Korman Tackles Titanic As 100th Anniversary of Sinking Nears

Titanic's voyage has barely begun and junior steward Alfie Huggins already has a l

Meanwhile, Paddy's stirring up trouble all over the boat, Juliana discovers the real reason her father's taking her to America and Sophie's helping Alfie track down a killer. Danger seems to be lurking in even the most unexpected of places. But when Titanic hits an iceberg, danger takes on a whole new meaning ...
Book Three:S.O.S.

Series Grade: B-
If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG for mild language, violence and intense situations
To the FTC, with love: I received copies of all the books in this trilogy from the generous folks at Scholastic. Thank you!
Pray For Me - And My Turkey

But, enough about the food. That's not what Thanksgiving's really about, right? Right? Of course not; it's about counting one's blessings. I have so much to be thankful for, including a large, lively group of blog readers. Thank you so much for supporting BBB this year - for your comments, your emails, your Likes on Facebook, your recommendations and, most of all, your friendship. It truly does mean a great deal to me.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone! And, if you're offering up prayers tomorrow, send one up for me and my turkey, won't you? We're going to need all the help we can get.
(Photo is courtesy of my SIL)
You Are My Only Moving Story About Strength, Resilience

Sophie Marks doesn't want much really, just the things the average 14-year-old takes for granted: school, friends, laughter, an occasional trip to the mall or the movies. It's so little to wish for, but Sophie knows she'll never get any of those things. Not as long as she lives with Cheryl Marks. Her mother is so afraid of the outside world, so paranoid of what she calls the "No Good," that she refuses to leave the house any more than she absolutely has to. Since Sophie doesn't work or go to school, she's never allowed to stray outdoors. Her mother insists she remain inside, with the door locked and the shades drawn against prying eyes. Sophie obeys, as she always has, because it's the only way to keep her mother calm. But she can't stop hoping, wishing things were different.
As isolated as the Marks' new rental home is, it's not the only one hidden back in the woods. When Sophie spies a boy about her age playing outside with his dog, the urge to reach out to him is so strong that she does the unspeakable - she talks to him. Soon, she's creeping outside to play baseball with him. Then, she's sneaking over to the house where Joey Rudd lives with his two aunts. Their home life seems so sweet, so normal, that lonely Sophie can't stay away. She has to be extra careful, though - if her mother knew she was consorting with strangers, Cheryl would pack up their meager belongings and drag Sophie onto the next train out of there.
Sophie's small rebellion sparks a curiosity she's never felt before. Now, she's wondering about her mother: Why is Cheryl so afraid? As she sifts through the few momentos her mother's kept from their life together, Sophie discovers a shocking truth, one that has her questioning everything she's ever known to be true.
(Readalikes: Reminds me of Miles From Ordinary by Carol Lynch Williams; June Bug by Chris Fabry; Circle Nine by Anne Heltzel; The Talk-Funny Girl by Roland Merullo; Sparrow Road by Sheila O'Connor and Dirty Little Secrets by C.J. Omololu)
If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG-13 for language (no F-bombs) and mature themes/situations
To the FTC, with love: Another library fine find
Last Norma Fox Mazer Novel Leaves Me Feeling Dreary, Disappointed

It's easy to get lost in the shuffle when you come from a large family, especially one as dysfunctional as the Herberts. Just ask 11-year-old Autumn. She's the youngest of five - all girls - and nothing about her stands out. She's not mature like 17-year-old Beauty; she's not nurturing like 16-year-old Mim; she's not passionate like 14-year-old Stevie; and she's not mentally challenged like 12-year-old Fancy. Autumn's just ... ordinary. Well, as ordinary as it gets in her family.
Even the man who secretly watches the Herbert girls doesn't pick her as a favorite. He's not sure which sister he prefers; he likes watching them all. Everything about them intrigues him - from the way they prance about town, to the way their chatter fills the air around them, to their bright eyes, shiny hair and youthful innocence. If he didn't keep himself under rigorous control, he'd let them know just how he feels. But he can't, he can't. No one can know about his little problem. He doesn't want to go back to jail. Better to stay anonymous and admire his girls from a distance. And wait.
His patience pays off. When Autumn takes off one day after a particularly intense day in the Herbert household, fate delivers her right to his door. He's delighted. She's terrified. He wants her to stay forever. She's desperate to get back to her family, however screwed up they may be. As the days of her captivity wear on, Autumn realizes it's up to her to save herself. Digging deep for the inner strength she needs to survive, Autumn's determined to prove - if not to her family, at least to herself - that she's not invisible, not helpless, not ordinary. Not at all.
The Missing Girl, a chilling psychological thriller by Norma Fox Mazer, is told in alternating voices that give an already intense story added depth and intensity. The Herbert sisters, all realistically flawed, are sympathetic characters, which makes their plight even more affecting. Still, I found their story a little too generic, a little too predictable, a little too reliant on coincidence to be believable. Like all books of this sort, it's also disturbing. Although it does end on a hopeful note, I still found this one too dreary. Ultimately, The Missing Girl - the last book, incidentally, that Mazer wrote before her death in 2009 - left me feeling more disappointed than anything else.
(Readalikes: Reminded me a little of Stolen by Lucy Christopher, Girl, Stolen by April Henry, and Circle Nine by Anne Heltzel)
Grade: C
If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG-13 for language (no F-bombs) and disturbing images/content
To the FTC, with love: I received a finished copy of The Missing Girl from the generous folks at HarperTeen. Thank you!
Dear America Titanic Story Familiar, But Still Entertaining

If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG for scenes of peril
To the FTC, with love: I received a finished copy of Dear America: Voyage on the Great Titanic from the generous folks at Scholastic. Thank you!
Creepy Cryer's Cross An Entertaining Spine-Tingler

When a high school freshman from Cryer's Cross, Montana, disappears, it rocks the tiny town to its core. Despite days of searching the area, no one can find a trace of the missing girl. It could be she just ran away, but, to 17-year-old Kendall Fletcher, the whole thing feels sinister. Kendall knows she won't rest easy until she finds out what happened to her classmate - not because she was particularly close to the girl, more because her OCD makes coping with ambiguity difficult. To say the least.
Searing, Provocative Dystopian Scarlet Letter Begs to Be Discussed

For Hannah Payne, a 26-year-old seamstress, chroming is just a part of life. She sees Chromes frequently on the streets of Dallas, but like any good girl, she stays far away from them. A devout woman like Hannah, whose almost cloistered life revolves solely around her church and her family, has nothing in common with outcasts like them. At least that's what she thinks. Until a secret affair with a prominent minister leaves her pregnant. By law, she can't have the baby without naming its father. Not willing to risk her lover's pious reputation by exposing him as an adulterer, she seeks an abortion instead. The act, considered murder by both church and state, earns Hannah a sentence of 16 years as a Red.
When she's released from the hospital, where her chroming procedure was not only performed, but televised to the public, Hannah stumbles out into a world grown suddenly cruel. Her flaming red skin seems to render her inhuman, making her both a target for lewd jeers and a danger to be avoided at all costs. Shunned by her family, Hannah must make her way in a world where she has no rights, where discrimination colors her every interaction, where she's judged - instantly and harshly - by the crime she has committed. It's a bleak, tortorous existence, one made even more difficult by the fact that Hannah can't see her family or acknowledge the man she loves or live any kind of normal life. The shunning, the humiliation, the hardness of the punishment are all designed to teach Hannah one thing - how it feels to be victimized.
Hannah knows she could end it all by choosing suicide over endurance, but she doesn't have the courage to do to herself what she did to her unborn child. Besides, her new life is showing her things she never saw before: hypocrisy, lies, hate, and truth. As she struggles to come to terms with life as a Red, Hannah "unknowingly embarks on a journey of self-discovery that forces her to question the values she once held true and the righteousness of a country that politicizes faith and love" (quote from jacket copy).
The premise of When She Woke intrigued me from the second I heard about it. It's a fascinating concept, explored in a way that is raw, searing, yet sympathetic, too. Much to my surprise, Jordan made me care about Hannah, even though I found her crime repugnant and her "selfless" justification deplorable. I didn't agree with the majority of Hannah's decisions, but I still found her story riveting. Jordan writes so vividly, so provocatively that I literally could not stop myself from turning the pages of When She Woke. In the end, though, I disagreed so strongly with Hannah's conclusions that I found myself ultimately disappointed by a novel I thought I might love. My own beliefs just differ too strongly, I guess, although I still think this novel would make a great book club choice. Like Hawthorne's masterpiece, When She Woke just begs to be discussed.
(Readalikes: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne and Small-Town Sinners by Melissa Walker)
Grade: B
If this were a movie, it would be rated: R for language, sexual content and adult situations/themes
To the FTC, with love: I bought When She Woke at Changing Hands Bookstore with some of the millions I make from my lucrative career as a book blogger. Ha ha.
Simple, But Profound: Locomotion Another Winner From Jacqueline Woodson

Woodson Does It Again With Touching Companion Novel

(Note: Although this review will not contain spoilers for Peace, Locomotion, it may inadvertently reveal plot surprises from Locomotion, its predecessor. As always, I recommend reading books in a series in order.)

Peace, Locomotion, a companion novel to Jacqueline Woodson's award-winning Locomotion, is told with the author's trademark simple, but profound, style. Because it's composed entirely of Lonnie's letters to Lili, the story's intensely personal. The 12-year-old's love for his sister comes through loud and clear, as does his changing definition of the meaning of family and his great longing for peace. I love Woodson's books for so many reasons - this one shines because of its engaging hero, its (mostly) positive exploraton of foster care, and, of course, that unique warmth that radiates out of every novel the author writes. Like its predecessor, Peace, Locomotion is another gem from the incomparable Jacqueline Woodson.
The Talk-Funny Girl Bleak, But Powerful

"I had my protective shell of funny talk and shyness, but underneath that lived a wilder me, a girl who would take punishment, and take it, and take it, but who would never let go of herself all the way, never completely surrender" (87).
Marjorie Richards knows all about fear. The 17-year-old can't go home without feeling it, she can't walk the school corridors without experiencing it and, now that teenage girls are disappearing in her rural New Hampshire community, she can't go anywhere at all without constantly looking over her shoulder. Marjorie's reclusive parents have always told her the outside world isn't safe - she's starting to believe them.
Unlike her parents, though, Marjorie can't hide out in the hills. She's required by law to attend school. Even though her classmates snicker about the way she talks, her teachers raise their eyebrows at her bruises, and more than one boy makes it clear what he wants from her, Marjorie craves the normality of it all. When she's hired to help Arturo "Sands" Ivers, a 24-year-old stranger in town, build a church, she spends even more time basking in the freedom of life away from her cruel parents. As intoxicating as it is to be out from under their constant supervision, Marjorie's afraid to step too far away from her mother and father. She pities them, but mostly she fears what they will do if she dares defy them. The paycheck she brings them every month may be the only thing that keeps them from killing her outright.
As Marjorie grows more comfortable with her job as an assistant stonemason - and with her inscrutable boss - she feels her confidence growing. But will it be enough to save her from her parents' escalating sadism? Or the vicious murderer, who may be closer to Marjorie than she knows? Will it be enough to rescue her from the squalid fate for which she seems destined? Or will she become just another victim - of poverty, of abuse, and of a violent killer?
(Readalikes: Reminds me a lot of Winter's Bone by Daniel Woodrell and a little of Blood Wounds by Susan Beth Pfeffer)
Grade: B
If this were a movie, it would be rated: R for mild language, sexual innuendo/content, and violence
Superzero A Gem All Around

The Iron King Entertaining, Even Without the "Wow" Factor

Hannah Fans Can Rest Easy - The Lake Eden Cookbook Is Here

Fans of cookie baker and amateur sleuth Hannah Swenson (heroine of Joanne Fluke's popular culinary mystery series) can finally rest easy. After many requests for a cookbook made of all the delectable recipes found in her novels, Fluke complied. The result? Lake Eden Cookbook: Hannah Swenson's Recipes From The Cookie Jar, which released a little over a month ago. Just in time for holiday baking, the cookbook contains all the recipes from the books as well as a "generous sprinkling of new never-before-published" recipes. Since the majority of Fluke's/Hannah's recipes cannot be found online (at least not officially), this is a real treat for those who love Hannah and/or those who love to bake.
Since Hannah is, primarily, a cookie baker, the majority of "her" recipes are for just that. From drop cookies to bar cookies to cut-out cookies to a cookie pizza, the variety is dazzling. Hannah's specialty might be cookies, but that's not all she does - "her" cookbook includes instructions for making several different types of candy, muffins, cakes, cupcakes, pies, even soups and salads. All of the recipes look delicious, are clearly worded and seem to be doable even for newbie bakers. Oh, and did I mention the substitutions list that starts on Page 323? I've never seen the like - who knew there were substitutes for brown sugar, self-rising flour, even eggs? I didn't.
Those bakers who also love the Hannah Swenson books will enjoy the story that runs through the cookbook. It's nothing terribly exciting (no one gets killed anyway) and you won't miss any important plot developments by ignoring it, but it's kind of fun to read about Hannah's catering woes during an oncoming snowstorm. Also, on the inside book covers is a quaint, colorful map of Lake Eden - something I, at least, have never seen before. It's a fun visual that helps bring Fluke's stories to life.
My complaints about the cookbook are few. I would have liked a bigger, spiral-bound version, which would make the book much more kitchen-friendly. As is, it's formatted like another volume in the series - hardbound, with no color (except on the map). Also, it would have been really nice to see color photos of each of the finished products, since, without a picture, I'm never sure if what I baked looks like it's supposed to look. Additionally, the recipes do not include any nutritional info at all. Considering how much fat and sugar are in many of them, maybe it's better that I not know!
Despite those little annoyances, I've been really pleased with Lake Eden Cookbook: Hannah Swensen's Recipes From The Cookie Jar. I can't wait to try more of the recipes, since they all look fantastic. If you've got a Fluke fan or a baker or both on your Christmas list this year, search this one out. Seriously. Just thinking about baking more of Hannah's sweet treats makes me salivate. Mmm, mmm, mmm. I hope Fluke's coming out with a diet cookbook next - I'm definitely going to need it!
(Readalikes: All the books in Joanne Fluke's Hannah Swensen series, including Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder, Strawberry Shortcake Murder, Blueberry Muffin Murder and Lemon Meringue Pie Murder)
Grade: B
If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG for very mild sexual innuendo
To the FTC, with love: I bought The Lake Eden Cookbook from Amazon with some of the millions I make from my lucrative career as a book blogger. Ha ha.)
I must have been really overloaded on Halloween candy when I selected the recipes I wanted to make for this blog post. Usually, I go straight for the chocolate, but the two treats I selected both involve fruit (which totally makes them healthy, right?). Enjoy!
Oh, and in the recipes, comments in parantheses are Fluke's/Swensen's, comments in brackets are mine.
3 cups orange juice (you'll need 6 cups in all)
Pour the 3 cups of orange juice into a blender. Add the envelope of dry Dream Whip and the dry pudding mix. Blend for one minute on LOW and then for another minute on MEDIUM speed.
Pour the mixture into a 2-quart pitcher. Add the remaining 3 cups of orange juice and stir well.
Yield: Makes almost 2 quarts
- Sorry about the blurry photos. My 2-year-old wouldn't stop moving. I'm pretty sure the cup didn't move an inch, so I'm not sure why it's so fuzzy. There's a distinct possibility that the photographer didn't know what she was doing. Nah, couldn't be that :)
1/2 cup (1 stick, 4 ounces, 1/4 pound) salted butter, softened
*** If you can't find key lime juice, you can use regular lime juice. Of course, it's best if you squeeze it yourself.
Prepare a cake pan by lining it with wax paper. You're going to use it to hold and refrigerate your lime balls once you've made them.
Hannah's 1st Note: You can use an electric mixer to make these little treats, or you can do it by hand.
Hannah's 2nd Note: Let the tube of frozen limeade concentrate thaw on the counter while you start mixing the first few ingredients.
If you don't want to wait for your cold butter to warm to room temperature, you can soften it in the microwave. Here's how you do it:
Hannah's 3rd Note: Check the powdered sugar to make sure it doesn't have lumps. If it does, you'll have to sift out the lumps by using a flour sifter or putting it through a fine wire-mesh strainer.
If the frozen limeade has thawed, add it to your mixing bowl. If it hasn't, spoon it out of the container, put it into a microwave-safe bowl, and heat in on HIGH for 20 seconds. Stir to see if it's melted. If it's not, heat it in 20-second increments, stirring after each increment, until it's melted. Add the melted limeade concentrate to your bowl and mix it in thoroughly.
Add the Tablespoon of lime juice and mix it in.
Add the green food coloring (if you decided to use it) and mix that in thoroughly.
Add the crushed wafers to your bowl and mix them in.
Place the coconut in a medium-size bowl. You'll be coating your lime balls with it. (I like to put my coconut in the food processor and use the steel blade to chop it even finer. I've found that most people who say they don't like coconut are really not objecting to the way it tastes, but the tendency it has to stick between their teeth.)
Use your impeccably clean hands to form little balls from the mixture. (Lisa and I use a 2-teaspoon scooper at The Cookie Jar.) The balls should be about 1 inch in diameter, approximately the size of bonbons.
When you've finished forming and coating all your lime balls and placing them in the cake pan, cover them with another sheet of wax paper and refrigerate them for 2 to 3 hours before serving. If you're not serving them for several days, place a sheet of foil over the cake pan and secure it tightly. keep the cake pan in the refrigerator until you're ready to serve.
If you're giving these as gifts, you can place them in pretty cookie tins. You can also put them in little paper mini muffin cups and place them in a candy box. Remember to tell your lucky recipients to keep them refrigerated.
My thoughts on the recipe: Scrumptious! These have the curious tendency to be both refreshing and totally rich. My husband and I both enjoyed these, especially after the lime balls had been chilling for a day or two.
My only problems with the recipe were (1) I used the "rolling pin" method for crushing my Nilla wafers and I should have used the food processor method since mine were not fine enough. My bad on that one. I was too impatient. (2) I must have been super generous with my coconut coating because I needed at least 2 cups. (3) Not all of my lime balls fit in my 9 x 13 pan. I used an additional 8 x 8 inch one. Other than that, I made it exactly as written and the lime balls turned out pretty and very yummy.
Dark Psychological Thriller A Little Too Dark For Me

When Abby wakes up in an alley next to a house engulfed in flames, she remembers nothing - not her name, not her age, not her address, not anything. But when a guy tries to help her up, she feels a flicker of ... something. He says his name is Sam, says Abby knows him, says he'll help her. And he does, taking her to a hidden cave in the middle of a lovely forest. It's like something from a fairy tale and sharing this cozy new home with Sam makes her almost delirious with happiness. She doesn't exactly remember the world outside their secret woods, but she trusts Sam, knows he's telling the truth when he says it's not safe for her to venture too far beyond the cave.
It's only after several weeks in the cave that Abby begins to feel uneasy. She loves Sam, but his abrupt mood shifts frighten her. With memories from her former life creeping into her mind, Abby's confused, worried. She doesn't want to anger Sam by asking questions and yet, she needs to know who she is, where she came from, and how she ended up sprawled in an alley next to a burning building. Even if the memories cause her pain, she has to know. The closer Abby gets to the truth, the more she begins to doubt the reliability of her own mind. The questions cramming her brain shouldn't be so confounding, but they are: Who is she, really? Who is Sam, really? What is real? What isn't? Where is safety? Where is danger? As Abby fights to make sense of it all, her fairy tale illusions crumble, leaving only the awful truth and the most important question: How will she escape?
Circle Nine, a debut novel by Anne Heltzel, is a dark, psychological thriller that examines a whole slew of curious paradoxes - identity, dependency, even the phenomenon known as Stockholm Syndrome. For such a sinister story, the writing really is quite lovely. Still, I found the whole novel depressing and more than a little disturbing. I kept reading since I had to know how the story ended, but I'm not sure I actually enjoyed Circle Nine. Let's just say it unsettled me - a lot - and leave it at that.
(Readalikes: Reminded me of Stolen by Lucy Christopher)
Grade: B-
If this were a movie, it would be rated: R for strong language, intense situations and sexual content
To the FTC, with love: I received a finished copy of Circle Nine from the generous folks at Candlewick Press. Thank you!

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