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2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Whisper Compelling, But Floppy
10:34 PM
(Image from Barnes & Noble)
Although Whisper's cleft palate makes her an outcast in the outside world, the 15-year-old lives a peaceful, happy life in the woods with a group of other disfigured children. Cared for by a kindly old man, the kids have all been abandoned by their parents—except for Whisper, who still receives yearly visits from her mother. While Whisper longs to be able to live with her parents like a "normal" child, she knows it's not possible in a society that fears and abuses people who look like her. She's content with her lot in life, even if she can't quite understand it.
Everything changes when Whisper's mother dies and the father she's never met takes Whisper away from her forest home. He wants her to live with him—as his house slave. When she fails to please the hateful man, she's sent to an even more horrifying place: the city. Forced to beg on the mean streets in order to keep a roof over her head, Whisper fights just to stay alive. Only one thing brings her comfort: the music she creates with the violin her mother gave her.
As Whisper learns to survive in the harsh, unkind world, she finds glimmers of hope in the most surprising places. While being shunned for her "ugliness," she discovers great truths about family, friendship and beauty. Is it possible that she can find the happiness she desires even in such a cruel place?
So, I've discovered that the most difficult books for me to describe are those that skimp on plot. Things happen in these novels, yes, but because the various scenes aren't tightly and skillfully woven together, the whole story feels floppy. Such is the case with Whisper, a debut novel by Chris Struyk-Bonn. While the book offers an intriguing futuristic/dystopian setting as well as a very sympathetic heroine, the story drags along in an aimless, unfocused manner. Why? Because Whisper lacks a strong, clearly-defined story goal. Without one, her tale feels too episodic and disjointed. While this bugged me throughout the book, I did find the overall story fairly compelling. I also appreciated the lessons it teaches about the true nature of beauty and accepting people for who they are instead of what they look like. Still, I ended up liking this one, but not loving it.
(Readalikes: Reminded me of Wonder by R.J. Palacio)
If this were a movie, it would be rated:
for language (no F-bombs), violence, mild sexual content, and references to sex/prostitution
To the FTC, with love: I bought a copy of Whisper from Amazon with a portion of the millions I make from my lucrative career as a book blogger. Ha ha.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Leavitt's YA Vegas Romance a Little Thin
1:49 PM
(Image from Barnes & Noble)
When Holly Nolan's beloved Grandpa Jim dies during bypass surgery, the 17-year-old is devastated. She can't imagine how she's supposed to go on with her life, let alone her "part-time" job without his guidance. For as long as she can remember, Holly's been as devoted to saving her grandfather's wedding chapel—a crumbling icon on the Las Vegas strip—as he always was. Lately, it's been a losing battle. Now that Jim's gone, Holly can't bear to see it close, or worse, get bought up by her grandpa's jerk of a business rival. What will become of The Rose of Sharon Wedding Chapel now?
At the reading of her grandfather's will, Holly gets the shock of her life: she is the new owner of the wedding chapel. She's been working there forever, sure, but she knows nothing about steering a failing business back into the black. Or, does she? As Holly pulls out all the stops to save the chapel she loves, she finds herself sacrificing everything—her sanity, her social life and, quite possibly, the love of her life (who just happens to be the grandson of her Jim's rival/mortal enemy). The harder she battles to save The Rose of Sharon, the more she wonders if the fight is worthwhile. Which will win out in the end—the chapel that symbolizes everything Holly loves about her past or Dax, the guy who just might hold the key to her bigger, brighter future?
The Chapel Wars, the newest offering from Lindsey Leavitt, gives readers everything they've come to expect from the popular YA author. The quirky, upbeat story is filled with humor, romance and colorful characters. A vibrant, unique setting, brought to life by a Las Vegas native, definitely adds to the novel's appeal. As much as I enjoy a fun, breezy read, especially one written by Leavitt, this one disappointed me a little bit. The plot felt thin and far-fetched. Dax didn't strike me as all that likable—I get that he's hot, but he's got to have at least a little substance to make me want to root for him. Speaking of substance, I think that's what was really missing in this one for me. It was a little too breezy, you know? All in all, the book kept me entertained, but in the end, it was just an okay read for me.
(Readalikes: The Romeo and Juliet/business rivals aspect of the story reminded me of Lisa McMann's Visions trilogy [Crash; Bang; Gasp], although the plots don't have a lot in common.)
If this were a movie, it would be rated:
for brief, mild language (no F-bombs), sexual innuendo, and depictions of underage drinking/partying
To the FTC, with love: I received an e-ARC of The Chapel Wars from the generous folks at Bloomsbury via those at NetGalley. Thank you!
Thursday, July 24, 2014
My Favorite Teen Pirate Sails (And Charms) Once Again in Mississippi Jack
9:19 PM
(Image from Barnes & Noble)
(Note: While this review will not contain spoilers for Mississippi Jack by L.A. Meyer, it may inadvertently reveal plot surprises from earlier Bloody Jack novels. As always, I recommend reading books in a series in order.)
What is it about a great character that makes us want to follow them wherever they go? Is it because they're brave? Mysterious? Sympathetic? Hilarious? Unpredictable? Loyal? Whatever the magic formula is, "Bloody" Jack Faber's got it. In spades. She's one of my very favorite characters in children's/YA lit—ever. No matter how many tales I read about her, I just cannot get enough. She's that vibrant, that engaging, that delightful. If you haven't "met" Jacky yet, you need to introduce yourself. ASAP.
Just what is the illustrious teen pirate up to these days, you might ask? Well, I've heard tell that the last book in the series (WAAHHHH!) will be released on November 4, 2014. In the meantime, I'm playing catch up. So, here's a little plot summary for Mississippi Jack, the fifth installment:
After a (very) narrow escape from the British authorities who want her head, Jacky flees into the American wilderness. Hoping to lose herself on the wild frontier, she vows not to do anything to attract attention to her fugitive self. Not an easy task when you're world-renowned for your daring theatrics. True to form, Jacky can't stay out of trouble for long. She out-foxes a bellowing riverboat captain, creates her own floating casino, battles vicious bandits, and breaks (not) a few hearts along the way. Her ultimate goal? Reuniting with her beloved Jaimy—who, unbeknownst to Jacky, is only days behind her. Which is just enough time for both of them to get themselves into a whole lot of trouble. Will those missteps keep the pair apart forever? Jacky's gotten herself out of some big scrapes before, but keeping both her head and her heart intact might be an impossible feat, even for her.
There's so much to love about the Bloody Jack books by L.A. Meyer. Not only is the heroine an enormously appealing character, but her escapades just get bigger and bolder with every book. Who cares if the loosely-plotted stories are about as believable as the unlikeliest tall tale? They're tons of fun. As with all its predecessors, Mississippi Jack offers a rip-roarin' yarn filled with action, adventure, romance, and humor. Their colorful, larger-than life characters make them even more entertaining. This continues to be one of my favorite YA series of all time—give it a try and I'm pretty sure you'll agree. Jacky Faber is simply unforgettable!
(Readalikes: The other books in the Bloody Jack series, including: Bloody Jack; Curse of the Blue Tattoo; Under the Jolly Roger; and In the Belly of the Bloodhound)
There's so much to love about the Bloody Jack books by L.A. Meyer. Not only is the heroine an enormously appealing character, but her escapades just get bigger and bolder with every book. Who cares if the loosely-plotted stories are about as believable as the unlikeliest tall tale? They're tons of fun. As with all its predecessors, Mississippi Jack offers a rip-roarin' yarn filled with action, adventure, romance, and humor. Their colorful, larger-than life characters make them even more entertaining. This continues to be one of my favorite YA series of all time—give it a try and I'm pretty sure you'll agree. Jacky Faber is simply unforgettable!
(Readalikes: The other books in the Bloody Jack series, including: Bloody Jack; Curse of the Blue Tattoo; Under the Jolly Roger; and In the Belly of the Bloodhound)
If this were a movie, it would be rated:
for language (no F-bombs), violence, and sexual innuendo/content
To the FTC, with love: I bought a copy of Mississippi Jack at a local bookstore with a portion of the millions I make from my lucrative career as a book blogger. Ha ha.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Chinese Adoption Tale Needs Something More
2:46 PM
(Image from Barnes & Noble)
I'm not sure quite how to describe The Year She Left Us, a debut novel by Kathryn Ma, so I'm going to take the lazy way out and give you the official plot summary:
The Kong women are in crisis. A disastrous visit to her "home" orphanage in China has plunged eighteen-year-old Ari into a self-destructive spiral. Her adoptive mother, Charlie, a lawyer with a great heart, is desperate to keep her daughter safe. Meanwhile, Charlie must endure the prickly scrutiny of her beautiful, Bryn Mawr-educated mother, Gran—who, as the daughter of a cultured Chinese doctor, came to the United States to survive Mao's revolution—and her sister, Les, a brilliant judge with a penchant to rule over everyone's lives. As they cope with Ari's journey of discovery and its aftermath, the Kong women will come face-to-face with the truths of their lives—four powerful intertwining stories of accomplishment, tenacity, secrets, loneliness, and love. Beautifully illuminating the bonds of family and blood, The Year She Left Us explores the promise and pain of adoption, the price of assimilation and achievement, the debt we owe to others, and what we owe ourselves. Full of pathos and humor, featuring a quartet of unforgettable characters drawn from real life, it marks the debut of an important new voice in American fiction.As you can probably tell, plot is not something this novel has in abundance. The story relies on the strength of its characters—not just their individual conflicts, but also the vibrancy of their separate and distinct voices. While the Kong women offer this, to some extent, the fact is, none of them are very likable. Interesting, yes; engaging enough to want to know better? Not so much. This, combined with the novel's weak plotting; caustic tone; and disjointed storytelling made for a disappointing read. Truth is, I put The Year She Left Us down several times, with no intention of finishing the book. I did complete it, but, in the end, I found it dull and depressing. I'm not saying Ma can't write. She can. It's just that this particular story needed something more—like a plot—to pull it all together.
(Readalikes: Reminded me a little of The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan and Lucky Girl by Mei-Ling Hopgood)
If this were a movie, it would be rated:
for strong language, sexual content, depictions of illegal drug use, and violence
To the FTC, with love: I received an ARC of The Year She Left Us from the generous folks at Harper Collins. Thank you!
Friday, July 18, 2014
Genre Mish-Mash Novel Exciting, If Not Gush-Worthy
7:49 PM
(Image from Barnes & Noble)
It's been 20 years since the Visitors came, splintering the moon and creating a world of eternal sunset. No one's seen an alien since—although it's difficult to be sure, since word is, they're capable of hijacking human bodies to use for their own nefarious purposes. Why are the Visitors making such an obvious return now? To finish the job they started, to erase the human race for good. Only one man might be able to stop them—too bad he's been gone, presumed dead, for years.
With the threat of annihilation hanging over her head, Megan Bridgwater knows it's time to leave Marfa, Texas. The 15-year-old has been meaning to do it for a long time, anyway. Ever since her father, an experienced tracker, disappeared into the lawless Zone, she's been aching to go find him. Now, it's not just her who needs him—the fate of their entire world may depend on the success of Megan's mission. With her trusty steed, Cisco, and Luis, the boy who would risk anything to catch her eye, she sets off into the wild unknown with only a sketchy map to guide her.
No one knows exactly what secrets the Zone hides, but the rumors are frightening enough to keep sane people far, far away from it. Now, Megan is plunging right into its heart. With danger of every possible kind lurking around each bend, there's little chance of her making it out alive, let alone finding her father or saving the world. But she has to try. No matter what the cost—which just might mean everything and everyone she loves.
Where the Rock Splits the Sky by Philip Webb is a difficult book to describe. It incorporates such a mish-mash of genres that it's not accurate to label it just a Western or just a dystopian or just a sci-fi adventure. It's all of those things. Which makes it unique and memorable, if not gush-worthy. The novel, which only stretches to 262 pages, offers thrills aplenty, making it an exciting, edge-of-your-seat kind of read. Character development suffers a bit in favor of world-building, which I found disappointing. I also thought the story's big twist was cliché and thus, very predictable. All in all, though, I enjoyed this Western/dystopian/sci fi/supernatural thriller.
(Readalikes: Hm, I can't really think of anything. Can you?)
If this were a movie, it would be rated:
for language (no F-bombs) and violence/gore
To the FTC, with love: I received a hardcover, finished copy of Where the Rock Splits the Sky from the generous folks at Scholastic/Chicken House as well as an e-ARC via NetGalley. Thank you!
Tuesday, July 08, 2014
Bless Me Father, For I Have Sinned ...
9:52 AM
I know, I know. You don't hear from me for days and, suddenly, I post four times within a 24-hour period. What's up with that? Um, yeah. Apparently, the long, lazy days of summer have zapped my blogging energy—I've read lots of books, I just haven't gotten around to reviewing them. Now that I'm back from a week of vacation in Utah, I'm trying my hardest to catch up. So, I really shouldn't "waste" time on Top Ten Tuesday, but you guys, I just can't help myself! This is my favorite bookish meme, especially when our lovely hosts over at The Broke and the Bookish give us fun topics like this one—Top Ten Blogging Confessions. Without further ado, here are mine:
1. UPS/USPS deliveries still make me squeal—After eight years of book blogging (eight years!), the thrill of getting free books in the mail should probably be gone. It's not. Not at all. I still get excited when I find packages on my doorstep or in my mailbox from Harper Collins, Scholastic, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, etc. If my reaction to that ever sours, I guess I'll know it's time to start drafting a goodbye post.
2. I still can't be trusted in a bookstore—Because I've been doing this book blogging thing for almost a decade, I've accumulated a lot of books. Thousands. They're stacked on my desk, crammed into bookshelves, packed into boxes that fill the closet in my guest room ... I've got more books than any person could possibly read in two lifetimes and yet, I can't resist buying more. Seriously, I think I need an intervention.
3. Someone needs to cut me off. Like now—Closely related to the above two confessions is this one: I need another review book like I need a hole in the head. I have so many, I literally do not know what to do with them all. Over the years, I've become much more selective in what I choose to accept for review, but I still have no control at all when presented with new books from my favorite publishers. My greedy little book bloggin' heart wants to read them all.
4. It's all about the numbers—Okay, it's not. It's really not. But Megan's confession #2 reminded me of how hard I always try to reach my reading goal of 200 books a year. I've yet to accomplish it, but I still find myself avoiding chunky books and embracing quick, children's reads—especially toward the end of the year when I'm racing to get as many books read as I can. How neurotic is that? The only person who cares about my numbers is me. Major head slap.
5. I really, really want to be nice—Over the past eight years, I've earned a reputation as the Simon Cowell of book bloggers. People describe my reviews with words like honest, brutal, scathing, pulls-no-punches, etc. And those are compliments (if not entirely accurate ones)! But, here's the thing, I'm really a very nice person. I hate conflict. I go out of my way to avoid offending people. The truth is, I wish I could review every single book I'm offered and do so with raving, gushing excitement. I wish I could make every author happy. As a veteran book blogger, I've learned something: it just doesn't work that way. The only way I can do this "job" is to tell it like it is. And you know what? I'm not going to apologize for that.
6. I spend a lot less time in the library than I used to—Maybe this has nothing to do with book blogging at all, but I find myself spending very little time in the library these days. I used to love to roam the stacks, spending long hours browsing and spine-gazing. Nowadays, I'm much more efficient—if I see a glowing review of a book that looks interesting, I reserve it online, then go grab it from the library, and proceed on my merry way. Most of my visits to the library take less than 5 minutes (ironic, since I make a point of driving to the county library that's about a 15-minute drive from my house because I like it better than the city library, which is a whole lot closer). This turn-of-events makes me sad because I truly love libraries.
7. Long waits don't bother me none—Most people complain about having to spend hours and hours in waiting rooms and airport lobbies. Not me. I embrace the uninterrupted reading time.
8. I'm a reading vs. socializing hypocrite—I love that my preteen adores reading, but watching her choose books over interacting with friends, family and classmates sometimes gives me pause. While I completely understand, I find myself lecturing her a lot about putting her book down and engaging in the world around her—all the while, ignoring my own advice. I'm an adult, so that's okay, right? Right?
9. I'm getting choose-y in my old age—As I mentioned before, I'm a nice person. So, I felt terrible when I had to pare down my list of book blogs on Bloglovin'. Well, I didn't get rid of any, I just shifted my favorites into their own section. While I still read tons of book blogs, usually they are only the ones on this exclusive list. I know, I'm an awful person! The guilt is killing me (but I feel a whole lot less overwhelmed by my list of blog posts to be read).
10. Uh ...—Okay, I can't think of any other scandalous secrets to spill, so I'll just end my confession here. What do you think? Do I have some repenting to do? A Hail Mary or two? How about you? What are your deepest, darkest blogging confessions? I promise I won't tell. I'm a book blogger, so I'm totally trustworthy ...
Riveting Mystery Taut, Atmospheric
8:48 AM
(Image from Barnes & Noble)
With paper mills closing all up and down the Androscoggin River, everyone knows it's only a matter of time before the one in little Titan Falls, New Hampshire, follows suit. Not that anyone dares to voice such an opinion. Or to imagine a future without the steady pulse of the mill pumping its lifeblood into the small community. Without its only industry, Titan Falls is poised to become another "hollowed-out settlement stuck at the wrong end of nowhere" (5) just like all the other failed paper towns in the North Woods.
As the wife of the mill's owner, June McAllister must keep a stiff upper lip at all times, despite her many worries. The other mill wives might not fully accept her—since June was not, after all, born and bred in Titan Falls—but they look to her for guidance and leadership. In spite of her misgivings, she must give it to them, must keep up the image of being in control of what is, by all appearances, a picture-perfect life. This becomes especially important after June learns the truth about the cause of a school bus accident that stole the life of a young girl. She will do anything to cover up what really happened. Anything.
Unlike the McAllisters, the Snow Family has never had much—no money, no education, no standing in the town that has always shunned them. Accused of vagrancy, witchcraft and all manner of evil-doing, the Snows have never been able to get ahead. Nineteen-year-old Mercy Snow wants nothing to do with Titan Falls, but she has little choice. With nowhere else to go, she, her older brother, and her younger sister come looking for their estranged father, who still lives on his family's land. What they find is what the Snows always find—trouble. Accused of causing the school bus crash, Zeke Snow is jailed. Mercy knows—or thinks she knows—that her brother is not responsible. But, who is? It's up to her to clear her brother's name.
At cross-purposes, June and Mercy clash in a vicious battle between rich and poor, influence and ruin, truth and lies. The fate of two families, a dying town, and a boat-load of long-buried secrets hang in the balance as the women face-off in a war that only one can win.
When Gerard Zemek—one half of the married couple that writes Grab a Book From Our Stack—posted a rave review of Mercy Snow, I knew I had to read the novel. ASAP. As promised, Tiffany Baker's newest is indeed "an enjoyable page-turner." It's more than a run-of-the-mill (see what I did there??) thriller, though. Baker infuses her tale with rich, complex characters; a vivid, multi-layered setting; and sharp, atmospheric prose. True, none of the book's characters are all that likable and the whole story's pretty darn depressing, but still, Mercy Snow is a taut, engrossing mystery that kept me riveted from start to finish.
(Readalikes: Reminded me of Crooked River by Valerie Geary [available October 14, 2014])
If this were a movie, it would be rated:
for language (a few F-bombs, plus milder invectives), violence and sexual content
To the FTC, with love: Another library fine find
Monday, July 07, 2014
Charming Book About Books Makes Me Gush—With Reservations
9:23 PM
(Image from Barnes & Noble)
In the nearly two years since his pregnant wife died in a car crash, grief has dragged 39-year-old A.J. Fikry down into a black pit of despair. He has little hope of escaping it and no real reason to try. A.J.'s business—a small bookstore—slides closer to bankruptcy every day; he has few close friends; and even the great literature that used to keep him company seems to be losing its appeal. The curmudgeonly bookstore owner feels lost in a world that used to make sense.
As if A.J.'s life is not miserable enough, his most prized possession, a valuable antique book, disappears from its climate-controlled display case. In its place, he receives a delivery. And not of the bookish variety. The two events, especially the latter, shake his world to its very core. As he learns to cope with these unexpected changes in his life, A.J. feels—for the first time since his wife's death—not just a purpose in living, but an enthusiasm for it. As he re-learns to embrace the world beyond the covers of his books, A.J. discovers the surprising joy of community, caring, and sharing his passion for great literature with other people (even if their definition of "great" differs quite a bit from his).
The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry, a charming adult novel by Gabrielle Zevin, is a difficult tale to describe. Plotwise, it's not much to sneeze at—it's the narration that makes this story such a delight. Fikry has a way of seeing things that is at once unique and familiar, especially to book lovers. I couldn't help but snicker at passages like these:
A.J. has never changed a diaper in his life, though he is a modestly skilled gift wrapper ... he figures diaper changing and gift-wrapping must be related proficiencies ... The whole thing takes about twenty minutes. Babies move more than books and aren't as conveniently shaped (50).
If Jenny were a book, she would be a paperback just out of the box—no dog ears, no waterlogging, no creases in her spine. A.J. would prefer a social worker with some obvious wear. He imagines the synopsis on the back of the Jenny story: when plucky Jenny from Fairfield, Connecticut, took a job as a social worker in the big city, she had no idea what she was getting into (64-65).How can you not love a voice as rich and droll as this one? It captivated me. Fikry's story, though not all that original, is also compelling. As are those of the other characters. In fact, the only thing that kept me from not outright adoring The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry was its R-rated elements (F-bombs, sexual content, etc.), which seemed out of place in a tale that otherwise brims with an old-fashioned, classic type of charm. If it weren't for these "aberrations," I would be gushing about this book right and left, pushing it on every bibliophile I know. As is, I can only recommend it with reservations. The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry has such appeal, I just wish Zevin had stripped out all the "mature" elements and kept it clean enough for book lovers of all ages to enjoy this homage to reading—and to life.
(Readalikes: Hm, I can't think of anything. Can you?)
If this were a movie, it would be rated:
for strong language, sexual content, and references to illegal drug use
To the FTC, with love: I bought a copy of The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry from Amazon with a portion of the millions I make from my lucrative career as a book blogger. Ha ha.
Mormon Mentions: Gabrielle Zevin
9:20 PM
If you're not sure what a Mormon is, let alone a Mormon Mention, allow me to explain: My name is Susan and I'm a Mormon (you've seen the commercials, right?). As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (commonly known as the Mormon or LDS Church), I'm naturally concerned with how my religion is portrayed in the media. Because this blog is about books, every time I see a reference to Mormonism in a book written by someone who is not a member of my church, I highlight it here. Then, I offer my opinion—my insider's view—of what the author is saying. It's my chance to correct misconceptions, expound on principles of the Gospel, and even to laugh at my (sometimes) crazy Mormon culture.
On the very last page of The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry,
Gabrielle Zevin describes a sales rep named Jacob Gardner like this: "He even walks like he has a calling. He could be mistaken for a missionary. In point of fact, he was raised Mormon, but this is another story" (258).
Gabrielle Zevin describes a sales rep named Jacob Gardner like this: "He even walks like he has a calling. He could be mistaken for a missionary. In point of fact, he was raised Mormon, but this is another story" (258).

To learn more about missionary work—including why members of the LDS church serve missions, what they teach, and what day-to-day missionary life is like—please visit
(Book image is from Barnes & Noble; missionary photos are from the LDS Media Library)
Tuesday, July 01, 2014
Bohjalian's Newest Engages, But Doesn't Satisfy
1:00 AM
(Image from Barnes & Noble)
When a nuclear reactor blows up in Vermont's Northeastern Kingdom (NEK), killing wildlife, destroying forests, poisoning rivers, and polluting the air, 16-year-old Emily Shepard is just as horrified as everyone else. Maybe more so, since both her parents are presumed to be among the human casualties of the tragic explosion. With the entire area under emergency evacuation, the shell-shocked teenager should be fleeing, following orders from the social workers whose job it is to figure out what happens to her now. Emily's as confused about the future as the other NEK-ers, but she knows one thing: she's not going into foster care.
Alone, Emily heads toward Burlington, where she hopes to blend in with other "Walkers" who have been displaced by the catastrophic event. No one can know the truth—she's the daughter of the reactor's chief engineer, the man responsible for the devastation of the NEK. As Emily does whatever it takes to survive on the mean city streets, keeping her secret identity intact, she becomes more and more despondent. What really happened at the nuclear reactor? Was her father drinking on the job or did he just make an honest—albeit fatal—mistake? And, the most important question of all: Could her parents possibly be alive?
Torn between protecting a young homeless boy in Burlington and sneaking back into the toxic NEK to search for her parents, Emily must decide what really matters in a world forever changed by the actions of the people she loves most.
Chris Bohjalian writes about a variety of intriguing issues, which leads to novels that are both absorbing and affecting. I've enjoyed the few that I've read. The former holds true with his newest, Close Your Eyes, Hold Hands (available July 8, 2014), the title of which is taken from the advice Connecticut police gave to the terrified children after the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary. It's a gritty, depressing survival story, but one that pulls the reader in and doesn't let go. Emily's tough, haunted voice is spot-on, making her tale compelling, if not uplifting. Did I enjoy it? That's the real question. And the answer is no, not really. The book held my interest, for sure, but I kept asking myself, "Why am I still reading this? It's so bleak." Overall, then, the read engaged me—it just didn't satisfy.
(Readalikes: Even though this isn't technically a post-apocalyptic novel [the NEK is uninhabitable, but the rest of the world hums along as usual], it still reads like one. It reminded me a little of Safekeeping by Karen Hesse)
If this were a movie, it would be rated:
for strong language, violence, sexual content and depictions of harmful behavior (drug use, prostitution, cutting, etc.)
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Girl Plus Books: On Hiatus8 months ago
What Happened to Summer?1 year ago
Are you looking for Pretty Books?2 years ago

Grab my Button!

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