Tuesday, October 20, 2015

TTT: My Wish Is Your Command, Book Genie!

If you had an all-powerful genie at your disposal, what would you ask the magical being to do?  What if your genie specialized in granting bookish wishes?  What requests would you be throwing at him/her?  It's always fun to imagine these types of scenarios, isn't it?  Well, that's exactly what the fine ladies over at The Broke and the Bookish are asking us to do this week.  I love fun Top Ten Tuesday topics like this—I can't wait to see what's on everyone's lists today!  If you want to join in the fun, click on over to The Broke and the Bookish for all the details.

Without further ado, I give you:

My Top Ten Bookish Wishes 
(If You Can Dream It, the Book Genie Can Do It!)

1.  I wish for the Book Genie to build me a big, but cozy library to house my overflowing book collection.  I'm not asking for much, really, just something simple like this:

Or this:

Heck, I'd even "settle" for this because, you know, I'm just so very accommodating like that:

2.  I wish for the Book Genie to bring my favorite authors back to life so they can write more books.  This means you, L.A. Meyer, Maeve Binchy, L.M. Montgomery ...

3.  I wish for the Book Genie to write beautiful, scintillating reviews of all the books I've read this year that are still sitting on my desk waiting for me to post about them.  I think I have 30 more to do in order to be caught up.  The Book Genie should be able to handle that, no problem!

4.  I wish for the Book Genie to shake down all those slow-to-publish (slower than I'd like, anyway) authors that I love so much.  Yes, I'm talking to you, Tana French, Maureen Johnson, Veronica Rossi, Joanne Harris, Sherri L. Smith, etc.

5.  I wish for the Book Genie to put a bug in Patrick Ness' ear about the need for another awesome YA series from him.  I'm still mourning the ending of The Chaos Walking books.

6.  Because of all this reading material the Book Genie is going to magic into the world, I'm going to need him to take care of my messy house, piles of laundry, and kid-chauffering duties so that I have more time to read.  So, I wish for that, too.  

7.  Since my big, brand-new library will probably not be completely filled with the books I already own, I wish for a bookstore gift card that never runs out of money.  Ever.

8.  I'm super impatient when it comes to waiting for books to come out, so I think I'll wish for all those I've been waiting for to appear right now.  

9.  While you're at it, Book Genie, I'd love an all-expenses paid trip to New York City for BEA 2016.  I've never been and it looks soooo amazing.  Wish granted, right?

10.  Taking a cue from Disney's Aladdin, Book Genie, I'll show you my thanks for fulfilling my bookish longings by wishing for your freedom.  You're welcome.

11.  On second thought, I wish to have all classic literature downloaded directly into my brain so that I can talk intelligently about, say, Moby Dick, without actually having to slog through it! 

How about you?  What would you wish for?  I'm eager to see what're on your Book Genie list.  Please leave me a comment and I'll gladly return the favor.

Happy TTT to you!  


  1. Love your list! These are so fun today! I totally would wish for those authors that take forever to write to suddenly write like the wind!

  2. I would love a big library with a comfy window seat. That would be perfect. Number 9 would be a great wish too. Great list, Susan and thank you for stopping by. :)

  3. Great list! I really like the third one, I have trouble keeping up with writing reviews. If I don't do it right after I finished a book, I probably never will...

  4. Lovely TTT! Thanks for stopping by earlier! <3

  5. Aw, I miss Maeve Binchy. :( She was such a gifted story teller. You're so generous to use a wish to free your genie... I wasn't nearly so thoughtful. LOL

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

  6. i LOVE your #1 - in fact, my entire post this week is about my wish for this lol My TTT

  7. The Moby Dick wish is brilliant! There's so many classics that I wish I had read so I'd know about them but I don't actually want to read them. Also the cleaning house/laundry is a good one. I would have so much more time to read if all that pesky housework stopped getting in the way. Do you think the genie could cook too? And I think you're quite accommodating and reasonable with your library options. Great list!

  8. Oh I would love for another book from Tana French soon!! Great wish! Also yes I would love to be caught up on reviews. I think some just aren't going to get done (the non ARC ones anyways) Great list!

  9. YES x 1000 to a cozy, albeit big library! We book nerds all *need* this, right!? :)

  10. How did I negect to wish for a giant dream library in My TTT ???

    Everyone else is so much more practical than me XP

    Anyway, I love your list. Especially #7!

  11. Omg #6! I didn't realize I needed that in my life until right now! If my genie could clean my house, do laundry, and cook our meals, I would have so much time for reading! :D

  12. All the chores! I should have think about that :) Oh, a gift card with never ending money sounds awesome too!

  13. The classic literature download is an upgrade my brain is in need of! I've been in the middle of Emma by Jane Austen for about four years now, so I know I need to re-read the first half, but I just can't do it... I also need the unlimited book shop gift card: I'd make really, really good use of that! Brilliant choices :D

  14. These are brilliant wishes! And such beautiful libraries too.

  15. #4 - I've been hearing a lot about Tana French lately (especially from the booktube community). I need to see if my library has any of her books.

    #9 - Then you could take a trip to the Strand bookstore while you're there. It looks epic!


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