Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Happy New Year (Again)!

I know it's February 1st—not January 1st—but since I finally finished reviewing all the books I read in 2016, it feels like the blog is now ready to officially step into 2017.  So, Happy New Year!  

Thanks for your patience over the last few weeks while I posted 2-3 reviews per day.  I know how annoying that can be, so thank you for not just hanging in there, but also for reading my posts and commenting on them.  I so appreciate it!  Rest assured that we will now be going back to our regularly-scheduled programming with only a few reviews a week.  I'm going to try to stay on top of things better this year than I did last so I won't have to spend January 2018 catching up on 2017's reviews.  Hold me to that resolution, okay?

I've read 13 1/2 books this month and liked the majority of them.  So, lots of good things to come.  Stay tuned!

What have you read so far this year?  Anything of which I should take note?  I love reading recommendations, so give me your best ones 😀📚


  1. You make me laugh. I've loved your reviews, but was glad to know that you were catching up and not reading that fast. If you had been, I would have felt - well, a little left behind. LOL

    1. Ha ha. Nope, just playing catch up. I need to review a lot faster this year because writing 6 months worth of reviews in one month wasn't very fun!

  2. You're too funny! We all play catch-up, no worries. There are just too many books and not enough time!

    1. So true. My personal library of unread books is overwhelming enough—then there's the public library, NetGalley books, Amazon, Barnes & Noble ... sigh ...

  3. Wow! 13.5 books in January. I was excited that I read 4, lol. Good job!

    I read Pivot Point and Split Second, Behind Closed Doors, and Landline. I really enjoyed all of them.

    I'm in the middle of The Butterfly Garden right now and it's interesting. Not sure how I feel about it yet, though.

    1. I've heard mixed things about THE BUTTERFLY GARDEN. I'll be interested to hear what you think when you've finished it.

  4. Congrats! You're all caught up!!! But 13 books in January? Oh my freak! Even in my avid reading days I never managed 13 books in one month! You go girl!

    1. Yeah, it was a good reading month. I read mostly thrillers, so it was tough to put them down.

  5. I'm with Jenni Elyse: I thought I was doing well by reading four books in January! Congrats on getting caught up. I love your blog. <3

    1. Ha ha. I read about a book every other day, so I usually average around 10 - 15 a month. Depends.

  6. Congrats on making it into the new year! :D I'm looking forward to hearing about what you've been reading.

    1. Thanks! I read some good ones in January. I'm excited to share my thoughts on them. Hopefully, I can keep the momentum going and get them reviewed right away. We'll see how I actually do :)


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