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2024 Bookish Books Reading Challenge (Hosted by Yours Truly)

My Progress:

30 / 30 books. 100% done!

2024 Literary Escapes Challenge

- Alabama (1)
- Alaska (1)
- Arizona (1)
- Arkansas (1)
- California (7)
- Colorado (1)
- Connecticut (1)
- Delaware (1)
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- Washington, D.C.* (2)

- Australia (2)
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- Scotland (3)
- The Netherlands (1)

My Progress:

51 / 51 states. 100% done!

2024 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge

My Progress:

45 / 50 books. 90% done!

2024 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

36 / 50 books. 72% done!

Booklist Queen's 2024 Reading Challenge

My Progress:

52 / 52 books. 100% done!

2024 52 Club Reading Challenge

My Progress:

50 / 52 books. 96% done!

2024 Build Your Library Reading Challenge

My Progress:

36 / 40 books. 90% done!

2024 Pioneer Book Reading Challenge

17 / 40 books. 43% done!

2024 Craving for Cozies Reading Challenge

My Progress:

21 / 25 books. 84% done!

2024 Medical Examiner's Mystery Reading Challenge

2024 Mystery Marathon Reading Challenge

My Progress

20 / 26.2 miles (3rd lap). 76% done!

Mount TBR Reading Challenge

My Progress

39 / 100 books. 39% done!

2024 Pick Your Poison Reading Challenge

My Progress:

95 / 109 books. 87% done!

Around the Year in 52 Books Reading Challenge

My Progress

52 / 52 books. 100% done!

Disney Animated Movies Reading Challenge

My Progress

126 / 165 books. 76% done!

The 100 Most Common Last Names in the U.S. Reading Challenge

My Progress:

78 / 100 names. 78% done!
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

TTT: An Attitude of Gratitude

All over the U.S., families will be gathering this week to celebrate Thanksgiving.  This underrated holiday is one of my favorites—not because I love to pig out on turkey and pie, but because it's not really about gluttony at all.  Thanksgiving revolves around gratitude, being thankful for the blessings in our lives.  Even when life is dark and gloomy, if we just look around a little bit, we can always find something to be grateful for.  Like the quote says, it's a choice.  We can actively decide to cultivate an attitude of gratitude, which will make us happier, healthier, and more pleasant to be around!  This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for so many things—family, friends, a nice house, food on the table, the miracle of modern medicine, cool weather (a REAL blessing in hot, dry Arizona), and so much more.  To all my U.S. readers, Happy Thanksgiving!  A belated one to all you Canadians as well.  

Not surprisingly, today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is a gratitude freebie.  Before I jump into the spin I decided to take, I want to encourage you to join in the TTT fun.  It's easy.  Simply click on over to That Artsy Reader Girl, read a few instructions, make your own list, then spend some happy hours surfing the book blogosphere checking out everyone's lists.  Easy as ... pie!  See what I did there?? 

Today, I decided to celebrate my favorite aspect of blogging—interacting with you, my readers.  To be quite honest, I would probably blog even if no one ever saw my reviews, just because I find it enjoyable, but the fact that people actually want to read what I write is both surprising and wonderful.  I love reading your comments, crafting responses, and just interacting with so many good, like-minded folks.  I appreciate you coming by, even if you're a shy lurker, but I'm especially thankful for those who comment regularly here at BBB.  You make this hobby so much fun!  So, I'm going to publicly thank my most frequent visitors with a TTT list titled Top Ten Twelve Commenters On BBB Who Deserve My Eternal Gratitude.  I hope you will show these good people some love by visiting their blogs, commenting, and taking their always on-point reading recommendations to heart.  Thank you, my friends, for all you do for me and my little blog :)

Top Ten Twelve Commenters on BBB Who Deserve My Eternal Gratitude

1.  Annette @Annette's Book Spot
2.  Carla @Carla Loves to Read
3.  Cath @Read_Warbler
4.  Helen @Helen's Book Blog 
5.  Joy @Joyous Reads  
9.  Mystica @Musings From Sri Lanka
10.  Sam @Book Chase
11.  Sam @We Live and Breathe Books     

And a special shout out to Grace, formerly of Rebel Mommy Book Blog.  Sadly, Grace passed away from cancer a few months ago.  She was a wife and a mother as well as a talented writer, reviewer, and blogger.  I miss all the bright book and life chatter I always found at her blog as well as her thoughtful comments here on BBB.  You can read a sweet tribute to her here and find out how to leave messages of love and support for her family.  Rest in peace, Grace.

There you have it, a baker's dozen of bloggers for whom I am very thankful!  Who and what are you thankful for this holiday season?  I'd love to know.  Leave a comment on this post and I will gladly return the favor.

Happy TTT! 


  1. What a nice remembrance for Grace.

    You did a good job on your list. Happy Thanksgiving!

    My TTT.

    1. Thanks! I couldn't not include Grace. She was such an important part of the book blogging community.

      Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!

  2. Grace was such a kind soul and I know she touched so many of us.

    1. She really did. I miss her presence in our community. There's a hole in it without her!

  3. I know I will always be your favorite blog visitor though!!!

  4. You're sweet, Susan! Thanks for always being so supportive of me and my blog. You're the best. :D

    1. My pleasure! I love reading your blog and the comments you leave on mine.

      Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  5. I LOVE that ~ cultivating an attitude of gratitude! I so agree!!! P.S. I love your little welcome note! I definitely kissed a vampire with Bella. LOL!

    1. I know so many people who make an effort every day to count their blessings and they're the happiest people I know! I need to be more like that.

      Thanks for coming by, Ali!

  6. Yay! I made the list :-) I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.

    1. Of course you did! Thanks for your thoughtful comments, awesome book reviews, and virtual friendship. They mean a lot to me.

      Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!

  7. You said this so well. And such a beautiful tribute to Grace as well. Happy Thanksgiving to you. :)

    1. She was a beautiful person!

      Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Greg!

  8. Wow, Susan, I'm shocked. That may just be the first Top 10 or 12 list I've made in my life. LOL

    Seriously, though, thanks for being here for so long. Yours is one of the blogs that kept me going even when I went dark for aa while due to health issues.

    1. Ha ha! Congratulations :) Quite an accomplishment.

      I sometimes feel like a senior citizen in this community, but I'm still having a good time blogging and reviewing, so I think I'll stick around for a while! I'm glad BBB has made an impact in your life, Sam. I'm glad you're back and that we can talk books again.

      Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. You guys are making me cry. It's lovely of you (and AJ) to remember Grace. It's still hard to think about her being gone. And, thank you for including me on your list. I feel really special. I love Thanksgiving, because there are not gifts. It's just about sharing time with family and friends and being grateful. I love that.

    1. I agree. Thanksgiving is seriously underrated! It's about so many good things - friends, family, gratitude, coming together to count our blessings, etc. Such a lovely concept.

      I miss Grace's presence in the book blogosphere. She was one of my favorite bloggers. I hope she has a nice, comfy couch in heaven from where she can keep an eye on her family and read ALL the books :)

  10. Happy Thanksgiving. I've never celebrated or seen the festival but follow everyone (more their dinner tables than anything else!)

    1. Thank you! The festivities are pretty simple - it mostly involves making turkey and other traditional dishes, followed by eating lots of pie :) We always make it a point to focus the day on being thankful for what we have.

      Thanks for coming by, Mystica!

  11. This was perfect! so many new bloggers to meet.

    1. Right? I love that there are so many out there. I'm constantly finding new ones. So fun!

  12. You have so many wonderful things (and bloggers!) to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Yes, I do! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!

  13. Oh gosh, Grace. I miss seeing her comments -- she was always so thoughtful. And what a lovely TTT in time for Thanksgivign!

    1. Yes, she was! No wonder she's missed by so many :)

  14. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Susan! I'm behind on my blog reading. Thanks so much for including me on your list and my time spent here is always fun. Take care and now I'm off to see what needs to be done this early in the morning. We're hosting today. :-)

    1. Thanks, Kay! I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and that you get time for some R&R today. Hosting big celebrations can be exhausting!

  15. I know some of these bloggers! I agree that they’re awesome. I’m thankful for them too. I hope you had a good Thanksgiving!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Aren't they? I love that they leave me frequent, thoughtful comments. I love visiting their blogs as well. Yours, too :)

  16. Susan, this is a lovely Top Ten Tuesday contribution. I love how you decided to spin the topic. Such a lovely thing to do - and I too am always grateful for readers and the people who interact or leave their thoughts on the posts I publish. Love what you say about this holiday being about being grateful over food or other things, too. Well said. :)

    Thanks for the visit to Finding Wonderland.

    1. That's what I love about Thanksgiving - it's a chance to slow down and really count our blessings. I have so many and I need to be more thankful for them on a daily basis, not just at Thanksgiving.

  17. Aww, that was such a lovely tribute to Grace. She really did touch so many in our community.

    1. She really did, didn't she? Sometimes we think the posts we write or the comments we make on other people's blogs don't really make a difference, but I think Grace is a great example of how those things can be really meaningful. I know I appreciate every comment I get on my blog!

  18. So, I am just reading this post the day after Christmas and I have to say thanks for including me. I enjoy visiting your blog, even if it is many days after the original post. The last six months of the year are so full of opportunities to be grateful and to pay it forward. I don't think I ever visited Grace's blog, but it is obvious she was a very special lady. Enjoy the next week as we count down to 2020, Susan.


Comments make me feel special, so go crazy! Just keep it clean and civil. Feel free to speak your mind (I always do), but be aware that I will delete any offensive comments.

P.S.: Don't panic if your comment doesn't show up right away. I have to approve each one before it posts to prevent spam. It's annoying, but it works!

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