Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: "Heart" Books On My TBR List

Freebies always stump me and today's is no exception. I wracked my brain to come up with a creative topic for the Valentine's/Love Freebie, but nothing came to mind. In the end, I just decided to go with books on my TBR with "heart" in the title. I'm not much for romance reading, so I was pleasantly surprised to discover I had ten (but not many more) on my want-to-read list.

If you want to join in the TTT fun, head on over to That Artsy Reader Girl for all the details.

Top Ten Books On My TBR List With "Heart" in the Title 
- in no particular order - 

1. Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country in the World by Sarah Smarsh—The product of generations of Kansas wheat farmers on her paternal side and generations of teenaged mothers on her maternal side, Smarsh is well-acquainted with the effects of intergenerational poverty. This close, intimate look at what it means to be part of America's working class poor sounds fascinating.

2. The Secret of a Heart Note by Stacey Lee—I'm a big fan of Lee's YA historical novels. This book is the only one the author has written that I haven't read yet. It's a contemporary story about a 16-year-old girl who uses her ability as an aroma expert to help others find true love. As much as she longs to be a normal high school kid, she knows that if she falls in love, her gift will disappear. When she finds herself falling for the perfect guy, her whole life begins to change...Sounds like a cute love story! 

3. The Metal Heart: A Novel of Love and Valor in World War II by Caroline Lea—Following the Allies' win in North Africa, a large group of Italian soldiers are shipped to a remote island off the Scottish coast until the end of the war. When Dorothy and Constance—sisters who have been orphaned—volunteer to tend to the sick and injured men, Dorothy finds herself drawn to one of the prisoners. Their forbidden friendship causes strain between Dorothy and her sister as well as Dorothy and her community. When she is faced with an impossible choice, Dorothy must decide where her true loyalties lie.

4. Heart of Fire: An Immigrant Daughter's Story by Mazie K. Hirono—As a genealogist and the descendant of Europeans who immigrated to America in the 1800s, I'm endlessly fascinated by immigration stories. This one is written by a woman who was born in Japan, immigrated to Hawaii as a young child, and is now a U.S. Senator. 

5. Our Crooked Hearts by Melissa Albert—This YA novel sounds odd, but intriguing. It concerns a teenaged girl who is experiencing strange occurrences that seem to be linked to her mother's mysterious past. With the help of the boy next door, she starts digging into the secrets her enigmatic parent is clearly hiding.

6. Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier—When the remains of a woman missing for fourteen years are discovered, it leads to the reopening of a cold case that stirs up the lives of three best friends, forcing them to reckon with dark secrets and terrifying truths.

7. A Fever in the Heartland: The Ku Klux Klan's Plot to Take Over America and the Woman Who Stopped Them by Timothy Egan—I've never heard of Madge Oberholtzer, but her story sounds intriguing. Her deathbed testimony outed KKK leader D.C. Stephenson, which brought the organization to its knees. 

8. The Key to My Heart by Lia Louis—Louis' books sound like romances I would actually like to read. This one revolves around a grieving widow who finds solace in playing music in a London Tube station. When someone begins leaving the sheet music for her dead husband's favorite songs on the station's piano, the widow is incredulous, curious, and, for the first time in a long time, hopeful. Could this—whatever it is—be her second chance at life and love?

9. Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng—I still haven't read Ng's newest, which is about a boy who embarks on a quest to find the mother he has never had a chance to know except through her banned poetry.

10. Heart Spring Mountain by Robin MacArthur—When Vale, a bartender in New Orleans, is informed that her estranged mother is missing after a violent tropical storm ravaged her Vermont town, she feels compelled to go home. As she looks for her mom, she digs deep into her family's roots and history, revealing shocking secrets that change everything.

There you go, ten "heart" books on my TBR list. Have you read any of them? What did you think? What did you do for today's Valentine's/Love freebie? I'd truly love to know. Leave me a comment on this post and I will gladly return the favor on your blog.

Happy TTT! 


  1. oh wow! so many books with 'heart' in the title (and I haven't read any of them.. plus, all of them look so very intriguing..)

  2. Heartland sounds so good.

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-i-liked-about-asexual-characters/

  3. The cover of The Key to My Heart is eyecatchingly cute!

  4. Wow...you found so many good titles for this week's TTT. I haven't read any of these...and none of them are on my TBR list...yet. ;D

  5. Jar of Hearts was so good! I love that you added the TBR part to the hearts in the title. Makes it unique today (or yesterday now). Happy belated Valentine's Day!

  6. Fun topic! I haven't read any of these, but I might consider the Lia Louis book, since I enjoyed one other ofhers.

  7. A perfect topic for Valentine's day! I have not heard of most of these. Thanks for sharing!

  8. The Secret of a Heart Note sounds unique and cute. Love this list, so fun

  9. Great list. I will have to look into The Metal Heart: A Novel of Love and Valor in World War II because I love anything WWII related.

  10. What a cool theme for Valentine's Day!

  11. Such a diverse list! Isn't it funny how a word you associate with one thing can appear in something completely different? Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  12. I did books with the word Heart in the titles too. Nice list.

  13. Great choices, Susan. I have read Metal Heart, Jar of Hearts and Key to my Heart and enjoyed them all, but they are very different from one another.

  14. Great topic. I haven't read any of these but Celeste Ng is definitely on my TBR!!

  15. I have read The Key To My Heart, but not the others!

  16. I've read Our Missing Hearts - I give it 5 hearts rating!

  17. The Celeste Ng is the only one I've read of these but I really enjoyed it!

  18. So many of these sound wonderful. The Key to My Heart looks cute. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  19. I'm running a little late in responding to visitors - thanks for the visit. I added Jar of Hearts to my TBR and just got Missing Hearts from the library. I read The Hazel Wood by Albert a while ago and it was certainly an unusual story so I imagine this one will be too. Enjoy!
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  20. Great list with heart in the title. I have the Lia Louis book in my wishlist to read as well because I thought the same as yourself.

  21. This is a really varied list. I love it! And Heart of Fire sounds like a fascinating read. I love memoirs like that, too.

  22. I love Stacey Lee's books and Secret of a Heart Note is different but I still enjoyed it. I still need to read Celeste Ng's book!

  23. Looks like you've got some great books here! I'd love to read The Metal Heart myself.

  24. They look good. Romance was never my go to, Mystery/Thriller is more my thing, but recently I have been reading more Romance.

    I actually think that it is hard to find a book that is completely free of Romance. I don't think it used to be that way?

    Have a great week!

  25. I've read Heartland, and I thought it was a story that needs to heard. We don't do enough to gird up families in America, and that's, in my opinion, something that is very important.

  26. Our Crooked Hearts looks really intriguing. Have a great weekend. - Katie

  27. Great take on the topic! I love seeing all the different meanings of the word heart.

  28. No you have me curious about how many Heart books are on my shelves. :)

  29. Great twist this week! I adored The Key to My Heart. One of my favorite reads last year. <3

  30. You got a lot of hearts this week :) Fun choice of topic!

  31. So many great books. Adding some to my list. Regine


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