Monday, March 06, 2023

The Bookish Books Reading Challenge: March Book Ideas and Linkup for Reviews


I'm a little late with this month's Bookish Books Reading Challenge post. I spent last week freezing in Utah where my husband and I were attending a big genealogy conference. Even with the snow that made the first hour of our drive home a little scary, we had a great time. We learned a lot, visited with friends and family, were entertained by Bono's memoir (We listened to Surrender all the way to Utah and all the way back and we're still not done with it!), and just enjoyed spending time together. 

Bookish books were apparently not my priority in February. I did read the first two books in J. Scott Savage's The Lost Wonderland Diaries series. It's a middle-grade fantasy series about two kids who jump into Wonderland via Lewis Carroll's lost diaries. I've never been a big Alice in Wonderland fan, but I still enjoyed these books. They're playful, clever, and fun. 

As for March, I'm just about finished with this one: 

Murder Off the Books is the third installment in Tamara Berry's cozy By the Book Mystery series. In this newest outing, best-selling mystery writer Tess Harrow is getting ready for the grand opening of the bookstore she's opening in tiny Winthrop, Washington, when an unexpected guest shows up—her mother. Not only that, but she's brought along her new boy toy, who just happens to be an accused murderer. When he ends up dead, Tess's mom becomes a suspect. Can Tess figure out who really killed Levi Parker before her mother winds up in the slammer?

I'm not sure which other bookish books I'm going to pick up this month, but I like the sound of these:

The Librarian of Burned Books by Brianna Labuskes features a triple-timeline narrative that tells the story of three women as they deal with the many conflicts that World War II brings to them individually and collectively. 

The Book Haters' Book Club by Gretchen Anthony is about a bookstore that loses its heart when Elliott, its beloved owner dies. Irma, Elliott's grief-stricken business partner, decides to sell the shop, much to the dismay of its loyal patrons, who launch a campaign to save the store they love.

I've had this book out from the library for over a month, so I need to get to it before it comes due.

Have you read any of these? What did you think? What bookish books are on your March reading list?

For those of you who are participating in the Bookish Books Reading Challenge, here's the Mr. Linky to use for linking up March reviews. If you've not yet signed up for the challenge, what are you waiting for? Join us in this low-key challenge that celebrates a genre we all love: books about books. It will be fun, I promise!


  1. I just got myself a copy of the Librarian of Burned Books!

    1. Oooh, I'm jealous! It sounds so good. I'll be interested to read your review and see what you thought of it.

  2. I'm currently reading a nonfiction called "My Bookstore: Writers Celebrate Their Favorite Places to Browse, Read, and Shop," edited by Ronald Rice. It's delightful: several dozen writers gush about their fave indie bookstores. It makes me want to visit them all!

    1. I bought MY BOOKSTORE some time ago and still haven't read it. It really does sound excellent. I need to read it already! Glad you're enjoying it so much.

  3. I'm not a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland either. Depending on the retelling, I might enjoy it. I'll have to check out. J Scott Savage's series.

    Too bad you had to come to Utah last week when the snow was really bad. It probably would've still be cold, though. LOL.

    1. The books are fast reads, so even if you don't LOVE them, you still might enjoy reading them. I thought they were fun and I'm sure I missed half of the allusions/humor because I've only read Alice one and it was when I was a kid. I still found the books entertaining, though.

      It was fun to see a *little* bit of falling snow. We had a lot on the drive home, though, and that was scary. Thankfully, it cleared up not too far outside of Nephi.

  4. The only one I've read is The Book Hater's Book Club which was okay but not a favorite. I hope you enjoy it more than I did if you read it! I also have the 2nd and 3rd Tamara Berry coming up on my reading list. I love the animated movie of the Alice and Wonderland but have never been a big fan of the books. These retellings do look good though!

    1. I finally had to return THE BOOK HATER'S BOOK CLUB to the library since it was overdue. Maybe I'll pick it up again later.

      I'm glad you're reading the Berry series. It's so fun!

      I remember thinking the animated Alice movie was strange, but I definitely liked it better than the books.

  5. I keep seeing The Librarian of Burned Books around. I will watch for your thoughts, Susan.

    1. I still haven't read it, but I want to. Hopefully soon.

  6. I just posted a link to Daisy Darker

  7. Just posted Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry (YA)

  8. I almost forgot to link up for March! I actually had three books that qualified for the challenge, so yay! I'm already at 6 for the year and I signed up for Picking and Perusing 10-20 books. I have a feeling I'll exceed this number but we'll see.

    Oh, I had a time driving in some unexpected snow this last week! Glad you had fun at your conference despite the cold and snow. I have the first book in the By the Book Mystery series, I just need to get to it! Maybe it'll be my April link up.


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