Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: If I Like These Ten Books and Authors, What/Who Else Would I Enjoy?

I'm busy, tired, and already behind on commenting and visiting for past Top Ten Tuesday posts, so I'm going to go rogue today. Instead of giving you recommendations for the prompt—Top Ten Books For People Who Liked Author X—I'm going to ask you for recs instead. It's not lazy; it's brilliant! Another blogger did this recently (can't remember who) and I thought it was absolutely genius, especially for a week when my creative juices just aren't flowing. (I mean, that's just about every week around here, but yeah...).

If you want to join in the TTT fun (and you definitely do), click on over to That Artsy Reader Girl for all the details.

Okay, so here's the idea. I'm going to list ten of my favorite authors who are currently writing books and what I like about their work. Then, I would LOVE it if you would recommend similar books/authors that you think I might enjoy. I'm open to new genres (except for erotica and anything too graphic), but my go-tos are definitely mysteries, thrillers, historical fiction, historical mysteries, general/women's fiction, and family sagas. I tend to shy away from anything too literary or strange or fantasy-y. Non-fiction recs would be awesome as well. Make sense? Alright, put your thinking caps on and give me some great new books/authors to try! 

If I Like These Ten Books and Authors, What/Who Else Would I Enjoy?

- in no particular order; images are of my favorite book by the author or the first book in my favorite series by them - 

1. Kathy Reichs

  • Writes: mysteries/thrillers/crime with a focus on forensic science (Reichs is a forensic anthropologist.)
  • What I like about her books: strong female lead; likable, complex characters; forensics explained in a way that is approachable, but not condescendingly simple; upbeat vibe, edge-of-your-seat plotting, and humor throughout 

  • Writes: historical fiction, family sagas, family secrets novels, dual-timeline 
  • What I like about her books: atmospheric settings, complex family dynamics, compelling plots, clean content, Gothic vibes

  • Writes: mysteries/thrillers/crime for adults and YA; also writes urban fantasy and supernatural novels, but I haven't read any of those (not my genre)
  • What I like about her books: strong female leads, humor, exciting plots, complex characters and relationship dynamics, understated romance as subplots

  • Writes: YA historical fiction
  • What I like about her books: unique settings, vivid historical detail, sympathetic characters, engaging prose

  • Writes: mysteries/thrillers/crime with a bit of a literary bent
  • What I lilke about her books: rich, detailed settings; complex, sympathetic characters; lead character with wisdom and morals; interesting mysteries; easy to sink into

  • Writes: YA contemporary fiction and YA mysteries/thrillers
  • What I like about her books: warm vibe; page-turners; likable characters; twisty mysteries

  • Writes: MG and YA contemporary and (mostly) historical fiction with a focus on the Chinese-American experience
  • What I like about her books: rich, historical settings/details; unique take on known historical events; compelling plots; clean content; engaging

  • Writes: thrillers, psychological thrillers, mysteries, spooky books
  • What I like about his books: creepy without being terrifying; intriguing premises; addicting stories; plots that pull me in and keep me reading fast and furious

  • Writes: historical fiction
  • What I like about her books: upbeat in spite of heavy subject matter; likable, sympathetic characters; strong female characters; vivid historical settings/details; engaging reads; clean content

  • Writes: historical fiction, dual-timeline 
  • What I like about her books: dual-timelines, engaging plots, likable characters, vivid historical settings/details, complex relationships, family secrets, clean content
There you go, ten of my favorite authors who are still writing books. Have you read any of them? What readalikes can you think of for me? What did you do for your list today? I'd truly love to know. Leave me a comment on this post and I will gladly return the favor on your blog. I also reply to your comments here (although I've been a *little* slow at it lately).

Happy TTT!


  1. I liked Still Life, too, so I hope you get lots of recommendations of similar books for that one!

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-for-people-who-liked-shel-silverstein/

    1. The problem is that nothing really compares to the Armand Gamache series! I love it SO much :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lydia!

  2. I've not read anything by Sepetys but her books given me an Elizabeth Wein vibe. Have you read Code Name Verity?

    1. Oh, yes, that is a good comparison! I've read CODE NAME VERITY, but that's it. I should definitely read more or hers. Thanks for the reminder.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Tanya!

  3. Love this idea! I couldn't think of any recomendations though. Maybe Jennifer Nielson for historical fictions.

    1. I do like Nielsen's historical fiction and there are a couple I haven't read yet. Great suggestion!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Kami!

  4. That is a great idea but except for one author (Kate Morton), I have not read any of your authors. But I guess you would like any of the authors on my list, I'd start with These is My Words.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT this week.

    1. You listed a bunch of authors I want to try in your list this week. I have read THESE IS MY WORDS. It's set here in Arizona. I don't think I ever finished the series, though. I need to. I should also check out her other books. Thanks for the rec!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Marianne!

    2. Yes, they are all good. I still love the first one most but the others just continue her story which is lovely. She must have been a nice person.

  5. I'm a Ruta Sepetys fan, too. I understand she has, or will have, a new book soon.

    1. She does and it sounds interesting. It's a writing guide about using your memories to find an authentic writing voice or something. I would read that, mostly just because Sepetys wrote it! I love her.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Anne!

  6. Ohhh, I saw this when someone else did it and completely forgot about it. I love this idea!! Something similar to the Truly Devious series is the Jane Austen Murder Mystery series by Price. It's YA and so fun!

    1. Oooh, okay, I will definitely check that out. I love historical mysteries, especially when they're clever and fun. Thanks for the rec!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Leslie!

  7. A School for Unusual Girls by Kathleen Baldwin might be something you'd enjoy. It's a YA Historical Fiction, with possibly a touch of fantastical elements (but that's not the focus as far as I can remember). I've been meaning to re-start that series, but so far I've only read book one.

    Also maybe A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray? Both of those books seem very similar to me as far as YA Historical Fiction with minimal fantasy. But it's been a while, so my memory might be faulty. I do remember enjoying them both a lot, though.

    1. Great suggestions! I haven't read either of these. I don't mind a touch of fantasy/magic, so I think these could work. Thanks for the recs!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Nicole!

  8. I don't know if it is a direct comparison, but I think if you like Morton maybe try Karen White (if you haven't already). She does multigenerational family saga stuff. It's set in the South and usually has great atmosphere.
    As for Johnson, I haven't read her yet but my daughter has. She loved that series and also loves Jennifer Barnes, Karen M McManus, A Good Girl's Guide to Murder... I'm trying to think who else she read that was similar but am blanking.

    1. Karen White is a great suggestion! I love her books and there are still a fair number I haven't read. Your daughter has good taste. I really enjoyed the Good Girl's Guide to Murder books and Barnes's newest series is super fun. I need to read the last book still. I've read one McManus, but that's all. Thanks for the recs!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Deanna!

  9. Based on what you wrote above, I would recommend C. C. Warrens The Holly Series (they are FABULOUS). I would also recommend Jaime Jo Wright, specifically Echoes Among the Stones, The Curse of Misty Wayfair, and The House on Foster Hill. And, finally, The Gwen Marcy series by Carrie Stuart Parks.

    1. I've read one book by Wright, but that's it from your suggestions. I'll check them all out. Thanks!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Cindy!

  10. Hmm okay: I've not read anything by Kate Morton, but perhaps you might like Madeline Martin's historical fiction (The Last Bookshop In London and The Librarian Spy), she's so good at writing really vivid settings, the characters and plot are compelling and the romance is clean. I agree with the person above who recommended Elizabeth Wein, her books are great. Maybe A Good Girl's Guide To Murder for a mystery you might like, I certainly found that one page turning!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/03/28/top-ten-tuesday-413/

    1. Thanks for the suggestions! I thought THE LIBRARIAN SPY was just okay, but THE LAST BOOKSHOP IN LONDON is supposed to be excellent. I need to read that one. I've only read the one Wein book, but I really liked it, so I need to read more of hers. I really liked the AGGGTM series. I liked the author's newest book, too. She just needs to write faster so I have more books of hers to read! LOL.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Jo!

  11. I like the way you did this post, where you added what you liked about the author and what they write! Thanks!

    1. Thanks! The book blogosphere is the BEST place to get reading recommendations :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Wendy!

  12. This is a fun way to get way more comparisons! I've enjoyed Sager's mix of creepy and mysterious without ever going overboard. I think you'd probably enjoy Simone St. James as something similar.

    1. St. James is a great recommendation. I love her books! There are a few of her older ones that I haven't read yet, too.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Ethan!

  13. Your blog is so pretty. I enjoy visiting it!

    I am a huge fan of Bones and have always wanted to read one of Reichs's books. I appreciate how you explain what you like about her books. I think I may get one and read it soon.

    1. Oh, thanks! I had my blog professionally redesigned a couple of years ago and I just love its fresh, new look.

      I'm such a big fan of the Tempe Brennan series that I just couldn't handle Bones because it's SO different from the books. I mean, the forensics aspect is the same, but the characters are completely different. The Tempe in the books is the total opposite of the Tempe in the t.v. show. The only way I could handle watching Bones is if I thought of it as a totally different entity than the book series. Isn't that weird?? If you try the Reichs books, let me know what you think, especially how they compare/contrast with the show for you.

      Thanks for stopping in, Nicole!

  14. I don't think I know enough about these genres to recommend anything. Just goes to show I need to broaden my horizons, so thanks for sharing these! :-)

    1. Well, I also enjoy a good cozy mystery and you know LOTS about those :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Meezan!

  15. This is a brilliant idea for a post! Here goes nothing:
    I love Kathy Reichs, and her writing reminds me a lot of Patricia Cornwell's Kay Scarpetta series.
    If you liked Ruta Sepetys, who I haven't read, but judging by the description, you'd probably like The Silent Unseen by Amanda McCrina.
    If you like Riley Sager, you might like Tiffany D. Jackson's YA horror (The Weight of Blood or White Smoke).

    1. Right? I should do it every week :)

      I've never read Cornwell's books, so that's a great suggestion. THE SILENT UNSEEN has been on my TBR list ever since I heard about it, but I still haven't read it. I've also never read Jackson. I'll check her out for sure.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Leah!

  16. Good list. Have you ever read Faye Kellerman's mysteries? Officially the main character is her husband, a police detective, but she always features in the books and helps solve key parts of the crimes.

    1. Weirdly enough, I haven't read anything by Kellerman. She seems like an author I would like, so I'll definitely check her out.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Helen!

  17. Love this idea!! And I have not read any of the books on your list.. As for recommendations, I recall specific books by authors, specifically for historicals/dual timelines, and here are some of them - Janet Skeslien Charles' The Paris Library, Sharon Cameron's Bluebird, Lisa Wingate's The Book of Lost Friends, Kristin Harmel's The Book of Lost Names, Fiona Davis' The Lions of Fifth Avenue

    1. I ADORE Sharon Cameron and BLUEBIRD is my favorite of hers. Such a great book yet, sadly, so underrated. I've read the Wingate book and the Harmel one, but I've yet to read THE PARIS LIBRARY or anything by Davis. I'll definitely check those out.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lady in Read!

  18. Ruta Spetys and Stacey Lee are two of my favorites authors, I love that they write stories from an different point of view

    1. Same! They're both such great writers. I adore them.

      Thanks for popping in, Moon Phoenix!

  19. I love Kate Morton and there are so many authors on this list that I've really been wanting to read. Especially Kelley Armstrong!


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