Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Spring Has Sprung On Mt. TBR (2023 Edition)

Has Spring sprung where you live? Here in the Phoenix, Arizona, area it's been in the upper 70s and flowers are blooming all over the place. I'm not ready for high temps, so hopefully, we can stay out of the triple digits for a little bit longer. A friend mentioned today that his grandkids came to visit from Colorado and couldn't wait to jump in his pool! Brrr...I only swim when it's over 100 degrees outside and I can wait for that, thank you very much.

Even if Spring hasn't sprung where you are, it's definitely happening on Top Ten Tuesday. Today's prompt is, not surprisingly, Top Ten Books On My Spring TBR List. I love these seasonal lists, even though they're rough on my already never-ending TBR pile mountain mountain chain. 

If you want to join in the TTT fun (and you SO do), click on over to That Artsy Reader Girl, get all the details on this weekly meme, and give our hostess, Jana, some love while you're at it.

Top Ten Books On My Spring TBR List

Several authors that I adore have new books coming out in March and April, so I'll start with those, even though I think I've talked about all of them before. Sorry!

1. The Close by Jane Casey—I'm a big fan of Casey's Irish detective Maeve Kerrigan, who lives and works in England. This newest installment (#10) has Maeve and her colleague, DI Josh Derwent, posing as a couple in order to get an insider's view of a tidy neighborhood that's hiding some messy secrets. With their relationship already dancing on the line between professional and personal, it's a tense situation all around. 

2. Homecoming by Kate Morton (available April 4, 2023)—A new book from Morton always gets me excited! The story concerns Jess, an out-of-work London journalist who is called home to Australia after her beloved grandmother suffers a debilitating fall. Jess is surprised to learn that her grandma took a tumble after being in her attic, a place that has always been forbidden. As the journalist starts digging into the secrets the attic holds, she makes some shocking discoveries about her family's involvement in a 60-year-old crime.

3. Iceberg by Jennifer A. Nielsen—I'm always up for a book about the Titanic. I've actually had an e-ARC of this one on my Kindle for some time now and haven't gotten around to it. Yet.

4. The Only Survivors by Megan Miranda (available April 11, 2023)—Miranda is a thriller writer whose books are must-reads for me. Her newest concerns a group of adults who survived a deadly school bus crash as high schoolers. When one of the survivors commits suicide, the rest of the group commits to getting together every year to commemorate the tragedy that changed all of their lives. As they gather on the Outer Banks for the tenth anniversary, something immediately feels off. When one member of the group disappears, amid an incoming storm no less, everyone is alarmed. After all they've been through, they can't experience another tragedy. Where has their friend gone? Why has she vanished?

5. Home Away From Home by Cynthia Lord (available April 18, 2023)—I love Lord's heartfelt middle-grade novels. This one concerns Mia, a girl who's staying with her grandmother in Maine for the summer, just like she always does. Except, this year is different. Her parents are divorcing, their home is up for sale, and nothing is the same. Not even grandma's house. Grandma's got an annoying new neighbor, a boy Mia's age who seems to feel a little too at home at her grandma's house. When the two of them spot a rare bird, the competition between them gets fierce. Who will find the exotic animal first?

I haven't read anything by the next five authors, but I'm excited to give these a go:

6. The Little Wartime Library by Kate Thompson—This historical novel is based on a real librarian who risked her own safety to run a library inside London's Bethnal Green tube station during World War II. 

7. Courts and Alleys: A history of Liverpool courtyard housing by Elizabeth J. Stewart—Speaking of cities in England...I've been doing a deep dive into the life of my 4th great-grandmother, who lived in Liverpool during the mid 1800s before emigrating to the United States in 1853. She lived in tenement housing, the so-called back-to-back court houses, and I'm interested to know more about what that was like. Couldn't have been easy.

8. We Love to Entertain by Sarah Strohmeyer (available April 25, 2023)—This thriller revolves around a married couple, real estate investors who are involved in a tense competition sponsored by a popular real estate app. Winning could mean big bucks in endorsements as well as a league of new followers. The couple is in the middle of remodeling a home in Vermont when they both disappear, leaving a bloody trail in their wake. What happened to the dynamic duo?

9. Blizzard's Wake by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor—Even though this YA historical isn't very Spring-y, it still sounds compelling. Someone recommended it to me when I complained that it was hard to find books set in North Dakota for the Literary Escapes Reading Challenge I participate in every year. The novel is about a grieving girl and the boy who has just been released from jail for causing the accident that killed her mother. When the two get stuck in a blizzard, they are forced to work together in order to survive.

10. Mousse and Murder by Elizabeth Logan—I'm always up for a fun cozy mystery and this one looks entertaining. It's the first installment in a series that stars Charlotte "Charlie" Cook, a chef who returns to her Alaska hometown to take over her mother's diner. When the diner's head chef is killed after a heated argument with Charlie, she finds herself the prime suspect in his murder. Who really offed the chef?

There you go, ten books I'm hoping to get to this Spring. Have you read any of them? What did you think? What's on your Spring TBR? I'd truly love to know. Leave me a comment on this post and I will happily return the favor on your blog. I also reply to your TTT comments here (although I'm still a little behind from the past couple weeks...).

Happy TTT!


  1. I hope we both enjoy the Morton! Little Wartime Library was not as charming as I expected based on the title, but it was still good. Enjoy! ~Carol @Reading Ladies

    1. That's too bad about THE LITTLE WARTIME LIBRARY. It does look charming. I'm REALLY looking forward to the new Morton. I didn't love her last one like I have all of her others, so I'm REALLY hoping HOMECOMING is better, more like her others.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Carol!

  2. I hope you enjoy all of these! So many wonderful books are coming out in the spring

    1. Right? There are a whole bunch that I'm excited to read. Happy Spring reading to us!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Wendy!

  3. I do love the idea of a TBR Mountain Chain. LOL... I think we can all identify. I like the sound of nearly all these books... Iceberg, Home Away from Home and Mousse and Murder especially. It's trying to be Spring here but not quite succeeding. We had snow last week!

    1. TBR pile just doesn't *quite* do justice to the mess I've got going on! LOL.

      I can't believe you're still having snow. Crazy! We had a bit of rain this week, but it's still warm.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Cath!

  4. The two Kate books are the ones that are calling my name!

    1. Right? I agree totally!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Marg!

  5. You have some interesting books here, Susan. I read that Elizabeth Logan book several years ago and really enjoyed it, but for some reason never read the next 2 in the series. Thanks for the reminder, I just saved them on hoopla through my library. I hope you enjoy them all.

    1. I've done that so many times when so many different series! There are so many out there that I think I just forget about some of them. I've enjoyed other books by Logan, so this one sounds fun. And I need an Alaska book for a reading challenge, so it works on a bunch of levels :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Carla!

  6. I like to read books to which I have a personal connection, like the personal connection you are making with Courts and Alleys. I can't resist reading about the Dust Bowl, for example.

    1. Same! I've been so intrigued by the little I've been able to find about the court houses that I want to read more. I'm dying for more details so I can get an understanding for the way my poor ancestors lived in Victorian England.

      Even though I don't have a personal connection to the Dust Bowl, I enjoy reading about that time/place as well. The subject fascinates me to no end!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Deb!

  7. I have relatives who live in Phoenix, and they’ve been sending me some beautiful foliage photos.

    Toronto is still in a very winter-y stage at the moment. It will be April before we have our first flowers and May before they’re common!

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-on-my-spring-2023-to-read-list/

    1. The desert is really blooming right now! I'm not a hiker, but I keep seeing friends posting gorgeous shots of flowers and foliage from their hikes. It rained all day on Wednesday, so that's helping as well. It's weird to think that other places in North America are still experiencing winter weather while we're running around in shorts and flip flops!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lydia!

  8. I have not heard of these books but I hope you'll enjoy reading them. Thank you for visiting my top ten tuesday.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. I have high hopes for these, so fingers crossed that there will be some gems among them :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lissa!

  9. Nice list! I should have added Iceberg to my list as well!

    1. I'm up for anything Titanic! It's a depressing subject, but one I find endlessly fascinating for some reason. Glad I'm not the only one :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Kami!

  10. These all look good! I've been on a bit of a Titanic kick lately, so I'll be interested to hear more about Iceberg!

    1. Titanic books ALWAYS get my attention. No matter how many books I've read on the subject, I just want more, more, more! It's a macabre thing to read about, but SO interesting.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lisa!

  11. I like the The Only Survivors, & The Little Wartime Library!! Great list!!

    1. I'm excited for both of them. I think I've got some great Spring reading ahead of me!

      Thanks for popping in, Jo!

  12. Mousse and Murder sounds like one I'd enjoy too!

    1. It sounds fun, doesn't it? I like to read cozy mysteries as palate cleansers between heavier books.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Louise!

  13. We Love to Entertain is one I may need to read after this post. It sounds fun-ish. Can a thriller be fun? Haha.
    We are almost to spring here. They say it might hit 60 this weekend. We did have snow a few weeks ago and lots of rain the past week. Crazy weather.

    1. I mean, "fun" in a different way than say, a rom-com. I do find thrillers entertaining, even while they can be totally disturbing. LOL.

      That does sound like crazy weather. Wow! We've had a bit of rain, but it's still warm. I already miss the cooler weather.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Deanna!

  14. MOUSSE AND MURDER is one I picked up on a whim at my local bookstore a while ago, but I haven't read it yet! Thanks for the reminder that it's sitting on my bookshelf, waiting for me. ;-)

    Happy reading!

    1. You're welcome! Ha ha. I'm guilty of the same thing. It's like once I buy a book I can read it any time, so I just...don't. I hope we both enjoy MOUSSE AND MURDER when we get to it.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Nicole!

  15. These look like great reads. Happy spring reading!

    1. Thanks, Beverley! I'm looking forward to reading these books and more (of course) this Spring.

      Thanks for stopping in!

  16. The War Time Library looks so good. I hope you enjoy all of these!!

    1. Doesn't it? I just read a book that talked about Londoners making small communities inside the train tunnels during bombing raids. I'm excited to read more about that, especially the part reading played in all that.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Leslie!

  17. We Love to Entertain looks really good. Love a well-done thriller. And I had some Spring weather recently but now it's back to being cold and rainy.

    Lauren @ www.shootingstarsmag.net

    1. Same! I love me a tense, twisty thriller. Hopefully, this is a good one.

      We've had some rain, too, but it's a warm rain. I think our cold weather is gone forever. Well, at least until next December or so.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lauren!

  18. The Little Wartime Library sounds really good. I’m going to have to add it to my TBR.

    1. I hope we both enjoy it! I just read two WWII books in a row, so I'm going to put it off for a little bit, but I'll get to it eventually.

      Thanks for popping by, Ashley!

  19. I will read anything Titanic. I am obsessed. Convinced in my past life I was on the ship. Never heard of this book before so I gotta check it out. I am in Phoenix too. We should be bookish friends.

    1. Same! It seriously doesn't matter how many books I read about Titanic, I always want more. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's obsessed!

      I'm in Mesa, so we're neighbors. We should defintely be book buddies :)

      Thanks for popping in, Emily!

  20. One of my friends back home sent me pictures of her trip to an amusement park last weekend. She made sure to note the people who were riding the water rides--even though it was only 50 degrees outside! Brrr!

    Phyllis Reynolds Naylor is an author I haven't thought of in quite a while. I read Elliot and the Goblin War by Jennifer A. Nielsen several years ago and liked it but I haven't read anything by her since. There just isn't enough time in the day....

    I hope you like all these when/if you read them!

    1. Brrrr...I'm too wimpy to swim unless it's over 100 degrees. Our pool actually has a heater, but we've never used it. Maybe we should!

      I like Nielsen's historical books most. I've read her Ascendance series and liked it overall, but fantasy is just not my genre.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Jen!

  21. The Little Wartime Library is on my TBR....and I hope I get to read it soon.. The Only Survivors sounds so very intriguing.. will look for it

    1. I have a copy of THE LITTLE WAR TIME LIBRARY. Now I just need to make the time to read it. Actually, I'm going to put it off a little since I just read two WWII books in a row, but I'll get to it eventually.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lady in Read!

  22. This is such a great list! I kept looking at the books and saying "ooooh" at each one, because they all look really good, and I've got a few on my TBR already! Homecoming and The Only Survivors are both books I'm looking forward to reading soon. I can't imagine things blooming just yet - we had a bunch of snow yesterday where I live, but I'm glad you're having nice weather!

    1. You're still getting snow? Crazy! It's definitely feeling very Spring-y here in Arizona. I hope we both enjoy our Spring reading, whatever the weather might bring :)

      Thanks for stopping in!

  23. These books all look really good! You have a great list here.

    1. I think so, too. Hopefully, at least some of them are winners.

      Thanks for popping by, Nicole!

  24. What do you mean you've never read anything by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. (although I may have known this and just repressed) That one, pick THAT ONE for your next spring read. Before another single week passes. :P

    But seriously, either that one or Faith, Hope and Ivy June would be the ideal introduction to her. In fact, if you read this one as the weather warms, it might help take your mind off the heat (or make you grateful that you're in it and not freezing in an unheated car)

    And #7 on your list sounds like it'll be especially interesting if you're reading it with a personal connection to someone who experienced them -- nice find.

    1. I mean, it's entirely possible I've read Naylor at some point in the past. I just can't remember any of her books specifically. I'm approaching 50 and my memory just doesn't work very well anymore! I'm definitely going to read her soon, though, so thanks for the recs.

      I'm really looking forward to #7. It's on the way to my house from England as we speak. Can't wait to read it!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, RS!

  25. That first one looks excellent. And I haven't read Megan Miranda in ages.

    1. If you're into crime fiction, the Maeve Kerrigan series is a great one! And Miranda is always good for a compelling page turner.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Greg!

  26. Adding The Wartime Librarian to my TBR. It sounds amazing. I'm so excited for the new Kate Morton!

    1. I adore Morton's books. I just wish she published more often!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Katherine!

  27. Seasonal lists are fun and it's so interesting how the books we choose seem to mirror the seasons themselves.

    1. True! I always have my favorite genres, but I do tend toward lighter books in the Spring and Summer and darker ones in the Fall and Winter. That seems to be fairly common among us book bloggers.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Helen!

  28. I haven't heard of any of these but they look fun! I hope you enjoy all of them 😃

  29. Great list! I definitely want to read The Little Wartime Library. And Blizzard's Wake looks like one I'd really like, too... gotta love that trapped-in-a-blizzard trope. :D

  30. These are some great sounding books. I've added The Little Wartime Library to my TBR and will likely add some other books from your list as well.

  31. Looks like a great list! I haven't read any of these yet but I'm definitely interested in the Megan Miranda book. Love her twisty thrillers.


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