Thursday, June 01, 2023

The Bookish Books Reading Challenge: June Book Ideas and Link-Up

Happy June! How did your May go? Mine was busy and, once again, I did not read any bookish books during the month. I read a few that had books in them, but it wasn't a main theme so I'm not counting them. Just to reiterate, though, this is a laidback challenge and you choose what counts as a "bookish" book. If you think it counts for the challenge, it totally does! 

My book club chose The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson for our May read, but we didn't meet until tonight. I loved the novel when I read it back in 2020. My plan was to re-read it before book club, but I'm still only about 100 pages in. So, for May, I'll finish the re-read, then go on to its sequel, The Book Woman's Daughter. Those will happen this month for sure. 

Here are a couple other possibilities:

I'm a big Carol Goodman fan and her newest, The Bones of the Story, sounds like a compelling bookish thriller. It's a locked-room mystery about a group of people who took a creative writing class together in college 25 years ago. A terrible tragedy involving their professor marked their time together. When people start dying at a commemoration event, it becomes clear that the past is coming back to haunt the present.

Vero over at The Moon Phoenix has been raving about The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer and it does sound like a fun read. It's about a super popular children's writer who mysteriously stopped publishing years ago. Everyone is shocked when he announces not only that he has written a new book but also that he is hosting an exclusive competition in which the winner takes home the only copy of his coveted new story. The stakes are impossibly high for the four people chosen to compete. Who will emerge the victor?

What bookish books are you planning to read in June?

For those of you who are participating in the Bookish Books Reading Challenge, here's the Mr. Linky to use for linking up May reviews. If you've not yet signed up for the challenge, what are you waiting for? Join us in this low-key challenge that celebrates a genre we all love: books about books. It will be fun, I promise!


  1. I just requested The Wishing Game from BOTM so will get to it some time this summer.

  2. For the first time this year I didn't read any bookish books in May either. No particular reason, it just didn't happen. But as I'm already up to six for the year (out of ten) I'm ok with that. Thinking of reading Death of an Author by E.C.R. Lorac in June though.

  3. I'm glad to hear The Wishing Game is good. I picked it as my June BOTM pick but didn't know much about it.

  4. I liked the idea of The Wishing Game so much that I chose it for my BOTM read this month.

  5. I just saw this. I hope you have fulfilled your June challenge and have enjoyed a lot The Wishing Game

  6. It seems like every month is busy, right? Hope you get to read a bookish book this month. Lark and I listed the same book, lol! Summer Reading by Jenn McKinley and I really enjoyed it!

  7. Oops, I accidentally posted the same book twice. You can ignore the entry that doesn't have a book title in it.


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