Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: Summer-y, Water-y Reads

What is it that really gives you those lazy days of summer vibes? Lounging on a sandy beach with an ice-cold drink in your hand? The tantalizing smells of a backyard barbecue wafting through the air? Roasting marshmallows over a smoldering campfire in the woods? Licking ice cream out of a sugar cone while it slowly melts down your arm? This week's Top Ten Tuesday prompt is all about those sights, smells, and activities that just scream summer and how they're portrayed in and on books. 

The thing I probably most associate with summer is immersing myself in cool, refreshing water. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest's scenic Columbia River Gorge. As a family, we'd often head to the river (or one of the area's many lakes) and spend the day picnicking on the grassy bank and frolicking in the water. In the Arizona desert, backyard swimming pools are plentiful. Here, summer means the scents of chlorine and sunscreen, the sound of happy kids splashing in the water echoing throughout the neighborhood, and the sweet relief of soaking your hot, sweat-slicked body in a pool's chilly depths. Since water was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this prompt, I decided to center my list around books that take place in, on, or around the water. Because I'm me, none of the books on my list are the kind of light, frothy stories that are most often associated with easy, breezy summer reading. Most of them have a sinister bent, but that's what you get from a mystery/thriller lover like me!

First, though, be sure to head on over to That Artsy Reader Girl and give our hostess some love. While you're there, you can get all the details about TTT and check out dozens of fun lists about the Top Ten Books or Covers That Feel/Look Like Summer.  

Top Ten Books on My TBR List That Feel/Look Like Summer 
(mostly because they take place in, on, or around the water)

1. Those We Drown by Amy Goldsmith (available July 11, 2023)—I don't read a lot of horror and when I do, it has to be horror lite or else I won't be able to sleep. This YA novel seems to qualify. It's about a group of students who are chosen to spend a semester at sea aboard a luxury cruise ship. Liv's thrilled with the opportunity, but her enthusiasm dims when she learns she's only there because another girl disappeared mysteriously. When The Eos gets underway and more people vanish, Liv realizes there's something very sinister, even otherworldly, going on...and she's trapped.

2. Under a Dark Summer Sky by Vanessa Lafaye—Billed as The Help meets The Perfect Storm, this 2015 novel is set in the Florida Keys in 1935. As the sun bakes the town of Huron Key, a shocking act of violence rips through the small community. With tension already tearing the place apart, a vicious storm is brewing in the skies. Will anyone survive the impact when the fury of the oncoming storm meets the broiling anger on the ground?

3. Death at High Tide by Hannah Dennison—This is the first installment in a cozy mystery series featuring a woman who inherits a dilapidated hotel on an island off the coast of Cornwall. Along with her sister, she removes to the location permanently—only to find all is not as it seems. When someone is killed at the hotel and another follows, the situation gets even more complicated as the sisters find themselves being accused of murder.

4. Meet Me at the Lake by Carley Fortune—It seems as if everyone has been talking about this second chance romance. It does sound fun. The story revolves around 32-year-old Fern, who has reluctantly returned to her hometown to try to save her family's disintegrating lakeside resort business. Everything's a mess until Fern's summer fling from over a decade ago comes walking in to help. Will's not the same guy he was back then. What's he hiding? And what effect will his presence have on Fern and the business she's trying to save?

5. The Last One by Will Dean (available August 8, 2023)—This thriller has a simple, but terrifying premise. Caz and her boyfriend board a luxurious cruise ship, ready to have the time of their lives enjoying all the vessel's many amenities. And they do. For one night. The next morning when Caz wakes up, her boyfriend is gone—along with everyone else. Caz is alone on a giant ship in the middle of the Atlantic. What happened to the ship's passengers and crew? Why is Caz the only one left? And what in the world is she going to do now?

6. A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams—Like #2, this historical novel is set in a beach town in the 1930s. This time, it's Rhode Island, where socialite Lily Dane is looking forward to her annual summer stay at the shore. She gets a nasty shock when her former best friend arrives in town along with her husband, Lily's one-time fiancĂ©. Along with all the drama the situation brings up between the former friends, there's also a hurricane barreling their way. Will any of them escape unscathed by a summer that's sure to be unforgettable?

7. Penny From Heaven by Jennifer L. Holm—It's the summer of 1953 and 11-year-old Penny is determined to spend it well by playing baseball and swimming in the city pool. Only her mother forbids her from going to the pool, terrified she'll catch polio. Growing family drama makes everything that much worse. How can Penny salvage her summer, which is turning out to be the worst one she's ever experienced?

8. A Stranger On Board by Cameron WardAnd Then There Were None on a luxury cruise liner? Yes, please! That's what this thriller sounds like to me. It stars Sarah French, an ex-Marine who takes a job as a security officer onboard a superyacht. Someone goes missing as they head out to sea and Sarah soon realizes there's a killer on the vessel. Can she catch them before they pick off the passengers and crew one by one?

9. Hemlock Island by Kelley Armstrong—After a bitter divorce, Laney Kilpatrick is left with nothing. Almost. The one thing she does have is an island house that she rents out for the money she so desperately needs. After a series of strange and sinister incidents on her property, Laney goes to the island to investigate. Another small group arrives unexpectedly at the same time. When a dead body turns up and the group's only means of transportation disappears, it becomes obvious that something has gone horribly wrong on the island.

10. The Girl Who Stopped Swimming by Joshilyn Jackson—I love Jackson's Southern novels and I've still yet to read this one. The story revolves around Thalia, a woman who is visited in the night by what appears to be the ghost of her 14-year-old neighbor. The next day, the girl's dead body is found floating in her pool. Although everyone in town thinks it was suicide, Thalia believes the apparation was trying to tell her what really happened—and she won't rest until she finds the truth.

There you go, ten summery (ish) books that take place in, on, or around the water. Have you read any of them? What did you think? What titles did you pick for your list today? I'd truly love to know. Leave me a comment on this post and I will gladly return the favor on your blog. I also reply to comments left here at BBB.

Happy TTT! 


  1. I have a strong association between water/swimming and summer, too! It’s such a refreshing thing to do on a hot, humid day. :)

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.


    1. For sure! Even though air conditioning keeps me cool in the summer, it's not nearly as satisfying and refreshing as a dip in the pool :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lydia!

  2. This is a fantastic list! Some of the covers have a darker, summery theme, and I love that. My Top Ten Tuesday post is HERE.

    — Diana @ Book of Secrets

    1. "Dark summer" is more my (reading) style than light, fluffy summer. Occasionally, I crave a fun, frothy read, but my go-to genres are definitely more serious and dark.

      Thanks for popping in, Diana!

  3. While most of the covers do have summer vibes, they are not fluffy reads, LOL! Some of them sound pretty intense.

    1. Not at all. They're all pretty serious, even the middle-grade one.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Cindy!

  4. I love how #1 and #5 are so understated that you can barely tell there's actually water. You have to look hard. Nice post!

    1. True. They're similar covers and the books have similar plots. It will be fun to compare and contrast them after I've read them both.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Deanna!

  5. Great covers. The one for me that is most evocative of summer is Penny from Heaven.

    1. Yes! Children and swimming pools definitely go together, especially in the summer. And that red bathing suit is very evocative for me. I guess because that's the color lifeguards where? It reminds me of childhood summers spent at the community pool.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Helen!

  6. Love your twist on summery reads.

    1. Thanks! It was a fun list to make.

      Thanks for stopping in, Brenda!

  7. I don't read a lot of horror either but Those We Drown does look gorgeous!

    1. Right? I don't mind a scary book as long as it's not TOO scary. I'm a bit of a wimp.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Louise!

  8. Hemlock Island looks FANTASTIC -- both in terms of summary and its physical appearance. Looks like a book to tuck away for Thriller Season a.k.a. this fall.

    I really liked Penny From Heaven when I read it, though I don't remember much now...I like that cover edition though. Very summer!

    1. I'm a big fan of Armstrong's mystery/thriller books, so I'm excited for HEMLOCK ISLAND. It would make a great Fall/Halloween read for sure.

      I'm also a big fan of Holm's books, at least the realistic ones (plus THE LION OF MARS, which isn't so realistic). I have high hopes for PENNY FROM HEAVEN.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, RS!

  9. whoops, that last anon about 9 & 7 was me

  10. The A Hundred Summers cover is iconic summer. Stunning!

    1. Isn't it? It's very striking. I hope the story is as evocative as the cover.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Deb!

  11. I love that our lists focus on water settings and are totally different! 🙌 ~Carol @Reading Ladies

    1. Great minds think alike—but also differently! I love it :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Carol!

  12. This is a great list! I really want to check out THOSE WE DROWN. Sounds really good! I love that your list includes so many books with hurricanes-- as a Floridian, that's pretty synonymous with summer for me, and something I hadn't even considered as a spin on this topic. Great picks!

    1. I love a good storm novel! I don't know why. They just fascinate me. I've only been through one hurricane and even though it was only a very minor one, it was scary. Arizona does get some wild monsoon storms in the summers. As long as I'm not out driving in them, they're fun to watch :)

      Thanks for stopping in, Kasey!

  13. I haven't read any here, but you found some great examples, well done!

    1. It was a fun list to make!

      Thanks for popping by, Emma!

  14. OOoh nice twist and picks for this one! Watery settings do give me summer vibes as well! I can't wait to read Hemlock Island! Love Kelley's books!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT yesterday!

    1. I love Kelley Armstrong's mysteries and thrillers. She knows just how to pull me in and keep me on the edge of my seat! It's hard to keep up with her, though, since she publishes so fast. I hope we both enjoy HEMLOCK ISLAND.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Jessica!

  15. Great list! I'm one of the people who read Meet Me at the Lake, and it's actually not as fluffy as I was expecting it to be. But it was still really good, and I enjoyed it a lot. And thanks for introducing me to Under a Dark Summer Sky, which is now on my neverending TBR list!

    1. I'll probably like MEET ME AT THE LAKE more if it's not as fluffy as it looks! Ha ha.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Leah!

  16. I love covers with water on them so I love your twist on this week's topic. :)

    1. I do, too. I especially love how they can evoke different vibes and emotions depending on whether the water is bright or dark, calm or stormy, etc.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Suzanne!

  17. This is a great mix of books. I love the look of Death at High Tide.

    1. Me too! Someone (another book blogger, I think) mentioned it recently and it sounded like just the kind of read I enjoy.

      Thanks for popping in, Pages and Tea!

  18. Several of these books look amazing. Like the perfect summer read!

    1. I agree! I hope they all sound as good as they look :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Nicole!

  19. Nice work! #2 looks like yesterday's sky here. It was hard to breathe--so hot and sticky.

    1. Ugh. I'm so sorry you're dealing with that! There's been a mulch fire burning in my city for the last week or so so we've had a little taste of thick, smoky air here as well. Blech.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lisa!

  20. I had not heard of Under a Dark Summer Sky before - sounds divine! I have added it to my TBR for this year.

    1. I agree. The author only wrote a couple of books and is now deceased.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Rebecca!

  21. I love these watery covers! Hemlock Island is one I'm very excited for:-)

    1. Same! I just finished binge-reading/listening to the original Rockton series. I'm going to read MURDER AT HAVEN'S ROCK soon and then it will be time for HEMLOCK ISLAND. I've read a lot of Armstrong this year. I just love her!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Tammy!

  22. I've read Meet Me at the Lake and A Hundred Summers, both which I enjoyed. Under a Dark Summer Sky is on my tbr. And great intro! If I wasn't in a summer mood yet, I am now. ;)

    1. I'm glad I put you in the summer mood! It feels like it's always summer here in Arizona :)

      Glad to hear you enjoyed MEET ME AT THE LAKE and A HUNDRED SUMMERS. UNDER A DARK SKY sounds really intriguing to me. I hope we both enjoy it!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Dedra!

  23. Great list, i have a few in my tbr, Summer is time to read books set in the sea and lakes

    1. For sure! Water and summer just goes together :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Vero!

  24. That is a great list of books. I have a few added to my TBR. You paint a lovely picture of childhood summer days.

    1. Summer has never been my favorite season, even when I was a kid, but I was definitely feeling nostalgic for childhood summers when I was writing up this post. Interesting!

      Thanks for popping in, Hena!

  25. I'm here for the summer reading, especially books with water! The Texas heat has settled in here, so I'm needing that fictional escape to cooler feelings.

    1. Ha! For real. It's actually been a little cooler than normal here in Arizona, but it's still in the 90s and I'm already dying. Cool reads are definitely needed here as well.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Ethan!

  26. What a great list, Susan. Definitely feeling the summery, watery vibe. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog last week.

    1. I love watery covers, but they do go well with summer especially.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Cheryl!

  27. This is a great list! Those We Drown has such an amazing cover!!

    1. Right? It's so intriguing and evocative!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Leslie!

  28. Great list! I always think of water when I think about summer especially the beach. I love the Beatriz Williams cover especially.

    1. Same, even though I rarely actually visit the beach! I do love beach covers, though.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Katherine!

  29. Carley's seems (at least on the outside) like it'd be a great summer-y read and I think I saw Beatriz's on someone's list too. :) Thanks so much for visiting my website on this week.

    1. Apparently, MEET ME AT THE LAKE isn't as fluffy as it seems. It's still probably the lightest read on my list, though. LOL.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Rissi!

  30. Love that you focused on water-y reads this week! I've only read Meet Me At The Lake from this list.

    1. It's a popular book! I'm looking forward to reading it and seeing what I think.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lindsey!

  31. There are a lot on here that I have not heard of, so that means I will be off to check them out and see if my library has them. I just read/listened to Meet Me at the Lake and I enjoyed it. Great list, Susan.

    1. Good to know! A lot of people have been raving about MEET ME AT THE LAKE. Hopefully, that means it's a good read with wide appeal and I'll enjoy it.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Carol!


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