Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Looking for the Perfect Summer Read? The Summer's One #MustReadBook 2023 Collaboration's Got You Covered!

Apparently this extreme summer heat is frying my brain more than I thought it was because I totally forgot to post about Summer's One #MustReadBook 2023. This is a fun annual compilation hosted by Carol over at Reading Ladies Book Club in which she asks a bunch of book bloggers what one book they would recommend for great summer reading. This is the second year I've participated in the event and I just love it!

Curious to see which books I recommended this year and last? Use the links below to check out the posts. I guarantee you'll find some tantalizing titles to add to your summer TBR list.

Summer's One "Must Read" Book, 2023

Summer's One "Must Read" Book, 2022

Summer's One "Must Read" Book, 2021

Summer's One "Must Read" Book, 2020

Summer's One "Must Read" Book, 2019



  1. This is a great collaboration to be involved with each year and I always get so many ideas for new books!!

  2. The book you chose sounds like a wild ride!

  3. I'd love to see what others recommend!

  4. This was such a fun collaboration! Your recommendation was a book I really loved too.

  5. I love the variety of books selected and the one you recommended sounds like a fun one!

  6. How fun! I popped over and looked at the many reviewers I had not heard of too!


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