Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: One-Word Wonders

Today's TTT prompt is nice and simple: Top Ten Books With One-Word Titles. Judging from most of the titles on my TBR list, I prefer mine longer, but there just happen to be exactly ten novels the list that fit the prompt. Huzzah! 

As always, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Click on over there and give her some love.

Top Ten Books With One-Word Titles On My TBR List

1. Above by Isla Morley—Like Emma Donoghue's Room, Above concerns a woman who must raise a baby in captivity. How does a mother protect and nurture her child in a world that is isolated and dangerous?

2. Artifice by Sharon Cameron—This YA novel is about a young Dutch woman who watches with horror as the Nazis buy up and steal her country's artistic treasures. Desperate for money to help the Resistance smuggle Jewish babies out of Amsterdam, she begins selling forgeries to the Nazis. It's a dangerous game, one that could end in her death.

3. Dust by Dusti Bowling—Plagued by asthma, Avalyn has been breathing easier since her family moved to a town with clean air. Then, a new boy moves in. Dirty and withdrawn, he's an instant target for bullies. Avalyn wants to befriend him, but she has trouble breathing around him, especially as his emotions seem to trigger swirling dust storms. Who is this boy, really? How can Avalyn help him? If she can't, will she ever be able to breathe freely again? 

4. Goldilocks by Laura Lam—With the Earth dying around them, humans must head for space if they have any chance of surviving. An all-female spaceship crew is ready and willing to colonize a planet in the Goldilocks Zone. If only they were the officially sanctioned team. When push comes to shove, they do what they have to and steal the ship. Almost immediately, things start to go wrong. How can the team save the world when they can't even trust each other?

5. Hester by Laurie Lico Albanese—This buzzy novel reimagines the life of the woman who inspired Nathaniel Hawthorne's famous heroine, Hester Prynne. When Isobel Gamble's husband leaves her in America with little hope of returning, the seamstress finds herself stranded and penniless in a strange new land. Nathaniel Hawthorne befriends her and the two grow close...and that's about all the plot summary offers in the way of story hints!

6. Homecoming by Kate Morton—An Australian journalist living in London returns to her homeland to be at the bedside of her ailing grandmother. While the elderly woman is in the the hospital, her granddaughter examines her attic, finding shocking information on an old unsolved murder. It's clear her family was involved in some way, but how? And why? The journalist is determined to find out.

7. Killingly by Katharine Beutner—Based on a real-life missing persons case that has never been solved, this historical mystery concerns a strange, quiet student who goes missing from Mount Holyoke College in the late 1800s. Her tight-lipped best friend might know more than she's saying. What secrets is she keeping? What really happened to Bertha Mellish?

8. Remembrance by Rita Woods—Juggling multiple timelines, this historical novel explores themes of slavery, racism, freedom, and hope.

9. Sheerwater by Leah Swann—As Ava drives toward her new home with her two young sons in the backseat, she's shocked to witness the crash of a small plane. She runs to help. When she returns to her vehicle, her children have vanished. Where are Ava's sons? How will she get them back?

10. Unmissing by Minka Kent—Merritt Coletto's idyllic life with her husband shatters forever one night when his ex-wife comes knocking on their door. She's been missing, presumed dead, for a decade. Shocked by her tale of abduction and terror, they bring her into their home. The longer she stays, though, the more suspicious Merritt becomes. Is Lydia telling the truth about where she's been for the last ten years? And what does she really want from her ex-husband and his new wife? 

There you go, ten books with one-word titles that are on my TBR list. Have you read any of them? What did you think? What are your favorite books with one-word titles? I'd truly love to know. Leave me a comment on this post and I will gladly return the favor on your blog.

Happy TTT!


  1. Above sure sounds good.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

    1. I agree. I loved Morley's THE LAST BLUE, so I'm anxious to read another by her.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lydia!

  2. Some interesting titles there, Susan. I have not read any of the titles or other books by the authors except for Kate Morton. Homecoming sounds pretty interesting.

    My TTT this week.

    1. Other than Morton's last book, I've LOVED everything I've ever read by her. She's one of my favorite authors. The only reason I haven't read HOMECOMING yet is because it's a doorstopper and I've got a bunch of others to read first. The anticipation will just make it better when I finally get to it!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Marianne!

    2. You have mentioned this before and I have always wanted to read another one of hers. Will do one day. Which one is your favourite?

  3. These all look so good. Adding to my list. Thank you for sharing. Regine

    1. I'm glad you found some titles that look intriguing to you. I hope you enjoy the ones you read!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Regine!

  4. I really fancy the Kate Morton book. I've really enjoyed all her books to date.

    1. Same! She's one of my all-time favorite authors. I hope we both enjoy HOMECOMING!

      Thanks for popping in, Joanne!

  5. I have not read any of these! Great titles. Have a wonderful week!

    1. I'm looking forward to all of these. Hopefully, they're as good as they sound :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Cindy!

  6. Replies
    1. Me too :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Alicia!

  7. Replies
    1. I agree! I've really enjoyed all the books I've read by Bowling.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Vero!

  8. Replies
    1. It really does. And the story sounds interesting, too!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Louise!

  9. I also read Hester. I think that cover of Artifice is awesome.

    1. Agreed! It's lovely and the story sounds different and interesting.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Bonnie!

  10. OOh nice picks! These are all new to me ones!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

    1. I'm excited to read all of these. Hopefully, they're winners for me :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Jessica!

  11. Nice work! Hester sounds good.

    1. I agree. I bought a copy of the book when it first came out and I somehow still haven't read it yet! *Sigh* So many books, so little time...

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lisa!

  12. I've not read any of these but your synopsis of Dust has really caught my eye. Here's my TTT - https://busybusylearning.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-with-one-word-titles/

    1. I'm so glad! I've really enjoyed all the books I've read by Bowling. They're quick reads, but they're compelling, heartfelt, and enjoyable.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lisa!

  13. Dust sounds cute. And the synopsis for Sheerwater made the hairs on my arms stand up. Truly my worst nightmare. Great list! Have a great week!

    1. Right? Ever since my oldest was born 25 years ago, I've had nightmares about my kids disappearing. So scary. Makes for a good mystery/thriller premise, though :)

      Thanks for stopping in, A.D.!

  14. Dust looks like a good read, with an interesting plot.

    1. I agree. Bowling usually writes realistic fiction, so I'm curious if this one is going to venture into magical realism. We'll see!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Deb!

  15. Interesting mix of books! I've heard about Goldilocks -- the premise is really intriguing. Great list!

    1. Agreed! I don't know why I haven't read it yet. Too many books, too little time...the struggle is real.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lisa!

  16. Great list! I am very interested in reading Homecoming:-)

    1. Kate Morton is a great author and I love the premise of HOMECOMING. I hope we both enjoy it!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Tammy!

  17. This is a great list! I'm excited to read Homecoming, and I was so happy to see Remembrance on your list - I read it as an ARC and really got into it. Hester is another good one, so you've got some really good reading ahead of you!

    1. Oh, yay, I'm glad to hear you liked all these. That makes me even more excited to read them!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Leah!

  18. I've seen quite Homecoming on quite a few lists this week, I'll definitely check it out. Happy reading! My TTT https://readwithstefani.com/my-top-ten-favorite-contemporary-romance-books/

    1. I'm excited to read it. I'm a big Morton fan. I hope you enjoy it if you give it a go.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Stefani!

  19. You have a very nice variety of books on this list and several that interest me. I especially like the sound of Artifice and Unmissing.

    1. I'm excited for both of them, ARTIFICE especially. I'm a big Sharon Cameron fan.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Carla!

  20. I just read the description for your Goldilocks... It is VERY different from the one I had on my list!

    1. Interesting! Same title, totally different books. Cool.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Deanna!

  21. Sheerwater sounds like a good read.

    Thank you for stopping by Long and Short Reviews’ post.

    1. I agree. I hope it's as good as it sounds!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Astilbe!

  22. Oooh, Artifice and Homecoming both sound really good. I hope you enjoy all of these! Happy reading, and thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

    1. Agreed. I'm excited for both of them. Hopefully, I can get to both of them before the year is over. We'll see!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Nicole!

  23. I've seen Dust a lot of places. Artifice sounds good. Hope you enjoy them. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I've read several books by Bowling and Cameron and enjoyed them, so I'm sure I'll like these as well.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Cheryl!

  24. I love the cover of Dust. I'm curious about that new boy in town!

    1. Right? It's such a tantalizing premise...

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Diana!

  25. I haven't read any of these! They look great.

    1. I agree! Hopefully, they're as great as they look :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Jen!

  26. You've got some great picks! I haven't read any of these but Dust sounds so sweet and Homecoming sounds intriguing.

    1. I agree. I'm excited for both of them. I just need to make some time to actually read them...LOL.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lindsey!

  27. I've not read any of these but Killingly certainly sounds intriguing!

    1. Right? I hope it's as good as it sounds.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Tanya!

  28. I am sure it comes as no big surprise that I have read none of these since I could not even source a top ten of one word titles. I am interested in the Dusti Bowling book. Aven Green is one of my favorite characters.

    1. Ha ha. This was a tough prompt for some of us!

      I really like Bowling's books and, I agree, Aven Green is a great character.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Sam!

  29. I like the title of Goldilocks. I still need to read it

    1. So many books, so little time...*sigh*

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Annemieke!

  30. This topic made me realize how much one word topics grab my attention. All of these look good but I'm so looking forward to reading Homecoming.

    1. I definitely prefer longer titles, but I can also see the value of one-word titles. They're punchy, easy to remember, and attention-getting.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Katherine!

  31. These are all unfamiliar to me, but some look interesting! Hope you enjoy all of these, and yay for a solid one-word title that can STILL make us curious. :) Thanks a bunch for visiting my website on this week.

  32. Great finds! I hope you enjoy all of these when you get to them.

  33. I came to this week's, good one!

  34. I've only read Hester from your list but really enjoyed it. Artifice is a great title!


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