Saturday, September 02, 2023

The Bookish Books Reading Challenge: September Book Ideas and Link-Up

How is it September already? Wow, this year just continues to fly by! August was a good month for me and bookish books. I read six (my Goodreads ratings are in parentheses):

What Happened to Rachel Riley by Claire Swinarski (5 stars)
The Fiction Writer by Jillian Cantor (3 stars)
Fat Chance, Charlie Vega by Crystal Maldonado (4 stars)
The Unbearable Book Club for Unsinkable Girls by Julie Schumacher (3 stars)
The Red Blazer Girls: The Ring of Rocamadour by Michael D. Beil (4 stars)
The Bones of the Story by Carol Goodman (4 stars)

Not too shabby, overall.

I'm not sure what bookish books I'm going to try to read in September. Since there are only four months left in the year, I'm working on completing all my reading challenges. I do still need a book set in Utah, so I'll probably read at least this one in the next few weeks:

It's the story of a Salt Lake City librarian who struggled to control the tics he experienced because of Tourette Syndrome. A strongman suggested weightlifting as a way to wrangle them. The practice has since become a practical, successful way to manage his symptoms. In this memoir, Josh Hanagarne tells his own story about Tourette's, books, and more. 

Which bookish books are you planning to read this month?

For those of you who are participating in the Bookish Books Reading Challenge, here's the Mr. Linky to use for linking up July reviews. If you've not yet signed up for the challenge, what are you waiting for? Join us in this low-key challenge that celebrates a genre we all love: books about books. It will be fun, I promise!


  1. I have a few bookish books on my TBR shelf and now can't remember if I put any of them in my September reading pile. I usually finish the pile before the end of the month so will be sure to include a Bookish book if I've got time.

    1. I wrote this post late at night and realized only after I published it that I had actually read several more bookish books in August. Oops! You're a lot more organized than I am :) Ha ha. I hope you get to some bookish books this month.

  2. I'm not sure if this one really counts as bookish, but I'm currently reading Emma Donoghue's latest Learned by Heart. It focuses on famed diarist Anne Lister, so I'd consider it bookish adjacent haha.

    1. "Bookish adjacent" - I love it! This challenge is super laidback, so really, if you think it's bookish, it counts.

      I've read ROOM, but that's it from Donoghue. I need to check out more of her books.

  3. I don't know if I will be doing any bookish books this month or not. As far as I know, I am not.

    1. I finished THE WORLD'S STRONGEST LIBRARIAN, which was great. I'm not sure what else I'll end up reading in September. I have a printed list of books I want to finish before the year ends, but I kind of pick from the list at random, so we'll see what happens!

  4. I didn't sign up for this challenge, but I should have. I just finished two bookish books. One MG: The Lost Library by Rebecca Stead and The Lost Bookshop by Evie Woods. I enjoyed them both and hope to get my reviews posted by the end of the week.


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