Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Anchors Aweigh!: Top Ten Books On My TBR That Are Set on a Boat or Ship

With Thanksgiving barely behind us and Christmas looming right ahead, you'd think I'd be able to come up with something festive for today's Top Ten Tuesday. You'd be wrong. Instead, I'm going to take a more summery slant on our prompt du jour—Top Ten Books Set in X (Pick a setting and share books that are all set there. This could be a specific continent or country, a state, in outer space, underwater, on a ship or boat, at the beach, etc.)—and go with the suggested boat/ship setting. Even though I get terrible motion sickness, especially on water vessels, this is a setting I actually quite enjoy in books. Something about the combination of feelings that ensues just appeals to me: the excitement of an impending voyage, the wonder and fear of what lies below in the fathomless depths of the sea, the claustrophobia of being trapped in a floating tin can with a group of strangers you don't know if you can trust, etc. This summer will find me and my husband on our first cruise, traveling to Alaska, and I don't know what to expect. Hopefully, nothing like what happens in the books on my list (most of which are mystery/thriller novels)!

If you're not aware, TTT is hosted by the lovely Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Click on over and give her some love, won't you?

Top Ten Books On My TBR That Are Set on a Boat or Ship 

1. Those We Drown by Amy Goldsmith—I've talked about this YA fantasy/horror novel before. It's about a group of students who are enrolled in a semester-at-sea program aboard a luxury cruise ship. Liv can't believe it when she's selected to participate. While on board, however, she discovers that she was only chosen for the trip because the girl who was supposed to be there has mysteriously disappeared. When other participants start vanishing and other strange things begin happening on the ship, Liv begins to believe in a supernatural explanation. Just what kinds of monsters lurk under the sea below her? Which type lives above?

2. The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny, and Murder by David Grann—I'm probably the last person in the book blogosphere to read this non-fiction account of the strange tale of the titular ship. The patched-together vessel floated into Brazil in 1742 carrying a crew of starving English sailors who had been shipwrecked and marooned for months. Although the men were hailed as heroes, another vessel arrived in Chile with a few more of The Wager's survivors. These men had a very different tale to tell...

3. Seven Days in May by Kim Izzo—Based on the author's own family history, this historical novel sounds intriguing. It's about two American sisters who board the Lusitania, knowingly risking the perils of traveling during World War I, but never imagining just how perilous their trip will soon become.

4. The Last One by Will Dean—This thriller has been featured on a few of my TTT lists this year. It's about a woman who embarks on a cruise with her new boyfriend. After a whirlwind night on board, she awakes to find Pete missing from their room. When she steps out of her cabin, she discovers that everyone has vanished. She is the only one aboard the ship, which is floating in the middle of the sea with no land in sight. What happened to all the passengers and crew members? How is the last one going to save herself now?

5. Maiden Voyages: Magnificent Ocean Liners and the Women Who Traveled and Worked Aboard Them by Siân Evans—This social history about how women's lives were changed by their journeys aboard luxury liners during the early twentieth century sounds fascinating. It tells the stories of a number of female travelers, from celebrities in first class to immigrants in steerage to stewardesses and other crew members who bustled about the ships making sure everyone was safe and comfortable.

6. The Other Passenger by Louise Candlish—This British thriller concerns a group of people who commute to work in London via riverboat. The shared experience has created a community of riders who intermingle while cruising up and down the Thames. When one of them is murdered and another is accused of killing him, the commuters' lives are all upended. Who killed Kit and why?

7. The Last Lifeboat by Hazel Gaynor—The lives of two women collide on the high seas during World War II as they desperately try to save themselves and two children after their ship is torpedoed by Nazi U-boats, leaving them stranded in the last available lifeboat. This harrowing survival story is based on  real events. 

8. A Stranger On Board by Cameron Ward—I've mentioned this murder mystery before as well. It's about an ex-marine who is looking for a new start and finds it working as security on board a luxury superyacht. As they head out to open sea, someone goes missing. It doesn't take long to figure out there's a killer on board. It's up to Sarah to find them before they pick off all the other passengers one by one...

9. The Cuban Heiress by Chanel Cleeton—In 1934, two women embark on a round-trip voyage from New York to Cuba. One is posing as a wealthy heiress. The other is dead. At least that's what everyone thinks. In reality, she's very much alive and on board to get revenge on the person who wronged her. As the fates of the two women collide, they will find themselves risking everything to make sure justice is finally served.

10. Lying in the Deep by Diana Urban—Like #1, this is a YA thriller featuring a group of students enrolled in a semester-at-sea program. After being betrayed by her boyfriend and her best friend, Jade is looking forward to getting away from it all and losing herself in foreign lands and adventures. She isn't expecting the couple who ruined her life to be on board as well. As her fury at them builds, a murder occurs on the ship. Then more of the students begin to suffer similar fates. There's a killer on board, but who is it? Jade has to find out before more people end up dead.

There you are, ten books with boat/ship settings that I want to read. How do you feel about boats/ships? Which books have you enjoyed with this theme? Which are on your TBR? What setting did you pick for your list today? I'd truly love to know. Leave me a comment on this post and I will gladly return the favor on yours. I also reply to comments left here, although I am a week behind at the moment.

(While preparing my list, I came across this one with the same theme posted by the lovely bloggers over at Beyond the Bookends. Thanks for the help and recs, ladies!)

Happy TTT!


  1. These all sound interesting!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.


    1. I think so too! I can't resist books set on boats/ships obviously :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Astilbe!

  2. I encourage you to look for the wonderful book about the Titanic when you get a chance, A Night to Remember.

    1. I love books about the Titanic (as macabre as that sounds) and I haven't read A NIGHT TO REMEMBER. Thanks for the rec!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Deb!

  3. Have a wonderful time on your cruise. My family and I did a summer Alaskan cruise in 2019 and it was lovely. The water was very calm, too, so I never felt seasick like I sometimes have on tropical cruises.

    I will happily discuss this topic more with you if you wish!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.


    1. Oh, that's very reassuring! Lots of people have told me that sea bands worked really well for them when cruising. I'm definitely going to get myself some. I may just contact you for more information when my cruise gets closer.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lydia!

  4. Kim's and Chanel's both sound really interesting (*adds to mental list to read more about*) and I LOVE the cover of Hazel's! I don't know how I'd fare on a cruise, but like you, I probably would enjoy reading about the stories set on one. I think I read one about the Titanic years ago that was a good read, too! :) Thanks a bunch for visiting my website today. I appreciate this.

    1. I'm fascinated by the Titanic, so I've read tons of books about it. I don't know why I'm so intrigued by the subject but I really am!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Rissi!

  5. I like the sound of Maiden Voyages so much I just reserved it from the library. Thanks for the rec! And have wonderful time cruising to Alaska. I'm not jealous at all.........

    1. Doesn't it sound fascinating? I've read lots of books about Titanic passengers, some of which talked about its male stewards, but I've never read one that even mentioned female workers on the Titanic. I'm eager to read those women's stories. They must be so intriguing! I hope we both enjoy MAIDEN VOYAGES.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Cath!

    2. Just popped back in to this older post to say that I read Maiden Voyages and we were right to be excited as it was 'so' good. (Just reviewed it on my blog.) I would be very interested in some recs for books about the Titanic!

  6. I enjoyed The Other Passenger too but haven't read any of your other choices. I'd recommend A Brilliant Night of Stars and Ice by Rebecca Connolly. It's about the Carpathia and the rescue of the Titanic passengers.

    1. I love books about maritime disasters. Who knows why? I have already read A BRILLIANT NIGHT OF STARS AND ICE, but thanks for the rec. Keep them coming!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Joanne!

  7. I have Maiden Voyages in my audiobook tbr, sounds so interesting, i love non fiction about historical woman

    1. Same! And I've never read a book that even mentioned female stewards on the Titanic and other ships. I'm eager to learn more about their experiences.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Vero!

  8. You could have taken the approach that Thanksgiving has to do with the Mayflower, so you decided to do boats, LOL...Great topic for today.

    1. There you go! That would have been a good segue. Oops.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Cindy!

  9. I’ve been on an Alaskan Cruise! I hope you love it! ~Carol @ ReadingLadies

    1. Nice! I'm excited to see Alaska's beautiful scenery. Most people I've talked to have told me that the cruise ships are so big that they never felt seasick. A few have said they were sick in their rooms the whole time and that's what I'm afraid of. My stomach doesn't like boats much. That's why it's taken so long for my husband to convince me to try a cruise. I hope I don't regret it! LOL

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Carol!

  10. Fun topic! That Cleeton book came to my mind first and then Salt to the Sea. I hope your Alaska trip is eventful in only the best way.

    1. I love SALT TO THE SEA! It's my favorite Sepetys book because it's so atmospheric and affecting.

      Ha ha. I definitely do NOT want an eventful cruise - at least not in the ways you see in most boat/ship books. Yikes!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Deanna!

  11. Nice setting choice. I've read only The Last Life Boat from the list, and enjoyed that one...so you are not the last person to read The Wager. Just can't seem to find enough time to work it in, but it has done really well and is popular enough to stay near the top of my TBR.

    1. Same! I definitely want to read THE WAGER, but I haven't prioritized it so far. I'll get to it at some point. The good thing about being the last ones to read it is we won't have to wait in a long line at the library!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Sam!

  12. Boat/ship settings are a lot of fun! I need to read more books set on a boat. The ones that come to mind at the moment as the most memorable are Ruth Ware's The Woman in Cabin Ten and Mira Grant's Rolling In the Deep / Into the Drowning Deep duology.

    My TTT: https://bookwyrmknits.com/2023/11/28/top-ten-tuesday-books-set-on-sf-worlds/

    1. I enjoyed THE WOMAN IN CABIN TEN. I haven't read INTO THE DROWNING DEEP yet, but it's one I'm definitely interested in.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Nicole!

  13. The cruise to Alaska should be fun! I've been on a Caribbean cruise one time. I got really sick from the motion but I was also on a lot of fertility drugs and metformin. I'm not sure what combo it was but I don't know if I'll chance it again! haha

    What a fun topic!! I feel like I've read some on a boat but I can't recall any, at the moment. I haven't read any of these yet!

    1. Oh no! That's exactly what I'm afraid of with cruising. I don't want to be sick and miserable the whole time. Hopefully, the sea bands will work and we'll have calm seas.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Leslie!

  14. Love a book set on a ship/boat! Some great choices.

    1. Me too. I just find that setting intriguing for lots of different reasons. I will never not take at least a second look at a book set on a ship/boat.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Bree!

  15. I love that you went with ship settings! The Last One and The Last Lifeboat both sound really good to me. :D

    1. I always like a good survival story (we have that in common, I know) and I find the open ocean an especially compelling setting for that kind of book. It's lots scarier to me than say, a forest or desert setting, probably because you just never know what's lurking beneath all that water!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lark!

  16. Oh nice! We did have similar topics! I realized I only had a few that took place on a boat on the water, so I extended it to be near it or even in/under it! Lol!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

    1. I've done lists of "watery" books before, too. Sometimes you need to have a more general topic so you can come up with ten! It can be tough with really specific themes.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Jessica!

  17. I love the way you interpreted this topic! I just realized that I haven't read that many books set in boats.

    1. Oh, really? I've read tons and I still want to read more! I don't even like boats. LOL

      Thanks for popping in, Sofia!

  18. I'd love to take a cruise to Alaska! Maiden Voyages sounds really interesting, I've added it to my TBR!

    1. I'm definitely excited about seeing the sights and scenery in Alaska. It's the traveling on water part that I'm nervous about!

      Thanks for stopping by, KB!

  19. The ghost ship sounds interesting but also going on a cruise with a NEW boyfriend - you don't need the supernatural to make that potentially horrific (lol)

    1. Bwahahahaha! Seriously. That's just asking for trouble.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Joanne!

  20. I have not read any of these, but Those We Drown has been on my TBR list for a couple of months. I'm probably going to add The Last One, too.
    This is a really good list!

    1. Both these books have been on my TBR since I heard about them. I'm hoping I will be able to get to them soon-ish. We'll see!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Rebecca!

  21. Wow, these all look so intriguing! I still have The Wager on my TBR, so you aren't the last person to read it - that'll be me. And I hope you enjoy your cruise to Alaska! I just did a cruise on the Danube River through Germany, Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary, and it was wonderful (plus you couldn't feel any motion at all).

    1. Oh, good! I'm hoping to get to THE WAGER in the new year. We'll see how that goes.

      Your cruise sounds wonderful. Bonus that the water was nice and calm. I've done a few short river cruises that were the same way. I felt a little nauseous at the beginning, but that was it.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Leah!

  22. Great list, Susan. I have only read The Last Passenger but have two others on my TBR. I hope you enjoy all of these when you read them. The Wager really intrigues me.

    1. I love that THE LAST PASSENGER has a boat setting, but a unique one since it's a commuter boat (a ferry?). I'm doubly intrigued by that!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Carla!

  23. Wow I love your choices Susan!📚💜

    1. Thanks! It's almost impossible for me to resist books with this setting :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Susan!

  24. I like your list. I've not read any of these books. They look like good reads. 😀

    1. I hope so! I don't know when I'll get around to reading them, but hopefully soon and hopefully they're worth the wait :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Nicole!

  25. I love that so many of these books are thrillers! It's definitely interesting how a lot of nefarious things can happen while out at sea! Haha.

    1. I love a good mystery/thriller and boats/ships are a great setting for them. Between the claustrophobia, the weather, the dangers of the deep, the mix of passengers, etc. there's just so much potential with a boat/ship setting!

      Thanks for popping by, Marian!

  26. Fun list! I got seasick last time I was on a ship, so I'm strictly a land girl now😁

    1. I feel you! I've taken several boat trips where I was sick and miserable the entire time. A wild catamaran ride in Jamaica left me sick for the next two days! That's why I'm reluctant to go on a cruise. We'll see how it goes.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Tammy!

  27. Great topic! I actually just finished one recently that was set on a pirate ship. Hunt on Dark Waters by Katee Robert.

    1. Oh, fun! I like a good pirate story as well. I'll have to check this one out.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Suzanne!

  28. Chris @ Biblio Nerd Reflections28 November, 2023 21:00

    Great list! My wife and I went on an Alaskan cruise years ago for our honeymoon. It was such a great time, and everything was so beautiful there, especially the glaciers. I'd love to go back one day. I hope you have an awesome time when you go!

    1. The scenery there looks incredible! We've been talking about flying to Alaska to visit since we have family in Anchorage, but my husband really REALLY wants to try a cruise and he finally wore me down :) We'll see how I do.

      Thanks for stopping in, Chris!

  29. The Hazel Gaynor book is on my TBR and I am adding the Kim Izzo book. I loved The Cuban Heiress.

    1. I've hard great things about Cleeton's books. I just haven't managed to actually read one yet! I'm glad you've enjoyed her. I hope we both like the Gaynor and Izzo books.

      Thanks for popping by, sdn319!

  30. Those We Drown and Lying in the Deep both look great. I read an excerpt of Drown. I love that cover of The Cuban Heiress too. :)

    1. I hope we both enjoy these when we get to them. So many books, so little time...

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Greg!

  31. My first topic was ships (though I changed my mind). Great minds. I have not read any of these, but I hope to continue with Cleeton's Cuba books. They're great.

    1. I need to read them already! They've been on my TBR list for ages, it seems. One of these days. *Sigh*

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Sam!

  32. I don't read many books at sea (just off the top of my head I've read 4ish 🤔). They sound good though so I may have to reconsider!

    The scariest boat I personally ever went on was while Whale watching in Iceland. We were caught in a storm, hail and everything. When we got back on land the guide said that she had never been in anything that bad before...as we didn't see any Whales they offered free tickets to try again some other time. I politely declined...

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

    1. Oh my goodness! I don't blame you at all. That sounds terrifying. My worst boat trip was probably while I was an exchange student in the Philippines. I was traveling between two islands on a big, stinky boat on rough seas (not stormy, just choppy) and I literally thought I was going to die from seasickness! I'm pretty sure I kissed the ground when I got off, I was so happy to be back on land. LOL

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Emily!

  33. They're the best! I love high seas books like dark water daughter, fable, mostly fantasy, but also like Life of Pi happened on a boat! Thanks for dropping by my post!

    1. Yes, LIFE OF PI is a great read! I read it back when it first came out, so honestly, I don't remember much about it except that I really enjoyed it.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Athena!

  34. This is a lovely TTT! I actually spent four months on a ship circumnavigating the globe, so I really enjoy these kinds of books. Even so, I haven’t read too many of them.

    1. Really? Wow! That's awesome. I can't imagine. Between the claustrophobia and the seasickness, I would definitely NOT be able to handle months at sea!

      Thanks for stopping in, Woman of Weep!

  35. I too am a motion-sick person and I've never been on a cruise - nor do I want to be. However, I do like reading books set on boats - no motion there - ha! I've put the Will Dean book on hold at the library. We'll see how I do with that one.

    1. Same! I really don't want to go on a cruise, but I promised my husband I would give it a try. Our neighbors are already trying to get us to sign up for one with them next fall. We'll see how the Alaska one goes before I commit to any more. LOL

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Kay!

  36. Replies
    1. I agree! I'm always up for a good thriller-at-sea read.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Annemieke!

  37. Ahh, this is a great list. A ship makes such a good location for a story, especially with the closed circle of characters that usually brings.

    1. Exactly! Sometimes it's a bunch of strangers together, sometimes it's friends/family - I'm not sure which makes the more compelling story :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Nicky!

  38. I loved The Cuban Heiress! I've only read a few books that take place on boats of any kind but I usually enjoy them. I'll have to look for the rest of these! Great topic!

    1. I've heard so many good things about Cleeton's books! I need to read her already. Not sure why I haven't yet. I've just prioritized other authors, I guess. Hopefully, I can finally give her a go in 2024.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Katherine!

  39. Fun topic choice! I haven't read any of these, and I think most of them are new to me, so thanks for sharing them. I do love a boat setting!

    1. Same! Especially mysteries/thrillers and action/adventure novels. I'm not a romance reader, but I have seen a lot of books set on boats/ships in that genre as well.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Dedra!

  40. Love your theme... and all your books are new to me (and totally appealing) But I will pick #3,4, and 5 first to look for and read (and in that order)..
    thanks for visiting

    1. I hope you enjoy them!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lady in Read!


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