Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: TBR Authors I'll Get to Someday (I Hope)

Note: Once again, I'm having trouble commenting on some WordPress blogs. I keep getting "nonce verification failed" messages, which has something to do with the JetPack plug-in, apparently. I've had problems with this plug-in before. If I haven't commented on your blog by the end of today, this is why.

Although I have my favorite tried-and-true authors like any other reader, I actually explore quite a few new-to-me writers every year. No matter how many of these I try, though, there are still a ton of popular authors I have just not gotten around to yet. Sure, there are some that I'm unlikely to read, no matter how many people rave about them, simply because they don't write the kinds of books I'm interested in reading. On the other hand, there are a bunch who write in the genres I love that I've been meaning to test drive; I just haven't gotten around to them yet. Today's prompt explores that very concept: Top Ten Mainstream Popular Authors That I Still Have Not Read. I'm going to focus my list today on popular authors who write in my favorite genres whose books I want to read at some point. 

As always, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Hop on over to her blog and give her some love!

Top Ten Mainstream Popular Authors That I Still Have Not Read

1. Beatriz Williams—Although I have read a couple of historical novels that Williams co-wrote with Karen White and Lauren Willig, I've never read any that she penned solo. 

2. Catherine Coulter—Coulter has written regency romances, historical novels, and mystery/thriller books. It's that last genre that interests me. Her long-running FBI thriller series looks especially good.

3. Josephine Tey (1896-1952)—I always see references to Tey's classic mysteries. I need to read them already!

4. Fiona Barton—Barton's mystery/thriller novels sound like ones I would enjoy.

5. Rhys Bowen—I'm a historical mystery fan and Bowen has written a ton of them. I'm past due for checking her books out. 

6. Lucinda Riley—Riley's historical fiction has been recommended to me multiple times. I'm especially interested in her Seven Sisters series. 

7. Val McDermid—I really need to give this prolific Scottish mystery/thriller writer a go soon!

8. Chanel Cleeton—Cleeton's historical novels look like they're right up my reading alley.

9. Tess Gerritsen—This popular mystery/thriller writer is another one I've been meaning to read for a long time now.

10. Ruth Rendell/Barbara Vine (1930-2015)—Another prolific mystery/thriller author, Rendell has been on my list of TBR authors for too long. 

There you go, ten popular mainstream authors I can't believe I haven't read yet. I'll get to them one of these days, hopefully! Which have you read? Which of their books should I start with? Which authors are on your list today? I'd truly love to know. Leave me a comment on this post and I will gladly return the favor on your blog.

Happy TTT!


  1. I haven’t read any of these authors either! I hope someone else will have advice for you. :)

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.


  2. I tend to stay inside the lines of authors I know write good stories. BUT at the same time, if it's a genre I really like and the book sounds good? I'll "brave" that too, and sometimes, as was true of Happiness for Beginners, I find a new gem. :) Thanks so much for visiting my website today.

  3. I have not read any of these authors either! Although, Gerritsen is familiar and I might have one on the TBR.

    My Top Ten!

  4. Ooohhh -- lots of authors on this list I'm not familiar with!! I'm excited to check them out!! I really, really love Catherine Coulter's historicals. I hope you love them!!

    Here's my TTT: https://funknfiction.com/2023/11/14/top-ten-tuesday-mainstream-popular-authors-that-i-still-have-not-read-yet/

  5. I haven't read any of the above either. Tey, Barton, and McDermid all sound interesting.

  6. Great list! I've read one Val McDermid book, a retelling of Northanger Abbey, which I enjoyed, but probably isn't representative of her usual work. I've been wanting to read something by Lucinda Riley too -- I've seen a bunch of recommendations.

  7. Oh yes, some big names here! Josephine Tey is fantastic indeed

  8. I've not read any of these on your list either. Right now, I don't feel any big push to read any of them either.

    I've been having a bit of trouble commenting, too. Thought it was just me!

  9. Ooh, I should give Catherine Coulter a try.

    I've tried one book by Josephine Tey, but if I recall correctly it was rather racist and misogynist in a really gross way -- I think I'm thinking of the right book. Really put me off. (Yep, I just checked, it was Tey. Ugh.)

  10. Chanel Cleeton made my list too and Lucinda Riley is another author I do hope to read some day!

  11. I haven't read many of the ones on your list either, but...please do yourself a huge favor and start digging into Ruth Rendell's catalogue. I've read most of what she's written and really enjoyed the way her writing evolved over the years both stylistically and in length. She also wrote some really good psychological mysteries under the pen name Barbara Vine, so keep those in mind, too. She is destined to be, if she hasn't already done it, considered one of the classic writers of her genre/s.

    The only other on the list that I've read is Val McDermid, and although I've enjoyed her many times, I do find her to be a little "hit and miss" for me at times.

  12. These authors are for me unknown except for Lucinda Riley. Her Seven Sisters series has been recommended to me and I would love to read it too. Fantasy, thriller, historical fiction and horror are my top genres snd I found some great inspirations scrolling to these author that here in Italy are not known. Thank you for inspiration.

  13. I NEED you to read Chanel Cleeton. Her Cuba books are so good! I am the same with Beatriz Williams. I've read a couple of collabs with White and Willig, but I've only read White on her own.

  14. Val McDermid is the only one I've tried. It was good, but a bit darker than I usually read.

  15. Ooh, Josephine Tey! I highly recommend her books, and Rhys Bowen's, too.

  16. I've not read any of them. Unless you count a short story in a collection with different authors in which case I've read Val McDermid (and also seen her on a TV quiz show 🤣)

  17. Good list of authors, Susan! I've read a bunch of Tess Gerritsen's books - mostly the Rizzoli and Isles books. I've also read a couple of Barbara Vine books. Don't think I've read any under her Rendell name. I think I might have read one Fiona Barton book. And that's it. I've got several Val McDermid books on my Kindle, but they are unread as yet. Oh, I have read at least one standalone by Rhys Bowen, but not her series books. One day, right? And I'm happy to be back commenting again - finally. You can see why if you read my update on my blog. LOL

  18. I really liked the Rhys Bowen book I read. It was part of her long running series but I haven't kept up with it.../

  19. i feel your pain on the wordpress thing. my google account is not letting me leave comments on other blogspots which is crazy because they own the platform...and i have one with them....

  20. I haven't read any of these, but I hope you enjoy them if you decide to pick them up.

  21. I haven't read any of the authors here either.. though I think I did start reading Rhys Bowen years ago but did not finish the book from what i recall (not because I did not like it but because of other timebound reasons)..

  22. I've read Chanel Cleeton and enjoyed her, but I haven't read any of the others listed here. I have watched a BBC TV series based off of Val McDermid's books. Hope you get around and enjoy some on your list!

  23. I read one of Rhys Bowen's books, and enjoyed it! I hope you enjoy all these authors when you get a chance to try them out. :)

  24. Didn't know about the problem with Jetpack. Would it work writing a comment directly on the website? Or how are you usually doing it? I think the other option is through wordpress.com hmmm

    Great post! Dunno any of those authors without their work 🤣

    My TTT: https://www.insamyniac.com/memes/top-ten-tuesday/pop-authors-not-read-ext/



  25. Interesting, I haven't even heard of most of these...except Gerritsen and McDermid, from whom I have read almost 30 between them. The former's Rizzoli & Isles series is just too addictive (and I didn't even read the first book, lol. I just couldn't face starting without Isles!), as is the latter's Tony Hill. Although the latter also starts out ABSURDLY graphic and has toned down a lot with newer releases, so I imagine you might prefer to start with a newer series (or standalones, if she has them).

    I haven't read any of Gerritsen's newer standalones but that's probably a good place to start if R&I doesn't compel you.

  26. I have actually read several books by Cleeton. It seems she has found her niche with the Cuba books (which are great), but I still loved her contemporary romances from back in the day. Hope you get to sample these authors at some point

  27. Tess Gerritson has been on my TBR for quite a while, but Beatriz Williams just came on my radar today! Great list, and I hope you get to read them soon!

  28. The only author on your list I've read is Williams. I enjoyed the books I read!

  29. Every time I've shelved a Rhys Bowen book at the bookstore where I work, I've thought I should really take one home. It hasn't happened yet - don't know why! I'm sure I'll get there someday.

  30. I've read several of these authors and really enjoy most of them - especially Beatriz Williams and Rhys Bowen. I'm trying to read through Josephine Tey's Inspector Grant series. I've always enjoyed Daughter of Time but absolutely could not stand The Man in the Queue. I did read A Shilling for Candles recently and enjoyed that one much more so be prepared for some inconsistency and some serious datedness.


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