Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Announcing the Bookish Books Reading Challenge 2024

Thank you so much to everyone who helped to make the first year of my Bookish Books Reading Challenge a rousing success! It's been fun to talk bookish books with you throughout 2023. I definitely want to keep the party going in 2024. Hopefully, you do too! You can officially join the challenge by using the linky at the bottom of this post. 

Here's everything you need to know:

This is a laidback challenge designed to encourage the reading of all those bookish books that are still lingering on our shelves and TBR lists. Any book counts as long as one of its main themes is books (reading them, writing them, hoarding them, stealing them, eating them, burning them, decorating with them, organizing them, sniffing them, selling them, etc.). Any book that is essentially bookish in nature counts. All formats are acceptable. Since this challenge isn't about pages read, length doesn't matter either. Picture books are totally fine.

Because it wouldn't be a challenge without a *little* bit of pushing, I created some levels just to make it more fun:

Toe in the Door: 1-10 books read
Picking and Perusing: 11-20 books read
Lost in the Stacks: 21-30 books read
Living in the Library: 30+ books read

I'm an overachiever, so I'm aiming for the Living in the Library level again this year. 

Reviews aren't required, but they're always nice. I, for one, am perpetually on the lookout for more bookish books and reviews help me to know which are worth the read. So, I'll put a monthly linky up so we can all see what we're reading for the challenge. 

You don't have to have a blog to participate, but it's helpful to keep a list of books read for the challenge somewhere. Mine will be listed under the "Reading Challenges" tab here at BBB.

If you need ideas for the challenge, I've started a Goodreads list to help. I'm sure there are others there with a similar theme. 
The challenge will run from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024. You can sign up any time during the year, starting now. 

Challenges are more fun with friends, so please join me. Feel free to grab the challenge button, post about the challenge on your blog, and help me spread the word.

Please use the linky below to sign up for the challenge. Create a post on your blog or on social media announcing that you are participating in the challenge, then use that link to sign up using the linky widget below:


  1. I had wanted to join last year, and I'm not sure what happened. I don't get notifications about your posts anymore Susan and I don't know why that happened either. I will join in for 2024 and try to figure out how to keep up with your blog.

    1. I'm so glad you're joining us, Carla!

      Darn! I'm not sure what the problem is either. I used to keep track of blogs with Google Reader, but since that went away, I've basically just relied on the updates in my "Book Bloggin' Buddies" section on the right sidebar. I need to find a good feed reader!

    2. I am not able to get to the linky to sign up. When I click, just the image comes up.

    3. Thanks for letting me know, Carla! My Mister Linky subscription had expired so they shut off access to the widget. It's been renewed now, so you should be all good. Let me know if you experience any more problems.

  2. I am doing my own challenge so I can do this challenge and mine at the same time😊

    1. Sweet! Are you hosting a challenge? Tell me all about it!

  3. Wait, question here, do the books one reads for this challenge during 2024 have to be about books? Did I read that correctly? Or can they be about any topic we choose?

    1. You read it correctly: the book you read for this challenge have to be "bookish" books. The definition is pretty loose, though - basically, any book that has books as a theme. If you think it counts, it totally does! We're very laidback around here :)

  4. How did I miss this in 2923? I read so many books about books! I’ll definitely join for 2024! ~Carol @ ReadingLadies

    1. Ha ha. I don't know how you missed it this year, but I'm glad you're joining up for 2024. It will be a good time!

  5. Oops! I signed up but I haven’t written my post yet….I’ll come back and link it up later this month! ~Carol @ ReadingLadies

  6. I'll come back to sign up but I am glad you're doing this challenge again. Thank you!

    1. Me too! It's been lots of fun this year, even though I don't think I published even one review of the bookish books I read. Oops!

  7. I'm so glad I found this challenge! I wasn't looking for a bookish book challenge, but I found several bookish books I'm really excited about reading recently so this is serendipity!

    1. Serendipity for sure! I'm so glad you're joining in.

  8. I will be joining in but haven't done a sign up post yet. I hope I do a better job of reviewing the books and posting about them in 2024 but only time will tell.

    1. Same! I hardly posted any book reviews at all this year. I'm hoping to do better in 2024.

  9. I am absolutely in! I thought about it last year, but had already signed up for so many challenges (I'm a reading challengaholic) that I talked myself out of it. I decided I just couldn't resist this year!

    1. I'm with you, Bev! I cannot resist a reading challenge. I've already signed up for about 15 of them, which is probably already more than I can really do. Ha ha. I'm so glad you're joining this one.

  10. This is my first year with this challenge. Thank you for hosting, Susan.

    1. Yay! I'm so glad you're joining in, Jody.

  11. I signed up. This is my first year.

  12. Done! Thank you for hosting this challenge, it seems really interesting. This is my first year doing reading challenges in general, so I'm looking forward to it.
    I realized after submitting my link that most other bloggers linked it to a seperate post about this challenge, while I linked it to my home page. Let me know if/how I should edit that. Thank you!

    1. I'm so glad you're entering the wonderful world of reading challenges, Paige! They're so addicting.

      You can post however you want, but if you want to link directly to your post about the challenge, you'll just have to make a new entry in the Mr. Linky with the right link. It's not necessary, though.

  13. Is there a hashtag we should be using for this?

  14. Looking forward to see what everyone has read/is reading. Can I go back and enter what I have read this year already? Assuming I can remember!! Thanks


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