Friday, December 01, 2023

The Bookish Books Reading Challenge: December Book Ideas and Link Up for Reviews

I'm not sure how this happened exactly, but somehow we're in the last month of 2023. Crazy! Things around here start moving in fast forward once Halloween is over, making for a lot of holiday busyness. I hope you're surviving your end-of-the-year-chaos and even finding some time to relax with a good bookish book. 

My November reading was focused on books I needed to read in order to finish out my 2023 reading challenges. Surprisingly, that included these six bookish books, which I've listed in order of most liked to least liked (links will take you to my reviews on Goodreads, since I've been a complete slacker this year about posting them on my actual book blog):

For December, I'm planning to check off more of the middle-grade nominees for the Cybils Awards. None of the ones I'm planning to read are bookish as far as I can tell. For my November book club meeting (which got pushed back to next week), though, I will be reading Once Upon a Wardrobe by Patti Callahan. I was at an event tonight with many of the book club members and their reports on the novel are mixed. Most liked the cozy read overall, even though it's a bit slow, apparently. We'll see what I think when I get to it this weekend. 

What about you? What bookish books did you read in November? What's on your docket for December?

If you've had fun doing this fun, laidback challenge this year, please join me for the 2024 Bookish Books Reading Challenge. I'll make an official post about it sometime in the next couple weeks. 

For those of you who are participating in the 2023 Bookish Books Reading Challenge, here's the Mr. Linky to use for linking up December reviews. If you've not yet signed up for the challenge, what are you waiting for? Join us in this low-key challenge that celebrates a genre we all love: books about books. It will be fun, I promise! (Note: I copy and paste this paragraph into these posts every month, but you CAN still join the challenge even though the year is almost over. Just link up your reviews of bookish books. Easy peasy.)



  1. I liked Once Upon a Wardrobe, but it did not blow me away, sadly. I'm finished with all my challenges except one book for one challenge.

    1. I had the same reaction to ONCE UPON A WARDROBE. It's a cozy, feel-good read that I liked, but didn't love.

      Good job on your challenges! I'm in the same boat. I've finished all of my challenges except one.

  2. I was not a huge fan of Once Upon a Wardrobe. It was just an okay read for me. I participated in Non-Fiction November and Novellas in November as well as Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon, so no bookish books that I can think of off the top of my head. Have a wonderful reading month in December, Susan.


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