Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: A Challenging 2024

Even as I busily try to finish up my 2023 reading for challenges, book awards judging, and reviews (ha ha), I'm already thinking ahead to what I want to read in the new year. One of my favorite ways to add fun and variety to my reading is through reading challenges. I'll do a wrap-up of my reading challenge progress for 2023 in a few weeks, but here's a spoiler alert for you: I have finished all of them (even the one with 109 prompts) except for one. Huzzah! I don't take reading challenges super seriously, but I'm still proud of myself for this accomplishment. Go, me. 

Since I've rocked my challenges so hard this year, I'm going to do another dozen in 2024. Since today's Top Ten Tuesday is a freebie, I figure it's the perfect time to tell you all about them. First, though, click on over to That Artsy Reader Girl and give our TTT host, Jana, some love. 

Top Ten (Okay, Twelve) Reading Challenges I'm Going to Tackle in 2024

Update: I totally forgot about the Goodreads Reading Challenge. I do this one every year and my goal is always 200 books. I've already surpassed it for this year, but I'm still going to keep the goal of 200 for 2024. 

1. Bookish Books Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)—This is a no-brainer since I'm the host! It's a fun, laidback challenge that focuses on reading books about books. Join me, won't you? I'm going for the "Living at the Library" level, which requires reading 30+ bookish books. I've read 33 so far in 2023, so it shouldn't be a problem to reach that goal again next year.

2. Literary Escapes Reading Challenge (hosted by Dollycas @Escape With Dollycas Into a Good Book)—I do this one every year. You "travel" to each of the 50 states in the U.S., plus Washington, D.C., by reading a book that is set there. You also get bonus points for each country you "visit" in your reading.

3. POPSUGAR Reading Challenge—This annual challenge can be tough. In fact, this is the first year I've completed all the prompts. We'll see if I have continued success with the 2024 version.

4. The 52 Club's Reading Challenge—Prompt challenges are my favorite kind, so I love this yearly challenge. It has 52 (natch) reading prompts to complete.

5. Craving for Cozies Reading Challenge (hosted by Dollycas @Escape With Dollycas Into a Good Book)—This is the only one of my reading challenges that I haven't yet completed for 2023. I'm close, but it's highly unlikely that I'll get there by December 31. Oh well, I'll try again next year! In this one, you read cozy mysteries. I'll be joining at the Peckish level, which requires reading 1-25 cozies. I should be able to handle that.

6. Booklist Queen Reading Challenge—Another prompt-based challenge, this is one I have fun with every year. This one also has 52 prompts.

7. Historical Fiction Reading Challenge (hosted by Marg @The Intrepid Reader and Baker)—This one really isn't a challenge since I already read a ton of historical novels, but it's still fun to link up with other hist-fic lovers. I signed up at the Ancient History level (25 books) this year; I think I'll go for broke and do the Prehistoric level (50+ books) in 2024.

8. Medical Examiner Mystery Reading Challenge (hosted by Rick Mills)—Even though it's a little macabre, I enjoy doing this challenge every year. You read mystery novels and count up the dead bodies you find in their pages. I'm in 12th place at the moment. We'll see how many more toe tags I can tie before the year ends!

9. Mystery Marathon Reading Challenge (hosted by Rick Mills)—This is a new challenge that Rick came up with for 2024. Thankfully, it involves no actual physical exertion! You are "running" a reading marathon where each mystery you read counts as one mile and the number of pages in the book equals the number of steps taken to reach that mile. When you hit 26.2 miles, you're at the finish line. I read a ton of mysteries every year, so this one's another no-brainer.

10. 13 Moons Reading Challenge (hosted by Read N Buried)—I've never done this one before, but it's (yet) another prompt-based challenge. There are 13 prompts in each of 13 categories. You can join at different levels that require completing a certain amount of categories or you can go for the "Total Lunar Eclipse" level and do all the prompts, which is what I'm planning to do.

11. Build Your Library Reading Challenge—I enjoyed doing this challenge in 2023 even though its theme (nature) was a little outside of my reading interests. This year's theme is Reading Through History, which is much more to my liking. The challenge consists of 40 prompts, all of which have something to do with history (at least loosely).

12. Don't Get Fined! A Library Adventure Game (Goodreads)—Thanks to Bev, I just got introduced to Goodreads reading challenges. I didn't realize these were a thing, so I went down a very long, dark rabbit hole checking them out. I resisted the urge to join ALL the challenges and just went with this one since it sounded fun. It's a perpetual challenge with no end date—you're done when you reach the end of the "gameboard." You roll a dice after each book you read, which determines which space you land on, which then gives you a reading "task," which tells you what kind of book to read next. I started the game a few days ago and am currently on my second task.

As you may or may not know, I started a blog a few years ago where I kept a running list of reading challenges. I did it because the one I usually relied on went dark and I didn't know about any others. I've since discovered three blogs with this same goal. There's no reason to duplicate other people's efforts, so I will be deleting mine. If you're looking for reading challenges to join, look no further:

What are your thoughts on reading challenges? Do you love them? Hate them? Which are your favorites? Which ones are you planning to join in 2024? I'd truly love to know. Leave me a comment on this post and I will gladly return the favor on your blog. 

Happy TTT!


  1. Well done on your challenges! I always have the best of intentions when it comes to them but I think I sign up for too many haha.

    1. Same! Most years I only finish one or two of them. I'm doing better than ever with them this year. Who knows why??

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Bree!

  2. That’s awesome, Susan. Good for you!

    May you rock your 2024 reading challenges as well.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.


    1. I'm very proud of myself, LOL. At least I've accomplished something this year!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lydia!

  3. Congrats for killing this year's challenges! Some of the ones you listed look amazing. I've joined a few already and I'm having a hard time reining myself in and not going crazy joining them all!

    1. Right? That's me EVERY year. I want to do ALL the challenges. Which ones have you signed up for so far?

      Thanks for popping in, Haze! And welcome back to book blogging.

    2. The 52 Book Club 2024 challenge, The Classics Club, and the Nonfiction Reader Challenge. I'm also still looking for a diversity challenge and a series challenge because I have several books on my TBR fitting these categories. There are a few that sound fun but I'm holding off signing up until I feel better about my commitments!

  4. I haven't done one of these in years but really used to like them. I am totally taken by that "toe-tag" challenge you mention because it gives me yet another thing to count and keep track of...I love lists and year-to-year comparisons and that might generate a really interesting statistic over time. Can you imagine spotting a trend within over a number of years that the body count in today's mysteries or less than those of ten years ago, or twenty years ago. Or that your favorite series is lightening up on dead bodies as the main character and author age together? I'm totally obsessive about numbers, so this is going to be hard to resist. LOL

    1. You should do the Medical Examiner's Mystery Reading Challenge! I think you'd love it, especially since you're such a numbers guy. It really is a fun one. I never thought about tracking trends through it, but that's a fantastic idea. I wonder if Rick (the host) has noticed any of those over the years he's been hosting it. You two should chat!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Sam!

  5. I love challenges. The problem is I take them too seriously!! Then, I get ARCs and before I know it I feel bogged down with all that I "have" to read. I know, I need to loosen up, lol. As of this moment, I plan NOT to do reading challenges next year...I said that last year as well and then did four this year, plus finished one from last year...I will always do the Goodreads Reading challenge, and I *might* read 24 in 2024...we'll see, LOL!

    1. Ha ha. I used to take them way too seriously, but now I just do them for fun. If I complete them, great. If I don't, no biggie (although I do like to finish them).

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Cindy!

  6. And, I will miss your reading challenges page, it was the one I always went to, thanks for doing it!! :)

    1. Aw. thanks! You're so sweet. The other challenge pages I listed are better than mine ever was, though. They're more complete. Mine just seems superfluous and I'm not into doing more work for no reason! LOL

  7. Oof, that's a lot of challenges! 👀 Good luck!

    My TTT.

    1. Yes, it is! A few of them aren't really challenging since I already read tons of mysteries and historical novels, but some of the others should give me a bit of a run for my money. We'll see how it goes.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Nicky!

  8. Congratulations on your challenges!

    1. Thanks! It feels good to have finished them, even though they were just for fun.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Rebecca!

  9. 12 challenges? You are awesome. I'm hoping to accomplish three next year. 😀

    1. Ha ha. Well, I use the same book for multiple challenges, so it's not quite as challenging as it seems!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Nicole!

  10. That's a lot of challenges but I guess there will be some overlap. Good luck! I only do GoodReads and Twenty Books of Summer usually.

    1. Yes, there's a lot of overlap, which makes it easier to complete a bunch of challenges at one time.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Joanne!

  11. Brilliant post! I love reading challenges and always join at least a few. I'm still mulling over which to do for 2024 though, so this was really helpful!

    1. It's tough to choose sometimes! There are several challenges that I do every year, but I also like to change things up a *little* each time.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Louise!

  12. Wow that's a lot of challenges! Hope you have fun taking part!

    1. It is, but some of them aren't really challenging and I use the same book for multiple challenges, so that makes things more manageable.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Nickimags!

  13. This is a lot of challenges, but it seems like you will succeed again! I did three challenges this year, but I think next year I'm taking it easy and only doing one or two. Good luck!

    1. Smart! I wish I could limit myself to only a few. Ha ha. They make my reading more fun, though, so why not do a dozen?? LOL

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Tammy!

  14. Wow, that's very ambitious! I really don't do challenges, other than the Goodreads annual reading challenge, but I know so many people who love them. Good luck!

    1. I always do them, but I have different success rates depending on the year. 2023 has been an extremely good one as far as reading challenges go.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lisa!

  15. I have some long-term, no-end-date reading challenges, but I'm not planning on signing up for any in 2024. Probably. ;-) One of my blog friends has done a picture prompt challenge in the past, and if that happens again for 2024 I might join it this time. But otherwise I'm planning to mood read for 2024!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier!

    1. A picture prompt challenge sounds fun! I hope you enjoy it if you end up doing it.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Nicole!

  16. Great list, I used to do challenges but have left them be in last few years. I was just looking at the 52 books challenge a few weeks ago and that looks interesting. I didn't know Goodreads had challenges!

    1. The 52 Book Club's challenge is always fun. I just really enjoy prompt challenges. They add a fun, challenging aspect to my reading every year. Plus, I'm one of those people who just LOVE to cross off items on a list!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Kathryn!

  17. Good luck with all of your challenges. I used to partake in a few in a GR group I was in, but that group has kind of fallen apart. Now, I guess I just do the GR challenge and focus on reading the books I purchase or request.

    1. Someday, I will just read whatever suits my fancy, with no "required" reading at all, but today is not that day! LOL

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Deanna!

  18. I am joining up on some of these challenges, too, woohoo! And I didn't know that Goodreads had challenges on their site. Now to go find more LMAO!!!


    1. Yay! Challenges are more fun with friends :) And, right? I had NO IDEA GR had challenges. There are tons of them. Who knew?

      Thanks for popping in, Melissa!

  19. Wow, I had no idea there were so many challenges! I take part in the Goodreads/Storygraph challenge each year but that is it. The US states sounds fun :)

    1. I've really enjoyed doing the states one over the years. It's fun to watch my trends and see which states I "visit" most often in fiction (New York and California are always #1 and #2) and which don't come up very often for whatever reason (Arkansas and North Dakota).

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Caroline!

  20. I should really get back into challenges. I liked doing them (except when I failed haha). But the states one and the cozy one have me really tempted...

    1. I have fun with them, even if I don't complete them. The states one can be challenging, but I only have to read one cozy to complete that one so that shouldn't be too tough!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Greg!

  21. I'll have to check some of these out! I love reading challenges - they really help when the reading slump wants to take over. Thanks for sharing!

    1. For sure! For me, they just add another level of fun to my reading :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Denise!

  22. It's always fun to see what reading challenges you do each year. And I've loved participating in your Bookish Books challenge this year! Thanks for doing it. :D

    1. It's been fun, hasn't it? I've thoroughly enjoyed myself with the Bookish Books challenge. I need to post more reviews in 2024. I didn't do very well at that, but the rest of you did, which is so nice because I've gotten some great recs.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lark!

  23. This is SO impressive! I haven't even tried one challenge (ever) and don't think I've read 200 books in a year either. I always admire those readers who can read SO many books in a year. :) Good for you. Thanks so much for visiting my website today.

    1. Reading challenges aren't for everyone, but I've always loved them. They add another layer of fun to my reading every year and I definitely read more widely because of them. I've read a lot of duds because of reading challenge prompts, but I've also discovered many great reads I wouldn't have found otherwise.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Rissi!

  24. I like the idea of challenges, but I don't always have the time to fulfill them. I just completed your Bookish Books challenge by reading the minimum, 10, so yay! I'll have to link up when I write my review. Good luck on all your challenges! Literary Escapes sounds like a fun one!

    1. Woot, woot! I'm so glad you've been a part of the challenge this year. It's been fun for me to host and participate.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting!

  25. A great list! Well done you on your achievements! I would love to do a challenge or two, but I get so distracted by Blog Tours that I don't have a lot of scope for anything else. It doesn't help that I am a slow reader and have to read every word and understand everything that is going on before moving on!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

    1. I stopped doing blog tours and scheduled reviews a few years ago since that was stressing me out. It's been very liberating! I also read fast and don't have a job or other hobbies I can't do while listening to a book. All of those things make it easier for me to read a lot of books every year.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Emily!

  26. Other than Goodreads, I never officially join any reading challenges or talk about them, but I have a list on a Google Sheet to try to keep track. It's such a fun way to make reading a little bit of a challenge :)

  27. There are some fun ones up there. A good mix too.

  28. You participate in a lot of challenges. I did, too, last year, but I'm not sure if I want to participate in so many next year. Still the Bookish Books Reading Challenge is sure calling to me!

  29. Good luck with the challenges! There's so many that sound interesting and that I knew nothing about before this post.

  30. These all sound so interesting, and you did such a good job with finishing them! I did three challenges this year, and only finished one of them. But at least I'll have another chance to work on them next year, right?

  31. I am so glad to have you back on board for the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge this year! I am contemplating doing one other challenge next year, but I am not sure which!!

  32. Oh no, I'm doomed. XD I'm such a sucker for reading challenges!

  33. I love prompt based challenges too so I'm looking at the challenges you shared. I do the state one in an unofficial way. It's always interesting to see where I naturally drift to in my reading.

  34. i am bad with challenges though i try to join in each year.. not that i don't read enough but the keeping track of it gets away from me.. but i am tempted to join your challenge..
    My post is here

  35. Many great sounding challenges! I always do the goodreads challenge too. I never once managed to finish the popsugar ones in the years that I did it so I just kind of stopped. Awesome that you managed to complete it this year.

  36. Great job with your challenges! I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail all mine this year.

  37. Good luck with all these challenges and congrats on reaching all your 2023 ones! I only do the Goodreads challenge. I do love the idea of challenges, but I'm terrible at completing them :)


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