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2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

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Tuesday, March 21, 2023
A Top Ten Tuesday Tag
7:08 AM
I've been participating in Top Ten Tuesday on a fairly regularly basis for the last ten years. I don't know how many prompts I've engaged since then, but it's been a lot, which makes it tough to find new ones for freebie topics like today's: Top Ten Tuesday Rewind. The idea is to go back and choose a past TTT prompt that you haven't done yet, want to revisit, etc. I scanned through the lists of old prompts and none really jumped out to me, so I'm going to do something different today instead.
I was curious about my first ever TTT post, so I searched it out. It was on February 26, 2013, and the topic was My Top Ten Auto-Buy Authors. It's interesting to see who I loved to read back then and how my tastes have/have not changed.
If you want to join in for TTT Rewind, click on over to That Artsy Reader Girl to get all the details. While you're at it, give our wonderful hostess, Jana, some love.
A few weeks ago, Cindy over at Cindy's Book Corner tagged me for The Bookworm Tag. It looked like a fun one and I've been meaning to post my answers ever since. Since there are ten questions, it's perfect for a TTT "list." I'm not sure where the tag orginated, but Cindy was tagged by Sarita at More to Discover. I'm not going to tag anyone. If you want to join in, though, please consider yourself tagged! Leave me a link to your post so I can see your answers.
- Answer the Questions
- Make up New Ones
- Tag People
Cindy was asked 10 questions by Sarita, then she made up 10 different questions for the people she tagged to answer. Here are my answers to Cindy's queries:
1. How many books do you have on your physical shelves (best guesstimate)? This answer would have been a lot more embarrassing at this time last year. Before we moved houses, I would guess I owned somewhere around 10,000 physical books. For real! I was living in a 5,000 square foot home and I had lots of room for bookshelves and book piles. In July, we downsized, cutting our square footage in half, which meant donating a large chunk of my book collection. Now, 8 months after moving, I'd say I own about 1500 physical books. Still a ridiculous amount, but so much better than 10,000! It's not hoarding if it's books, right? At least they all fit neatly onto my shelves. For now, anyway...
2. What is your favorite book about books? Great question! I love bookish books (hence, my hosting the Bookish Books Reading Challenge). I would probably have to say The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak for this one, but lately I've also been really loving the By the Book cozy mystery series by Tamara Berry.
3. What is your favorite format to read in (paperback, hardback, e-book, etc.)? I used to be strictly a "real" books reader (preferably hard covers), but when NetGalley became a thing, I bought a Kindle and surprised myself by not hating it. These days, I still prefer paper books. About 40% of my reading, though, is comprised of e-books.
4. What is your favorite genre to read? BBB regulars will not be at all surprised by my answer to this question! Mystery/thriller is my hands-down favorite genre to read, closely followed by historical fiction. I also love compelling adventure/survival stories, interesting memoirs/biographies, riveting narrative non-fiction, and absorbing family sagas.
5. How do you find new-to-you authors? Back in the day, I mainly discovered new authors by browsing through the stacks at the library. These days, I mostly find them through reading book blogs and bookish magazines as well as word-of-mouth from friends and family members.
6. What is a series (or book) you would/have reread over and over again? I'm not much of a re-reader. Reading a book I've already read feels like a waste of time to me when there are so many shiny new ones out there to explore! That being said, besides my scriptures, there are two books I re-read often: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (my favorite novel of all time) and A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (to get me in the holiday spirit every December). There are a few others that I re-read occasionally because I love them so much: Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, and the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.
7. Do you have a book (or author) you are constantly recommending people to read? If so, what is it? I belong to a conservative family and religious community, so I have to be cautious in what I recommend! Kate Morton is probably the author I recommend most. Her books are clean—without any explicit violence, sex, or language—compelling, and generally appealing. For mystery fans who don't mind a little language, I always go with Louise Penny. Her Armand Gamache series is one of my all-time favorites.
8. What is a genre you would never read? The only genre I can unequivocably say I would never read is erotica. It's just not my thing at all. Other genres I avoid or at least rarely read would be: poetry, high fantasy, anything political, sci-fi, and urban fantasy.
9. Do you prefer long books or short books? I actually prefer medium books, in about the 200-300 page range. I've never been a big fan of short stories or novellas and these days, I find myself kind of avoiding anything over 500 pages as well. I've become a middle-of-the-road reader, apparently!
10. Who inspired your love of reading? My parents. Both of them love to read, so our home was always filled with books. My mom always read us kids bedtime stories, took us to the library, and encouraged us to fill our leisure time with reading.
How would you answer these same questions?
For anyone who would like to answer them, here are the ten questions I came up with:
1. Where is your favorite place to read? Or, where do you read most often?
2. Who are your top 3 favorite authors? I know it's like choosing favorite children, but try...
3. What is your biggest reading pet peeve?
4. What is something you do in your reading life that might make other readers gasp (writing in books, bending pages to mark your place, reading a book's ending first, etc.)?
5. Have you always been a reader? If not, when did you discover your love of books?
6. What book would you recommend to a reader to convince them to try out your favorite genre?
7. Do you prefer to read new books or used? Why?
8. How do you organize your bookshelves?
9. In your opinion, what's the best part about being a book blogger/book nerd?
10. Are you part of a book club? Which book that you've read together has sparked the best discussion?
There you go, twenty great bookish questions to ponder! I'd love it if you answered one or two or twenty of them in the comments. If you decide to do this tag, please let me know so I can see your answers. Leave me a comment on this post and I will gladly return the favor on yours.
Happy TTT!
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