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2024 Bookish Books Reading Challenge (Hosted by Yours Truly)

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26 / 30 books. 87% done!

2024 Literary Escapes Challenge

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My Progress:

48 / 51 states. 94% done!

2024 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge

My Progress:

40 / 50 books. 80% done!

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34 / 50 books. 68% done!

Booklist Queen's 2024 Reading Challenge

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52 / 52 books. 100% done!

2024 52 Club Reading Challenge

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49 / 52 books. 94% done!

2024 Build Your Library Reading Challenge

My Progress:

35 / 40 books. 88% done!

2024 Pioneer Book Reading Challenge

16 / 40 books. 40% done!

2024 Craving for Cozies Reading Challenge

My Progress:

18 / 25 books. 72% done!

2024 Medical Examiner's Mystery Reading Challenge

2024 Mystery Marathon Reading Challenge

My Progress

11 / 26.2 miles (3rd lap). 42% done!

Mount TBR Reading Challenge

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34 / 100 books. 34% done!

2024 Pick Your Poison Reading Challenge

My Progress:

88 / 104 books. 85% done!

Around the Year in 52 Books Reading Challenge

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52 / 52 books. 100% done!

Disney Animated Movies Reading Challenge

My Progress

118 / 165 books. 72% done!

The 100 Most Common Last Names in the U.S. Reading Challenge

My Progress:

69 / 100 names. 69% done!
Thursday, August 08, 2024

My Little Free Library For the Win

I'm happy to announce that my Little Free Library was chosen to receive two copies of Silvia Moreno-Garcia's newest book, The Seven Veils of Salome. Good Morning America just announced it as their August selection. I haven't read this book or Mexican Gothic, but I know the latter has been super popular. 

Here's the publisher's plot summary for The Seven Veils of Salome:

A young woman wins the role of a lifetime in a film about a legendary heroine — but the real drama is behind the scenes in this sumptuous historical epic from the author of Mexican Gothic.

1950s Hollywood: Every actress wants to play Salome, the star-making role in a big-budget movie about the legendary woman whose story has inspired artists since ancient times.

So when the film’s mercurial director casts Vera Larios, an unknown Mexican ingenue, in the lead role, she quickly becomes the talk of the town. Vera also becomes an object of envy for Nancy Hartley, a bit player whose career has stalled and who will do anything to win the fame she believes she richly deserves.

Two actresses, both determined to make it to the top in Golden Age Hollywood—a city overflowing with gossip, scandal, and intrigue—make for a sizzling combination.

But this is the tale of three women, for it is also the story of the princess Salome herself, consumed with desire for the fiery prophet who foretells the doom of her stepfather, Herod: a woman torn between the decree of duty and the yearning of her heart.

Before the curtain comes down, there will be tears and tragedy aplenty in this sexy Technicolor saga.

If you're local to Mesa, Arizona, come snag a copy of the book before they're gone!

Thanks to Little Free Library and Good Morning America for sending books my way. If you own a LFL, check out the "Book Opportunities" page to find giveaways, offers, and other opportunities for LFL stewards.  


  1. Your Little Free Library is SO cute! And yay for free books. :D

    1. Right? It's been super fun to be a LFL steward. It makes me happy every time I see someone looking inside it!

  2. Congrats! :D That's really exciting! Someday, I'd like a LFL.

    1. I've been wanting one for forever. I'm so glad I finally made it happen. It's been SO fun!

  3. How exciting! The cover is gorgeous and I've heard great things about Mexican Gothic. You should your LFL experiences. I've been tempted to start one but am not sure.

    1. I've heard a lot of good buzz about Moreno-Garcia's books, but I haven't read them yet.

      I've loved my LFL experience so far. It's been easy and fun. Ask me anything! I'm happy to share my thoughts.

  4. Oooh, congrats! (I did read Mexican Gothic, and enjoyed it despite it being just outside my genre preference.)

    And I'm jealous of your LFL! I can't have one where I live, but someday...

    1. MEXICAN GOTHIC isn't really my genre either. That's why I haven't picked it up yet. The fact that you liked it speaks well for it :)

      My last neighborhood didn't allow LFLs. I had to be a little sneaky to put one up in the neighborhood I live in now, but I'm glad I did. It's been a hit!

  5. Your free little library is the same color as the one that I got! Love that blue.

    1. Nice! We're LFL twins :) I wanted a blue one to match my front door. My LFL is a brighter color than my door, but I love it. It's eye-catching without being obnoxious, you know?

  6. Love your Little Free Library. I tried to get neighborhood permission to plant one on my corner lot, and the neighborhood bullies decided it wasn't appropriate. Not sure what the ladies are afraid might happen.

    1. It's sad that some HOAs (or whiny neighbors) won't allow LFLs. There was some concern in my neighborhood at one point about LFLs attracting too much traffic (I wish!), which is hysterical. Besides, the kind of neighborhood that has traffic jams in the name of books is the kind I want to live in! I got unofficial permission from the HOA to put mine up. That was enough for me. It's been really popular here (but not popular enough to cause traffic issues)!

  7. Wonderful! I've never heard of book opportunities for Little Free Libraries.

    1. There is a page on the LFL website that has all kinds of book offers and giveaways for LFL stewards. You just have to have a registered LFL (with a charter number) to sign up.


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