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2025 Bookish Books Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

My Progress:

6 / 30 books. 20% done!

2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

My Progress:

25 / 50 books. 50% done!

2025 Literary Escapes Challenge

- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California (1)
- Colorado (3)
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida (1)
- Georgia (1)
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa (2)
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine (1)
- Maryland
- Massachusetts (1)
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York (2)
- North Carolina (2)
- North Dakota
- Ohio (1)
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island (1)
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas (1)
- Utah
- Vermont (2)
- Virginia (1)
- Washington (1)
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin (1)
- Wyoming
- Washington, D.C.* (1)

- Australia (1)
- Canada (1)
- England (3)
- France (1)
- Puerto Rico (1)
- Scotland (1)

My Progress:

17 / 51 states. 33% done!

2025 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge

My Progress:

9 / 50 books. 18% done!

2025 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

2025 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

My Progress:

18 / 50 books. 36% done!

Booklist Queen's 2025 Reading Challenge

My Progress:

20 / 52 books. 38% done!

2025 52 Club Reading Challenge

My Progress:

24 / 52 books. 46% done!

2025 Build Your Library Reading Challenge

My Progress:

13 / 40 books. 33% done!

2025 Craving for Cozies Reading Challenge

My Progress:

12 / 25 cozies. 48% done!

2025 Medical Examiner Mystery Reading Challenge

2025 Mystery Marathon Reading Challenge

My Progress

22 / 26.2 miles. 84% done!

2025 Mount TBR Reading Challenge

My Progress

8 / 100 books. 8% done!

2025 Pick Your Poison Reading Challenge

My Progress:

32 / 109 books. 29% done!

2025 Around the Year in 52 Books Reading Challenge

My Progress

34 / 52 books. 65% done!

Phase Out Your Seriesathon - My Progress

8 / 55 books. 15% done!

The 100 Most Common Last Names in the U.S. Reading Challenge

My Progress:

93 / 100 names. 93% done!

The Life Skills Reading Challenge

My Progress:

58 / 80 skills. 73% done!
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Reading Challenge Wrap-Up

It's hard to believe that today is the last day of 2024 as well as the final TTT linkup of the year. Where has the time gone? Today's topic is an appropriate one: Top Ten Best Books I Read in 2024. I named my favorite reads of the year a couple of weeks ago. (To see my favorite adult reads, click here; for children's books, click here.) Today, I'm going to chat about how I did with all of my reading challenges this year. I took on a lot of them and I did pretty well overall. 

As always, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Thanks for keeping this fun round-up alive, Jana!

The Bookish Books Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

Books Pledged: 30
Books Read: 46 

I love bookish books (the reason I came up with this challenge in the first place), so it wasn't too tough to read so many of them. Admittedly, I was pretty liberal with my definition of "bookish." Ha ha.

Will I be taking on this challenge again in 2025?:

Literary Escapes Reading Challenge (hosted by Lori @Escape With Dollycas Into a Good Book)

Books Pledged: 51 (one for each U.S. state + Washington, D.C.)
Books Read: 51

It wasn't easy, but I read at least one book set in each of the states, plus D.C. I also "visited" 17 other countries in my reading. My top 3 most visited countries? England, Australia, and Scotland.

Will I be taking on this challenge again in 2025?:
Of course!

Historical Fiction Reading Challenge (hosted by Marg @The Intrepid Reader and Baker)

Books Pledged: 50
Books Read: 56

I'm a huge hist fic fan, so this challenge is never really challenging, but I still enjoy doing it every year.

Will I be taking on this challenge again in 2025?:
You betcha! 

POPSUGAR Reading Challenge (hosted by POPSUGAR)

Books Pledged: 50
Books Read: 36

I've been doing this annual challenge for several years and I think I've only finished it in total once. The prompts can be both odd and difficult, but I'm a purist so I don't like changing them out. So, alas, I fell short with this one in 2024. Oh well.

Will I be taking on this challenge again in 2025?:
Yes (especially since the 2025 prompts look easier than those from previous years)!

Booklist Queen Reading Challenge (hosted by Rachael @Booklist Queen)

Books Pledged: 52
Books Read: 52

I always enjoy doing this challenge. It's actually the first one I finished this year. Huzzah!

Will I be taking on this challenge again in 2025?:

52 Club Reading Challenge (hosted by The 52 Club)

Books Pledged: 52
Books Read: 51

Prompt #17: Nominated for the Booker Prize proved to be my downfall for this challenge. I'm not a big literary fiction reader, so I couldn't find a book that fit this prompt that I really wanted to read. Bummer.

Will I be taking on this challenge again in 2025?:

Build Your Library Reading Challenge (hosted by Emily @Build Your Library)

Books Pledged: 40
Books Read: 37

I didn't quite manage to finish this challenge either. Came very close, though.

Will I be taking on this challenge again in 2025?:
For sure!

Craving for Cozies Reading Challenge (hosted by Lori @Escape With Dollycas Into a Good Book)

Books Pledged: 25
Books Read: 30

Cozies are always fun to read. They're great palette cleansers between heavier reads. I enjoyed lots of them this year.

Will I be taking on this challenge again in 2025?:
I will!

Medical Examiner Mystery Reading Challenge (hosted by Rick @The Mystillery)

This challenge involves counting up the bodies in the murder mysteries you read. I ended up "tying" 543 "toe tags" this year. Yikes! That's a lot of corpses and yet, it only put me in 13th place. I ended in 12th place last year, so I'm consistent at least.

Will I be taking on this challenge again in 2025?:
Yes, siree!

Mount TBR Reading Challenge (hosted by Bev @My Reader's Block)

Books Pledged: 100 (My personal twist on the challenge was to read 100 print books from my own bookshelves.)
Books Read: 55

I didn't quite make my goal for this challenge, but it did feel good to read 55 books that had been gathering dust on my shelves. I donated the majority of them, keeping only my most favorite. I'm looking forward to culling even more in 2025.

Will I be taking on this challenge again in 2025?:

Pick Your Poison Reading Challenge (hosted by Gregory Road @Take a Walk Down Gregory Road

Books Pledged: 109
Books Read: 99

I'm a serial overachiever when it comes to reading challenges, so I've enjoyed doing this one over the last few years. I always take on the "Freaky Reader" level, which involves checking off 104 of the prompts, using up to two wildcards if you choose. I didn't quite make it, but I got close.

Will I be taking on this challenge again in 2025?:
Yes, but unfortunately, 2025 will be the last year for this challenge as its host is retiring.

Around the Year in 52 Books Reading Challenge (hosted by Emily @Goodreads)

Books Pledged: 52
Books Read: 52

Woot, woot!

Disney Animated Reading Challenge (hosted by Brittany @Shelf Reflection)

Books Pledged: 165
Books Read: 140

The time limit on this reading challenge is flexible. Technically, you can take three years to finish it if you want to take a "blackout" approach to the prompts, which I did. However, some of the prompts are really tough and I'm tired of them, so I'm calling it quits on this challenge. It was fun, but I'm going to focus on other challenges in 2025.

Even though I didn't officially complete all of the challenges I took on in 2024, I did pretty darn well, if I do say so myself. I had fun with my challenges and read books I wouldn't have otherwise, which is why I enjoy doing them in the first place. Although I never take challenges too seriously, I do enjoy the satisfaction of completing them or at least coming close! Good job, me.

What about you? Did you do any reading challenges in 2024? How did you make out with them? What were your favorite reads of the year? I'd love to know. Leave me a comment on this post and I will gladly return the favor on your blog.

Happy TTT!

Monday, December 30, 2024

Christian Fiction Historical Mystery a Pleasant Surprise

(Image from Barnes & Noble)

When Rosemont Abbey goes up in flames, the result of an apparent arson, it shocks the residents of Wilbeth Green, a quaint English village. In the wake of the blaze, Paul Everly, the town troublemaker, has vanished. He's quickly convicted in the court of public opinion, but his twin sister, Louisa, refuses to believe that Paul would set fire to a church. In fact, she's convinced not only that he's innocent but also that he's dead. Even though the 26-year-old twins haven't been close in years, Louisa can feel his loss. She can't explain to others how she knows Paul is gone without sounding insane, so she launches her own private investigation into what she's sure is her brother's murder.

As Louisa pokes her nose into the arson, she ruffles feathers among the good folks of Wilbeth Green, not all of whom are telling her the truth. The more she digs, the more sure she is that something nefarious is going on in the sleepy village. With several unexpected helpers—including a handsome detective inspector, a spunky old lady, and a wise vicar—Louisa will find out what happened to Paul, no matter the risk. Can Louisa solve the puzzling mystery before it's too late? Or will she be the next to vanish?

I always enjoy a good historical mystery and I was pleasantly surprised by The Burning of Rosemont Abbey by Naomi Stephens. Louisa and Malcolm are both understated, likable characters. They're compassionate, determined, smart, and nice without being doormats. You can feel the warmth and chemistry between them from the moment they see each other. The investiative trio they form with Mrs. Watson, a sassy octogenarian, is probably my favorite part of the book, though. Their antics just made me laugh. The mystery they're looking into is fairly straightforward, but there were enough plot twists to keep me guessing throughout the novel. Although I probably should have seen the killer coming, I really didn't. Their motive did seem a tad weak. Still, their identity was a surprise but not a what?-that-doesn't-make-any-sense surprise.

The novel is published by Bethany House and is, technically, Christian fiction. However, it's not overtly religious. Louisa is the daughter of a (deceased) vicar. She and her family attend Sunday services regularly and are involved in the social happenings at the church. In addition, their vicar is her friend, confidante, and spiritual leader. Most of the "Christian" bits of the story are things he says, showing that requesting and receiving his advice is a natural, normal part of Louisa's life. The book never feels preachy. In fact, it doesn't even really feel like Christian fiction, although it is clean and, ultimately, a hopeful, faith-promoting read.

All in all, I very much enjoyed The Burning of Rosemont Abbey. I'm definitely up for reading more by Stephens. Apparently, she has another mystery coming out soon that has a similar setting to this one. You can be sure I'll be keeping my eye out for it!

Readalikes: The publisher compares this book to Agatha Christie's mysteries. I haven't read enough of them to really compare. 


If this were a movie, it would be rated:

for violence

To the FTC, with love: I received a finished copy of The Burning of Rosemont Abbey from the generous folks at Bethany House in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Happy Holidays!

I know Christmas is already over, but Hanukkah has barely started and, since we spent all day yesterday visiting my sister, my family opened presents this morning and will be having our traditional Christmas dinner tonight, so...I'm not really late with my greetings, right? Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate! I hope you all are finding peace and joy this holiday season, even if the only place you can find it is within the pages of a book. Thank you for hanging out with me here at BBB. I so appreciate you reading my posts, leaving thoughtful comments, sharing book recommendations, and extending your virtual friendship. It means a lot to me. 

I'll probably post again before January 1st, but if I don't, Happy New Year!  


Thursday, December 19, 2024

Hello, My Name is Susan, and I'm a Reading Challenge Addict

If you hang out here at BBB, you know I love me a reading challenge. Every year, I take on too many and end up finishing only some of them. No matter. I just enjoy the chance to add a little fun and variety to my reading life. I've had a good time with my challenges this year, so I'm going to do another batch of them this year. 

Before I dish about my 2025 challenge picks, I just want to remind you of the Bookish Books Reading Challenge, which I've hosted for two years now. It's a no-pressure, laidback challenge where you simply read books with bookish themes. Easy cheesy. If you're interested in signing up for 2025, here's all the info:

I'm not the most on-the-ball reading challenge host, but I enjoy hosting nonetheless. So much so that I decided to create a new challenge for next year. I hope you'll join me for the 2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge. It's all about fulfilling prompts by finding certain items on the covers of the books you read. You can find all the deets below:


In addition to the two challenges I'm hosting and a couple long-term ones from Goodreads that I've been working on, I'm planning to participate in these:

1. Popsugar Reading Challenge (hosted by Popsugar)—Since this yearly challenge often has very specific and difficult prompts, I've only actually completed it once in probably five years of doing it. Prompts can be changed out, but I'm too much of a purist for that! Ha ha. At any rate, I'll be back at it in 2025.

2. Literary Escapes Reading Challenge (hosted by Stacy @Escape With Dollycas Into a Good Book)—One of my favorite annual challenges, this one requires reading a book set in each of the 50 U.S. states + Washington, D.C. Some of them are a real challenge to find year after year (*cough* North Dakota *cough*).

3. Craving for Cozies Reading Challenge (hosted by Stacy @Escape With Dollycas Into a Good Book)—I enjoy cozy mysteries, especially as palate cleansers between darker, heavier reads. I've read 30 of them this year, so I think I'll join next year's challenge at the Famished level, which requires reading 26-51 cozies. Shouldn't be too hard. The challenge also includes a prompt-based mini-challenge that looks fun, so I'll do that too.

4. Historical Fiction Reading Challenge (hosted by Marg @The Intrepid Reader and Baker)—I read lots of historical fiction, so this one isn't really a challenge per se. Still, it's fun to keep track of the hist fic I read and to check out what other participants are enjoying. I'm joining at the Prehistoric level, which involves reading 50+ books. 

5. Booklist Queen Reading Challenge (hosted by Rachael @Booklist Queen)—This annual challenge is another of my favorites. It has 52 prompts that are generally pretty easy to check off. 

6. The 52 Club's Reading Challenge (hosted by The 52 Club)—As you can probably surmise, this yearly challenge also has 52 prompts to tackle. 

7. Build Your Library Reading Challenge (hosted by Emily @Build Your Library)—This annual challenge features 40 prompts, which revolve around a new theme each year. For 2025, it's "Read Banned Books."

8. Pick Your Poison Reading Challenge (hosted by Take a Walk Down Gregory Road)—This is a yearly mega challenge with A LOT of prompts (109, if you include the wildcards). You can join at various levels. The prompts for 2025 have not been announced yet, but I'll planning on completing all of them since I'm just an overachiever that way!

9. Medical Examiner Mystery Reading Challenge (hosted by Rick @The Mystillery)—Another challenge I do every year, this one isn't really a challenge either since I read so many mystery/thriller books anyway. Still, it's fun, in a macabre way. For this challenge, you get to play M.E. and count up the deaths in the mystery/thriller novels you read. You're vying against other challenge participants to distribute the most toe tags during the year. I've never even gotten close to the Number 1 spot, which makes me feel a *little* better about my murder mystery loving self!

10. Marathon Reading Challenge (hosted by Rick @The Mystillery)—This challenge by the same host also involves reading mysteries. When you finish a mystery/thriller, you simply record how many pages were in the book. This number becomes your step count as you race toward the finish line! It's a simple challenge that pairs perfectly with the Medical Examiner Mystery Reading Challenge. 

11. Around the Year in 52 Books Reading Challenge (hosted by Emily @Goodreads)—Another 52-prompt reading challenge. I can't get enough of them!

12. Mount TBR Reading Challenge (hosted by Bev @My Reader's Block)—This challenge is about reducing the number of books on our TBR piles by reading from the stacks we already own. I was too ambitious this year, so for 2025 I'm going to join at the Mt. Ararat level, which requires reading 48+ of your own books. I'm going to limit myself to physical books because that's what I really need to clear off.

13. Reading Challenge Addict Challenge (hosted by Bev @My Reader's Block)—I'm not sure why, but I haven't done this challenge in years. It has to do with, what else, reading challenges! Since we all know I'm addicted to them, I'm going to join in with this challenge at the In Flight level, which requires joining and completing 11-15 challenges. 

Thirteen challenges is a lot, although not all of them are really challenging. Still, we'll see how I do. What about you? Are you into reading challenges? Which ones will you be joining in 2025?

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday (on a Wednesday): Winter TBR Titles

I'm a day late to the party, but that's just how I'm rolling right now! It's a crazy, busy time of year. I'm frantically trying to finish all my Christmas prep before I head out of town for the weekend. I'm flying up to the Motherland (Washington state) to celebrate my dad's 86th birthday. I was born on his birthday 49 years ago in the middle of a snowstorm. The 22nd has always been special for the two of us and with Dad's worsening dementia, I can't pass up the opportunity to spend it with him this year. I'm just praying that the holiday air traffic won't be too insane and that all winter storms will stay far away until I'm safely back in Arizona! 

The photo on the left is one of my favorite pictures of my dad and me. A photographer snapped it at a surprise party we held for my parents' 50th wedding anniversary a few years ago.  

Enough of the mushy stuff, let's get on with things...I love prompts like this week's: Top Ten Books On My Winter 2024-2025 TBR List. It's always fun to contemplate what I might want to read next and, of course, to see all of the titles hanging out on your lists this season. Since I still have a handful of book award nominees I need to read before the year ends, I won't have time to dive into anything else until January so this is really a Winter 2025 TBR List. 

As always, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Many thanks to our hostess with the mostest for organizing TTT every week

Top Ten Books On My Winter 2025 TBR List

- in no particular order - 

1. The In-Between: Unforgettable Encounters During Life's Final Moments by Hadley Vlahos, RN—My book club picked this non-fiction title for our January selection. It's supposed to be a moving read about lessons Vlahos has learned from her dying patients.

2. The Library of Borrowed Hearts by Lucy Gilmore—I'm listening to The Lonely Hearts Book Club right now and enjoying it so I'm eager to read more by this author. I hadn't realized that Lucy Gilmore is a pen name for one of my favorite cozy mystery writers, Tamara Berry. Her books are so fun! 

This one concerns a librarian who's struggling to keep her head above water as she cares for her three younger siblings while working and trying to find herself. When she discovers a rare book in a thrift shop, she's thrilled with the valuable find. When her curmudgeonly neighbor insists on buying it, she's confused by his determination. Inside the book, she discovers notes in the margins that were written by two young lovers. Why is her neighbor so interested in the romantic scribbles? Could there be more to the grumpy old man than she ever imagined?

3. Deadly Animals by Marie Tierney—This YA mystery stars 14-year-old Ava Bonney. Our heroine has a macabre curiosity about how animals decompose. In the dead of night, she routinely collects roadkill specimens to study and analyze. On one of her midnight forays, she makes a shocking discovery: the murdered corpse of one of her classmates. When another girl is killed, Ava can't help but get involved. She's determined to find the killer, even if it means she might become the next victim. 

4. Stranded by Nikki Shannon Smith—I always enjoy a gripping survival story. This middle grade novel is about an 11-year-old city girl who's accidentally left behind in her aunt's remote mountain cabin. When a fierce storm roars in, causing major damage to the cabin, its terrified inhabitant must flee for her life. Can a city slicker survive in the dangerous outdoors with only minimal survival skills to guide her?

5. Drop Dead Sisters by Amelia Diane Coombs—The first installment in a new cozy mystery series, this one features a trio of estranged sisters who reunite for a family camping trip. As they are renewing their relationships, they discover a dead body. While no one knows exactly what happened, it's clear the Finche family needs to do some damage control before they're accused of a heinous crime. After all, none of them are guilty. Right?

6. Isabel in Bloom by Mae Respicio—Even though this middle grade verse novel seems more suited to summer reading, I'd like to get to it sooner rather than later. It's about a girl who moves from her native Philippines to join her mother in San Francisco. In the U.S., everything is new to her—including her mother, whom she doesn't really know. When she joins her school's cooking and gardening club, Isabel hopes it will help her finally fit in and find belonging in her new home.

7. The Manor of Dreams by Christina Li (available May 6, 2025)—This gothic family thriller doesn't come out for awhile yet, but I've got an e-ARC that I can't wait to read. The story revolves around Vivian Yin, a Chinese actress who was a Hollywood hit before living out the rest of her life as a recluse. Now that she has died, her daughters expect to inherit Vivan's grand estate. To their surprise, another family—long estranged from Vivian—is also in the running to inherit the home. Both clans move into the estate, vying for ultimate ownership, while Vivian's daughters try to figure out the many secrets of their mother's past.

8. Murder in the Ranks by Kristi Jones—After her German husband deserts her, taking their daughter with him, Dottie Lincoln finds refuge in the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. It's 1943 and the women are bonding while serving together in North Africa. When one of them is murdered, throwing Dottie's decisions as squad leader into question, it's up to Dottie to find a killer in the ranks.  

9. Under the Same Stars by Libba Bray (available February 4, 2025)—Legend has it that if you leave a letter in the Bridegroom's Oak, the love of your life will write you back. In 1940s Germany, a teenage girl is using the tree for a greater purpose than romance. Four decades later, another young woman uses it to break free of society's constraints and work toward bringing down the Berlin Wall. Amidst the COVID pandemic in New York City, another girl receives a package from her grandmother that leads her and her best friend to an unsolved case of two teenagers who went missing under the Bridegroom's Oak almost 100 years ago. 

10. Statistically Speaking by Debbie Johnson—As an adoptive mom, I never tire of reading about adoption. This novel is about a 30-something high school teacher whose life looks pretty darn perfect from the outside. No matter what else is going on in her life, she can't stop thinking about the daughter she bore when she was 16 and subsequently placed for adoption. This year, as her baby turns 18, she may finally get the chance to meet the child she has been missing for so long.

There you go, ten books I'm hoping to read this winter. Have you read any of them? What titles are you excited to read in the next few months? I'd love to know. Leave me a comment on this post and I will gladly return the favor on your blog.

Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Announcing the 2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge


I love me a reading challenge and I especially love me a prompt-based challenge, so I decided to take a stab at creating my own. I've enjoyed searching out certain types of book covers this year for various challenges, which is why this challenge is focused on that. Each of the 50 prompts below include an element to look for on the covers of the books you read. Most of them are pretty general, I think. At any rate, I'm excited to take them on. How about you? Do you want to join me for the 2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge? 

Here how it will work:

1. The challenge will run from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025.

2. Since this isn't a competition and we're just playing for fun, not prizes or even acclaim, books of any length count (as long as they fit one of the prompts). All genres and formats are allowed. 

3. Don't overthink or stress out about the prompts. If a book fits-ish a prompt, that's totally fine, but a book should only be used once (unless you're going rogue and just doing things your own way). I'm all about being flexible and laidback!

4. 50 prompts can be overwhelming, so let's break it down:

Level One: 1-10 books

Level Two: 11-20 books

Level Three: 21-30 books

Level Four: 31-40 books

Level Five: 41-50 books

You can sign up at any level you'd like and even change levels mid-challenge if you need to.

5. Reviews aren't required, but I always like to get suggestions for prompts and for good reads. I will publish a challenge post at the beginning of each month with a form for review links. If you post one, I promise to come give it some love. On second thought, I'm not going to bother with a monthly review link. Too much work. Feel free to post links to your reviews in the comments on this post, though, and I will stop by and give them some love!

Easy peasy, right? 

Here are the prompts... 

Read a book with a cover that includes:

1. your favorite color

2. headwear of some kind (hat, helmet, yarmulke, hijab, etc.)

3. a mode of transportation

4. bookish elements

5. an author that has a common name spelled in an uncommon way (i.e. Stephenie Meyer, Kelley Armstrong, etc.)

6. an illustrated scene

7. a design that is in desperate need of a makeover

8. a wintry scene

9. a summery scene

10. food

11. a skeleton, bones, or a skull and crossbones

12. floral elements

13. sports equipment

14. a title and/or scene that makes you laugh

15. something you might see in a hospital (medicine bottles, IV stand, stethoscope, doctor, etc.)

16. someone wearing period clothing

17. a famous structure or landmark (man-made or natural)

18. a frame-worthy design

19. at least one person of color (POC)

20. someone partly or fully submerged in water

21. a lighted window

22. a bird

23. a futuristic scene

24. a weapon

25. the name of and/or a depiction of a famous person

26. a number in the title or design (numeral or spelled out)

27. a backpack or piece of luggage

28. the words "light" and/or "dark" in the title

29. a foggy/stormy scene

30. a television or movie screen

31. no people

32. an object that is broken

33. a silhouette or shadow

34. a piece of jewelry

35. a sunrise or sunset

36. a cityscape

37. an aquatic animal

38. a light source that can be held in the hand (flashlight, torch, lantern, etc.)

39. the name of one of the four seasons in the title, design, or author's name

40. a depiction of something that has been spilled (milk, paint, blood, etc.)

41. eyewear of some kind (sunglasses, goggles, eyepatch, etc.)

42. a spooky scene

43. something you might find in a child's bedroom (teddy bear, nightlight, crib, etc.)

44. a key and/or a keyhole

45. a real, historical photograph

46. a proper noun in the title or design

47. something that is plaid

48. outdated technology (typewriter, film camera, rotary telephone, etc.)

49. the name of a month in the title, design, or author's name

50. a flag, pennant, or banner

If you'd like a printable version of the prompts, here you are:

Friday, December 13, 2024

Announcing the 2025 Bookish Books Reading Challenge


Thanks to everyone who has participated in the 2024 Bookish Books Reading Challenge. I hope you've had fun with it! It's been a joy to have you all along for the ride and to get bookish recs from you. I've been slacking on visiting and commenting on your reviews, but don't worry, I'll catch up before the end of the year. Keep linking up your reviews. (Yes, I'm aware that I'm a total hypocrite since I haven't written many of my own this year. Oops! I'm going to try to be more on top of things in 2025.)

In spite of being a slacker host, I'm having fun hosting this challenge, so I'm bringing it back for 2025. The rules are the same as they've always been. I hope you'll join me for this no pressure, totally chill reading challenge. Spread the word to your bookish, bloggish friends. The more, the merrier. 

Here's everything you need to know:

This is a laidback challenge designed to encourage the reading of all those bookish books that are still lingering on our shelves and TBR lists. Any book counts as long as one of its main themes is books (reading them, writing them, hoarding them, stealing them, eating them, burning them, decorating with them, organizing them, sniffing them, selling them, etc.). Any book that is essentially bookish in nature counts. All formats are acceptable. Since this challenge isn't about pages read, length doesn't matter either. Picture books are totally fine.

Because it wouldn't be a challenge without a *little* bit of pushing, I created some levels just to make it more fun:

Toe in the Door: 1-10 books read
Picking and Perusing: 11-20 books read
Lost in the Stacks: 21-30 books read
Living in the Library: 30+ books read

I'm an overachiever, so I'm aiming for the Living in the Library level again this year. 

Reviews aren't required, but they're always nice. I, for one, am perpetually on the lookout for more bookish books and reviews help me to know which are worth the read. So, I'll put a monthly linky up so we can all see what we're reading for the challenge. 

You don't have to have a blog to participate, but it's helpful to keep a list of books read for the challenge somewhere. Mine will be listed under the "Reading Challenges" tab here at BBB.

If you need ideas for the challenge, I've started a Goodreads list to help. I'm sure there are others there with a similar theme. 
The challenge will run from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025. You can sign up any time during the year, starting now, but only books finished after the starting date count for that year's challenge.

Challenges are more fun with friends, so please join me. Feel free to grab the challenge button, post about the challenge on your blog, and help me spread the word.

Please use the linky below to sign up for the challenge. Create a post on your blog or on social media announcing that you are participating in the challenge, then use that link to sign up using the linky widget
Wednesday, December 04, 2024

The Bookish Books Reading Challenge: December Book Ideas and Link-Up for Reviews

So apparently, it's December. Somehow. Even though you wouldn't know it from the weather—it was 85 degrees here in the Phoenix area yesterday—Christmas is only three weeks away! I'm already way behind on holiday preparation. My tree is up but undecorated, half of my tchotchkes are on display while the other half is still in boxes, we don't have any outside lights up, and the only gifts I've purchased so far have been for myself (ha ha). Add in upcoming holiday parties and a-few-days-before-Christmas travel, and phew! I'm already exhausted. 

One thing I'm not behind in is meeting my goals for the 2024 Bookish Books Reading Challenge. I vowed to read 30+ bookish books and I'm currently at 42. Huzzah! How are you doing with your challenge goals?

November was an especially bookish books-y month for me. I managed to read ten of them. My favorites were the Benjamin Stevenson ones. His books are clever and funny. They make me laugh every time. 

Here are my bookish November reads in the order I read them:

Sleeping Spells and Dragon Scales by Wendy S. Swore—This middle-grade novel is about two kids, one with narcolepsy and one with Type 1 diabetes. It's not really about books, but the diabetic main character loves to read. She's especially fond of fairy tales and fantasy novels.

The Legend of the Last Library by Frank L. Cole—Another MG story, this one takes place in a future where paper is a scarce and very valuable commodity. When Juni, who scavenges for any kind of scraps that will earn her money to help pay for her grandfather's medical care, discovers a real book—the first one she's ever seen—she can't wait to sell it for profit. That is until she realizes the priceless secret it contains...

The Body in the Bookstore by Ellie Alexander—In this series debut, Annie Murray cooks up the idea of hosting a mystery-themed book festival to bring in funds to save the struggling bookshop where she works. She's stunned when a group of her college classmates randomly shows up for the event and shocked when one of them winds up dead. Using all the know-how she's gained from reading mystery novels, she sets out to solve the murder.

The Bard and the Book: How the First Folio Saved the Plays of William Shakespeare from Oblivion by Ann Bausum—This picture book, aimed at MG readers, is about exactly what it says it's about. Ha! Imagine that.

A Murder at the Movies by Ellie Alexander—The second installment in the Annie Murray series, this one has the bookseller co-hosting a film festival complete with a movie premiere. With a host of dramatic, egotistical Hollywood types in town, it's not really that much of a surprise when a murder occurs. Once again, Annie is on the case.

The Midnight Hour by Eve Chase—This mystery is about two kids who are never quite the same after their mother leaves home one day and never returns. As they deal with the fallout of their only parent's secret life, they find themselves in even more trouble. Decades later, when a new owner buys their childhood home and starts digging up the basement, one of the kids—now a romance novelist—panics, knowing that their shocking family secrets are about to be unearthed...

Everyone on This Train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson—After Ernest Cunningham unmasked a serial killer and wrote a popular book about it (titled Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone, naturally), he is invited to attend a mystery writers' retreat aboard a luxury train. With a variety of personalities aboard, it's not long before tempers start to simmer and boil over. When an author is found dead, it's up to Ernie to investigate. Well, technically, it's the police's job, but Ernie can't resist using his vast wisdom and experience to assist the authorities, whether they want his aid or not. (They don't.)

Everyone This Christmas Has a Secret by Benjamin Stevenson—Ernie Cunningham doesn't go seeking murders to write about, but they somehow keep finding him. In this short novel (long novella?), his ex-wife calls him after she's accused of murdering her wealthy, famous boyfriend. As Ernie pokes around in the dead man's business, he discovers that (thankfully) his ex wasn't the only one with motive, means, and opportunity.

Booked For Murder by P.J. Nelson—When her beloved aunt passes away, actress Madeline Brimley finds herself the new owner of The Old Juniper Bookstore. Although she, herself, isn't sure what to think about her inheritance, it becomes obvious that someone in town isn't happy about it. First, someone sets fire to her gazebo. Then, there are threatening phone calls. Now, there's been a murder. To clear her name, Madeline must find out whodunit. 

As for December, the only bookish book I plan to read is A Daughter of Fair Verona by Christina Dodd. It's a murder mystery featuring one of Romeo and Juliet's daughters as an amateur detective. It sounds like a super fun read. 

I hope you've had a good time with the Bookish Books Reading Challenge this year. I sure have! I will be hosting it again next year and I certainly hope you'll sign up to participate again. I'll make an official sign-up post soon.

If you are participating in the 2024 Bookish Books Reading Challenge, please use the widget below to link-up your December reviews. 

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